DSIU: Chapter Five

The machine itself took the brainwaves from the user through a fully immersive visor.

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Dating An Heir (Pt 3)

Google won outright because of the simply innumerous things that their visor augmented reality, or visar glasses could accomplish. microsoft made appeals every year.

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The Dangers of Wearable Technology Part 3

As he continued to stare at himself max remembered the video that had been left for him and he put on his visor once again.

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Cross between two worlds chapter 1 of 3

"but captain komamura..." the man in the visor argued with the fox-man, the fox-man simply looked in his direction and the man in the visor bowed and walked away. "follow me, i will take you to a safe place and there you and i will talk."

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Falling into me: It begins

Rein rushed to his television at the foot of his bed and pulled the virtual reality gear out, and put the visor, gloves, and body suit on. this gaming had kept him fit, so he was well toned, least to say.

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Work(the beginning)

"aww, you're so cute, con" alex hugged him tight and licked his visor clean, which was getting kinda greasy after the first pizza.

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 2 (part 3)

"well, now that greetings are out of the way," karus said, noticing the time on his visor and not wanting to miss the appointment with his dealer, "let's talk 'bout business.

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Powershift - Chapter one

Inside the visor number 16 could see a map of his patrol route. the beacons of light flashed on all the checkpoints.


The Overwatch Incident

The metal shattered my suits visor and hit the right side of my face, ripping upwards. i felt my eyeball sever followed by the shard exiting my face, just as the emergency visor slid into place, and everything went black.

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Tremor City: Return of The Conquerors Part 1

Snowtalon activated his jetboots and leapt into the air majestically...only to land flat, face-first, on his visor. "obstruction in thrusters." - read the information on his visor. "are you effin' serious? bollocks, i hate running!"

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Utah Extreme: Chapter 1, Part 1

The bounty huntress looked up at the beast, her blood red visor concealing an expression of terror and fear. "me should curbstomp him, but me would lose good brains."

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The White Rose Matures - 2023

Behind those dark-tinted visors, he knew his son was looking at what he held in both arms. "what're those, dad?" miles lifted the visor, his dark red eyes reflected said gifts before meeting his father's own.

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