Untitled Story (A Praxely Tale) 7
It was known to only the highest in command as "black hole", a play on how nothing escapes the pull of a black hole, not even information. that was how he and weston had met. but that was a story for another time.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep05
She was having an out of body experience and felt herself falling down a black hole. a pitch black hole, endless and dark. she was getting scared, but she remembered seif's words. she wasn't supposed to be afraid. this was her inner being. her power.
Unified Species of the Galaxy (Scrapped)
Star huli is one of the many stars buried deep in a cluster of black holes that keeps them invisible to most of the galaxy.
Tales From Switch City: Jimmy's Tale
Typically you would expect to hear about black holes opening in people's homes on the news or at least social media first before it happened to you.
Not Imaginary
Then, in front of my face, this small animal manifested out of a small black hole, you know, like the black holes you see on discovery channel?, yeah one of those.
hole you left inside my heart sometimes i wish i could have been your princess beyond gender, beyond species, beyond love we could have ruled over this empty kingdom watching as the boundless extent marched on before us
Consist of countless wonders, supermassive black holes neutron stars and red giants, all out of control and never torn asunder.
The Hand That Feeds You
Amber's black hole eyes narrowed to dark, reptilian slits. "are you sure?" ghost tilted her head. "definitely," the deinonychus nodded. "grades said she'd fire us if we did," orchid winced. "i won't tell if you don't," the deinonychus scoffed.
Tragic Endings
The devil whom was once born of a black hole, died to create yet another black hole, from which he would be born again. the child wailed when the magic broke about her and her father was no longer there.
The Star Chaser
hole and put all of these dark matters to rest a universe free to explore, that's our goal as we set forth on our epic quest
How Do you Confront Hatred? Poem.
#3 of poems episode 165 naruto shippuuden minutes 13 - 19 and the 19th minute the gates to despair open pulling you stronger than a black hole, forget about having hope light can escape, forget about hope being able to escape these words.
An Unforgiving Mind - medium poem
Incurable and comfortless, all who assist are sucked in, to become victims of my black hole. my only treatment is isolation and rest, until stability returns. **written by: fane star**