Maid's View

While the fourth-floor apartment couldn't be said to tower over the rest of the city, at the highest level of the apartment block it was sufficient for an attractive view over the relatively-flat surrounding suburban developments separated by luscious streaks

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Canvast... A wall blank, a canvas of infinity, if only by choice A word in reality, given more by a voice A reason still written, only known if read... A wanting of understanding in life, we all wander & wonder ahead Beside the bedside Behind...

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A Necromancer's Heart:Chapter 3

Chapter 3 (Derek's P.O.V.) I had to watch as Soul, the one I loved, was kidnapped. I had tried to get to him but the kidnappers had thrown a sac of sleeping gas in the hall. Everyone had fallen asleep. No one could help Soul. A sudden surge of rage...

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From Reality to Pokemon

This is my character's point of view in someone's story they made i lay in my cage and looked around. i was still in this horrible place, a place i wished never to call my home. i saw everyone was sleeping.

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Chosen of the Sea [2nd Person TF(TG)]

You huff as you carry your things onto the beach. Part of you thinks you could have carried less but there is always that doubt that you needed everything you have been carrying all this time. Course your current problem now is finding a spot to set...

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KittyPet's Point of View

Kitty pet's point of view : by: sparta all the kids ran away from school knowing they would not have to see it again for 2 months. as i sat there i heard kids talking. "hey wanna come to my house," a girl asked.

Bird's Eye View

Bird's eye view.


The Arms Master's View

\*This 'chapter' is being told from the perspective of the Arms Master Ecthelon\* I had just spent a year escorting the young maid Ullothsell to the city Hope Point, and I sneer mentally at the thought of being here. I had more important things to do...

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The grid (government views)

Government After the 6 season war RAM not only rebuilt the provinces affected, but he took to space to make a massive station that would not only circle the Earth, but surround it. He told the public that it was all to help protect us encase the...


The blink (Government views)

Government First of all and for the last time, the governments of Earth had nothing to do with this Blink event. We have been just as much in the dark as you are. To be sure, Martin and RAM are behind it and we are actually telling the truth about...

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05 - Point of View

#5 of the hitchhiker pt 1 a short chapter with a beautiful view. the pic is from google maps street view, from the wide spot where the boys stop. toby starts planning for the end of summer backpacking trip.

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Flight Academy: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Start to something.....something I follow the tiger to what is seemingly the lunch area. There isn't anyone that looks like staff distributing food, meaning that I should've brought my own lunch. I stomach lets out a growl as we arrive at...

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