Demarcation Line - Prologue

The vaccine was quickly distributed and humans survived yet another apocalypse. apparently, there was this mayan apocalypse that they survived as well. man, those people were tough back then. err, anyway, where was i? right.

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Spartan Remus Part One

"it seems that my higher ups have heard f your work with vaccines, fighting and helping out the population of humans around many systems." he pulled a small black box out of out and placing it on the table.

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Highball (2021)

The old man reached into his pocket and pulled out his vaccine card, which was neatly laminated. "if you find it easier to talk without a mask, i'm all vaccinated!" "hey, small world."

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Days Filled With Blur

Especially now, when vaccination became obligatory even in the jobs that could be easily made remote. but then, employers knew their thing better and in all honesty, they just sought excuses not to pay new workers.

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Codex Lupine: Prefaec: Vol #1 of Steam and Fur

While the remainder of the wolves did not gain the vaccine, they remained normal. but one day came, when a fetal mistake was made.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Twenty

I'd been trying to find a weakness so we could make a vaccine of sorts but it wasn't until you found the insulin connection that we are finally about to kill the little buggers." she replied. "it was all thanks to you."

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Chapter 2

"rika," said matt through half a mouthful of food before swallowing, "you will be getting a vaccine tonight. it's for a very dangerous disease that they can carry and is transferrable to us. the vaccine is safe and it won't hurt you.

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Project Warblade: Chapter 5

We just had to give you some vaccinations, can't have you dying on us." vincent made a little grumble, no longer feeling as much fear but a hint of aggravation instead, even as the metal slowly came away. "please...

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My Very Own Cow Butt!

Oooooh wait, holding out that can make a vaccine for bovid-91?" \*hereford nods enthusiastically to denise.\* denise: "okay then! i think we're ready! i will give you one more chance to back out of this.

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Prologue to a new world

Scientists frantically tried to research this virus and make a vaccination against it. the who was dispatched to any newly infected areas in order to help it's "victims" cope and to give the area any aid it needed.

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A Lifestyle Choice

You've got starvation, mange and freezing, attack by a rabid animal, maybe--though thankfully they vaccinate as part of this transformation program. i wouldn't have it any other way though, i'd rather live a full life with some risks.

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Light of the Situation (Gardevoir TF/TG)

With pokerus being so contagious, it made it difficult for any test or vaccines to be made. while some have come close, no one has managed to successfully heal pokerus in a human without them turning into a pokemon.

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