KittyPet's Point of View
Kitty pet's point of view :
By: Sparta
All the kids ran away from school knowing they would not have to see it again for 2 months.
As I sat there I heard kids talking.
"Hey wanna come to my house," a girl asked. "Sure'" the other answered.
As I sat there watching from the bushes twitching my whiskers and flicking my long dapple light brown tail against the soft hard ground. The ground rumbled with the steps of large humans walking by with there backpacks and dark brown cases. While wearing there black suites and bright strawberry ties. The thought of strawberry made my stomach rumble.
As I went to lick the fur beneath my neck a rustle in the bushes distracted me. I crouched low to the ground; my belly fur rubbing against it, and my whiskers twitching. My mouth opened slightly trying to catch a sent. I crawled closer and closer my paws blending in with the cold dark earth. As I reached an opening in the hedge I was in. I saw a small robin peaking at the ground. I rose my tail and flattened my ears. The weight in my legs switching from side to side on my hunches. I went to pounce when the shiny gold bell around my black collar jingled scaring the bird off and back to its nest. I stood and my ears perked, my tail going down. With a sigh of disappointment I padded out of the bushes and into the open. I crossed the parking lot and slide down the hill, past the bright red cu-boos sitting in front of the school building. I trotted down to the main street and waited in front of the cross walk till there were no monsters. When they stopped; I trotted across and walked up to the mill I lived in. It had been turned into an apartment a while back. When someone walked by and opened the door I slipped in side and, went in through the other door when the same person opened it.
As I trotted in to the lobby and past the manager he gave me a bowl of water as usual, and as I drank a boy and his mom walk through the door. The boy was crying and I looked up at him and meowed. "Mama a kitty," the boy said leaning towards me to pick me up. The mother pulled her boy back and said " no it might have rabies." the manager leaned down and patted my head. " no mama this cat belongs to the 43 floor up stairs. I flicked my tail with delight as the manager picked me up and put me on the desk. The little boy reached for me and held me in his arms. I purred with delight as the boy gently stroked my head. I rubbed against his face and he laughed, then put me down. I looked back at the boy and meowed my good byes.
Dashing up the stairs and down the halls I finally reached room 43 where my owner welcomed me with opened arms. I laid on her lap as she red a book, and I purred myself to sleep.
Idea from Erin Hunter and her book Warriors.
A book based on cats and what she thinks there lives would be like if they lived in a forest.