Fire and Water: Love is Forever
I watched a small video and it gave me this wonderful idea. No sex. Just love.
In the beginning of time there were three gods. Vinroiak, the god of time. Riaseita, the god of space. Borokando, the god of life. The wondered through the abyss trying to find out why they were created. Why they exist. Until at one time they met. Borokando spoke first. His voice, in sorrow.
"I have...Nothing to give life."
Vinroiak spoke second but with a clear tone.
"I have the ability to give this place time brother."
"Brother...I like that."
Riaseita spoke last with a voice of joy.
"I would like to help you too brother. I can give this life space to call its own and explore."
"You call me brother too. I thank both of you."
"It is settled."
Riaseita started to atomize and the small particles spread across the abyss. Vinroiak began to age and soon turned to dust. Borokando smiled. He had brothers that had given him the best possible gift they could. But he didn't waste his time. He was aging quickly. He molded thousands of figures out of the clay he gathered from around the newly created universe. Once he finished the last his million year old hands could not hold themselves up any longer. With his last breath he gave his own life to his creations. They all awoke as if from slumber. Soon a single race became sentient. Then more turned into sentient beings themselves. All of them came together in a world wide meeting. All speaking the same tongue they agreed to worship the giant man that rest on the side of the mountains. Not knowing his name they all tried to find what his name was. Then one wolf came up and said the one thing that gave the stone monument purpose.
"We shall call him Father."
Everyone shouted in agreement. The wolf then asked a question. Turning to the giant and Borokando's eyes stared down at the spot where they had been looking at for thousands of years.
"Father. I wish for the power to bring wisdom and love."
With a flash of light the wolf was struck by lightning. All of the other beings gasped as the wolf was hit by the deadly bolt of energy. The wolf had not fallen dead. No. He rose up again and glowed with his new body. His fur had changed into fire and was now smooth. His eyes were a deep red. But distinguishable from the rest of his orange body. He turned to the others and spread his power to half. A female wolf came up to the altar next to him. She stared into the eyes of Borokando.
"Father. I wish for the power to bring tranquility and peace."
A shower of light rained down upon her dowsing her fur. The many beings below them waited for any movement of the female. She rose again and was blue as of water is. Her eyes were a dark blue while her body light blue. She spoke to the male.
"With that wisdom you can bring lead us forth. And with the peace I can give I will keep us happy."
"With that tranquility you can give you can keep us believing in Father. And with the love I can bring we will live on forever."
The female turned to the large crowd and spread her power to half. Standing before the male and female were animals of all types but half were made of fire and half were made of water. The soft sizzling noise came from thm all as they brushed by each other...
"And that is the legend of how it all began my son.", My dad said.
"Hey dad. What about the machines that keep us here?", I asked.
"Well. Thats another story my son. I'll tell you tomorrow night ok?"
"Good night son."
My dad left me in my room. I turned the light out and turned on my side. I sleapt. In my dream I was flying alongside all of the characters in the story dad told me. Father was next to me smiling and the other two were above and below me to the side. I smiled for the first time while I sleapt for the fear of the machines always keapt me sad. I awoke to the sound of my dad talking to me.
I opened my eyes to see him holding a small box.
"Happy tenth birthday son."
He held the box to me and I took it. Iopened the small box. Inside was a pendant in the shape of a water drop. It was the element I was born with and the pendant gave me joy for the thoughts going through my head almost gave me a headache. I took then pendant out of the box and put it on my chest. It melded on and stayed in place. I hugged my dad.
"Thank you dad."
"Your welcome Rengi. Now I gotta go back to work."
==================== ====================
Nine years later...
I stared at the pendant and went through the memory again and again. It was the last time I got to see mom and dad. They were killed by the machines. Luckily I was rescued by a female named Tanerro. Though she is a fire elemental. Our kind had fought for many years. But it was like she didn't care. Now she's twenty and I'm nineteen about to be twenty. We have been only friends for some time and today I was going to ask her on a date.
"Rengi. Come here please."
"Coming Tanerro."
I walked into the kitchen and Tanerro was wearing a red dress. She walked over to me while she put on lipstick.
"So are you going to ask me or not?"
I froze in place. Did she know about this?
"Tanerro. I was thinking that we could go out tonight as your present for me."
"Well its about time you asked."
"Look at us. We have been friends for...Nine years. I've been waiting for you to ask me out since you turned fifteen. They always say marry the man before he moves in. And we have been living together in this old house for as long as we've been friends."
"Uhm...I'm sorry?"
"You better be. Now lets go before it gets too late."
She grabbed my hand and lead me outside. She stopped as a couple of Fire elementals zoomed past us. The sound of a soft sizzle came from the hand she had grabbed.
"Uh. Tanerro. That kinda hurts."
"Oh. Sorry.", she said letting go of my hand, "So where do we go?"
"I was thinking of the plant dome."
"Ooh. Good choice."
We both flew off to a large plant covered glass dome. and landed at the rocky entrance. Light from street lamps lit the road to the large diner in the middle of the dome. The diner was three fourths the size of the dome. So no other buildings were built here other than the diner. t ws called the Plant dome because they sold plants grown on the dome along with other foods. I entered and the wolf at the desk smiled at me.
"Hey Rengi. The usual single seat?"
"No. Not this time. I'm here with a guest."
The wolf looks at Tanerro then at me.
"But she's a flame elemental. Why would you date her?"
"Benson. Just get us a table."
The waiter guided us to a table ment for fire elementals and we sat down. The only difference was there were no lights. Tanerro made herself glow brighter when the waiter brought us our food so that I could see where I put my fingers. I dropped my fish into my mouth and it dissolved into the liquid that made up my insides. Tanerro just dropped her food into her head and it burnt into nothing. Thinking about why I even came here I sighed.
"You know. It's kinda fun watching your food dissolve."
"Really? Well thats a shocker."
"What? You don't like it when people stare at your belly or something?"
"No. Its just that you have never done that."
"Well I've always wanted to see how you water elementals ate your food."
"Same here. I've never seen you eat before cause I'm always at work."
"Well, see? There's always something to talk about. That's what a date is all about any ways."
*chuckle* "I always thought it was about having to mate but I guess not."
"Well atleast we've both got sex on the brain."
"Yeah except for the fact that I have never had sex before."
"Neither have I. But it isn't apropriate to have sex in a restraunt so..."
"But to be able to mate we need to get permission from the priest and pay him to put the spell on us so we can."
"Well, I've been saving up for this."
"Then its settled. We will mate tonight."
We both got up. I payed the bill and we left. Instead of flying straight to our house we went the exact opposite direction to the priest. Once there two people left. They had payed for the spell. I entered the room and there was a small line there. three people were in front of us.
"Well atleast its a short line. Unlike earlier to day when I came here.", Tanerro said.
"You came here earlier?"
"Yeah. I wanted to get permission and come back here later. I was going to get you to take me out one way or another."
"Getting a little horny aren't you?"
"So you want to be mah little horny girl? Huh?"
She trailed a hand up my arm.
"How about your horny little bitch instead? You are not acting shy like you usually do when I talk like this."
"That would be a lot better. And I have been aroused by you. That's why I'm not shy."
"Next.", the priest called.
While we were talking to each other he took care of the people in front of us.
"Ah yes. The usual fire versus water in sex domination."
"Yes. would like to have permission to mate with this female."
"Fine. You shall have the permission. But you must pay for the spell."
Tanerro took out a small bag and gave it to him.
"That is the amount of money needed to buy new materials for another spell."
"Very good then. Wolf!"
Our boddies changed quickly. The fluid dropped from me and I was completely dry. The fire dissipated around Tanerro and for the first time I saw what she would look like as a regular wolf. Noticing she didn't have clothes on I looked down at myself.
"No clothes..."
"Uhm...I'm not too comfortable.", Tanerro said trying to cover herself.
"You brought clothes didn't you?", the priest asked.
"Uh. No.", I answered.
"Haha! Well there's enough of nude people out there that it isn't something to be afraid of. Plus its dark out so noone will be able to tell if you're naked. You have until tomorrow at sunrise."
"Thank you.", said as we exited the building. Still in control of our elemental abilities we engulfed ourelves in our element and flew back to our home. Once there she immediately began kissing me. I backed up into her bedroom which had a larger bed in it than mine.
=============== ==============
I woke up and looked at the clock. It said five twenty. I slowly began pumping again.
"So. You want to go for another round huh?", Tanerro asked.
Later when we came out of her room she was panting and so was I.
"Damn. You can sure give a girl a good time."
"Well Thats the last time that we will have sex for a few more weeks because its sunrie already."
We both walked into the sunlight halfway. Half her body had turned to flames and half of mine to water. I gave a sigh and walked into the sunlight so it could engulf my entire body. Tanerro did the same with a little bit of sadness in her eyes.
"Well I had fun what about you?", she asked.
"I've gotta say that that was the best thing I have ever felt in my life."
"Glad to here that. You want to stretch at the arena?"
"Mmm...A little fighting does seem fun right about now."
"Then lets go."
We both flew ten minutes south of our home until an arena came into view. People came here to fight so they could get higher in rank in their gang. I was in the sizzling water gang. It is a gang of only elementals in it both fire and water. The only reason why I'm actually in is because of Tanerro. She put a good word in for me and I have been their best fighter since. We both landed on the outside of the gates but before we could enter something grabbed us from behind. I turned around and tried to punch at it but it was large and had metal arms. It was a collector machine. They collected the criminal elementals and took them to trial.
"What did you do Tanerro?!"
"I didn't do anything! Literally, I've been with you the whole time."
The machine put us in sepperate rooms of a small holding area then flew off. I immediately slashed at the window of the cell. When streaks started to show from my strikes I started hitting harder. I was not going to lose a child. I have wished to be a father for a few years now and I will not let anything happen to Tanerro.
"She is my mate and thats THAT!!
I slashed at the window of the cell and busted through it. Alarms went off around me and I opened Tanerro's cell. She flew out and we zipped down to the streets. Going at what seemed the speed of sound we were still caught by a collector. This time it brought us to the judging machines themselves.
"For the running away you shall be executed immediately.", the judge in the middle said.
The collector put us down and flew away. The guard at the far right detached from the wall and walked to us. It was atleast ten stories tall. I flew off and so did Tanerro. I told her to go as fast as she could but she still couldn't close the distance between us. As I stopped the guard brought his foot down on me. I felt the weight of it completely crush me. Tanerro had run into the side of it and got back up. When she turned to me she screamed. The guard lifted its foot and put it down next to its right. Tanerro went over to me and got down on her knees. She started to cry as I weakly held my hand up to her face. The familiar sizzling sound coming from where I touched her broke the silence. I breathed my last breath and my eyes slowly shut. The coldness slowly surrounding me. I dissolved into the cracks of the ground where the guarding stomped on me.
Switching to Tanerro...
I watched as Rengi dissolved into the floor and I could feel tears of lava well up in my eyes. Then hatred came into my head. My flames turned a dark red and blazed violently. I shot up into the sky leaving an explosion where I flew from the ground. It knocked the guard back a step. I started to spin and shot through its chest and power core. The other guards detached themselves from the walls and I went through all of them in seconds. after the tenth guard fell I turned to the judges. The three sat there, not moving an inch.
"You killed him. I have lived with him for nine fucking years. I loved him. I helped him. And now I even carry his child within me. You don't deserve to choose the fate of us elementals. We do."
With that last word I flared up again increasing my size ten fold and blasted through each one of them leaving a large hole in each of their ninety food wide chests. Completely obliterating their circuitry and power cores. After that I went back home and cryed for my loss. Nine years we had been toether. Then the machines hunt us down. The only thing I have left of him is his pendant and our child. I can't afford to lose our baby. I packed the few things that we had and flew off into the desert lands. I stopped at the border and the priest came up behind me.
"I wish you good look my daughter."
Startled I turn around and pull out my gun.
"Oh. Sorry dad. Its just..."
"I know. I only came to say that he was a good choice and good luck."
Tears came down my cheeks. I hugged him.
*sniff* "Thank you daddy. And good bye."
I flew off out into the desert as he waved good bye to me.
Forever in my heart will be my lover...Rengi.
This is the short clip that inspired me to make this wonderful story.