Data Log 01

Story by Lieutenant Thomas Gerna on SoFurry

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#1 of Data Logs of the Galactica

The first of many Data Logs recording the events of the Starship Galactica and it's crew. This story originates from a Starfox RP Server on Garry's Mod so exspect to hear some crazy adventures and events recorded from the Lieutenant aswell as several other crew members on the Galactica so stay tuned for an update.

Data log 01: Subject, The Commissioning of the Starship Galactica

Information transmitted by: Lieutenant Thomas Gerna, Cornerian Navy

***Beginning Recording****

Well this is it. Cornerian command has finally gone and done something crazy in my opinion. They have put a great deal of time, work, and recourses into creating a massive new ship capable of long range space travel. They call it the Galactica, and it's going to be the next step for us all as a people. This ship is a fully self sufficient craft that has a fully functioning civilian sector in the underbelly of the ship, since we are going to be traveling great distances exploring space for who knows how long, they decided to provide us with all the comforts of civilian life to a degree. On the Military side this vessel is more than capable of waging war by it's own to a degree, coming in with the largest capability to launch strike craft and Arwings along with a full detachment of Cornerian Army personnel and their equipment. To say that this ship is an impressive one I can't argue, but it does not put my thoughts to ease that we can still encounter something out there that would look at us as just a small insignificant fly in front of their capabilities, but that just might be me being overly paranoid about the whole thing.

This ship and the crew that will be going onboard are some of the finest and bravest men and women we could have asked for, some leaving their families behind to go out into the vast unknown of space potentially to never see our home again. Others are bringing everyone they know and hold dear to them with them as a chance for a new life and the thrill of exploration of uncharted space, for each and everyone of these people I can not help but be proud to serve and protect each and every one of them. I have been put under the command of Captain Aurora Light, a rather young individual to be given the captain position of an experimental starship but I will not doubt command's decisions. We all will have to put trust into one each other as we explore space in the time to come, so it's better to stay on each other's good sides in the best of circumstances.

The ship will be going through it's first dry run operations within a few days once all the crew have been assigned to their respective positions and are ready to prosed with operations. Who knows what will happen within our foreseeable future. Here's hoping we don't blow up on our first jump attempt with this ships experimental jump core so that is always a rick to take. And as Cornerian Military code dictates I will be maintaining regular data log entries throughout my service onboard the Galactica as we continue on our main mission and explore the vast space beyond the Lylat system.

***Recording ended*****