Project Warblade: Chapter 5
#3 of Vincent Kazira
And here it is! Another chapter of my Warblade Series! I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far as much as I have when making this thing!
Making his way through the halls of the Medical Research Unit, Doctor Blitz Syrvin had just finished up with checking on the other Warblade Specimens. The arctic fox had entirely white fur, topped off by a tuft of blue hair and a pair of yellow eyes, making him suspiciously similar to his most promising specimen. He wasn't as tall or muscular as the Darkwolves he worked for, but was most definitely smarter. The Arctic Fox occasionally looked down at his holo-pad, just enough to not get distracted and bump into something when he walked around in the hallways. he had been affiliated with the Empire for as long as Crex Kulvis was. It had all started when he had went to the FIEG (Frostfall Institute of Experimental Genetics) for a degree in Genetic Modification, he had a much different future ahead of him. Right until the day he got that single message that changed everything, his life, his livelihood, everything, for better or for worse.
It had certainly been his affiliation with dark energy and it's applications to medical science that had gained him his position here. Over the years, he managed to work his way up until he was now a Senior Researcher. He had wanted to help prevent diseases, but now, he was overseeing the development of the first successfully Vat-Grown Darkwolf.
At times, he did not know if he was one of the greatest Vulpian scientists of all time, or one of the most monstrous....
The failed subjects, their pained screams echoed throughout his mind, his fear of being unable to save this one as well. It made sense that he was worrying of the possibility that Vincent would peel apart like the others, or worse. And with how annoyed his superiors were getting at his apparent lack of progress, a lot was at stake, and not just his mental state either. And so Blitz did his best to move on, though it did not stop him from occasionally trying to drink away the terrible nightmares that were a byproduct of his work.
Blitz's position ensured that he had ample knowledge of how the Warblade specimens functioned, and was the one who was in charge of the daily examinations ran within the project. The Arctic fox made his way through a side-corridor, silently showing his access to the guards who would immediately let him into the hallway, he made his way down a little ways until he reached the Remote-Manipulator Control Room. They had no need to see his Identification, they already knew who he was, but Protocol was Protocol, and it was better than arguing with the higher ups once more.
Inside, the room was filled with blinking lights, a desk, a few monitors, and a few file cabnets. The windows were tinted, designed to provide illumination to those outside of the room, even if the interior was almost pitch-black. This meant that while the specimen could not see the observer, the observer could see the specimen. Actually, most Darkwolf interiors did not have extreme lighting, their species naturally preferred the dark at times, so the lights were darker and on a lower color spectrum than normal.
Blitz was more than glad to have this career, but he felt bad for what he had to do, it would be quick and painless, surely.
A metallic visor is placed over Vincent's eyes by little machines, at least, that's how it would be described. It immediately cut off all light and sound, and a sweet, cupcake smell is pumped into the room. This was to distract the lupine from what was coming next. Vincent held his breath, he wanted to look in the direction of the noise, but whatever this thing was didn't seem to allow that as it would possibly make it even more painful.
A clean, red-hot syringe was swiftly jammed into his arm with speed and precision only achievable by machinery. The injection point made a very quiet sizzle, as the needle injected a cocktail of chemicals and other substances into his bloodstream. It flowed around his body rapidly, hitching off of his circulatory system. Vincent made a slight wimper, and the needle was then quickly removed, leaving the wound cauterized. The same voice came over the speaker again "Ahem... I apologize for that, we're almost done. We just had to give you some vaccinations, can't have you dying on us."
Vincent made a little grumble, no longer feeling as much fear but a hint of aggravation instead, even as the metal slowly came away. "Please... Tell me what's going on." the wolvan said in a tone that sounded like a mix of annoyance and fear. He tilted his head, not able to move due to the harness. Vincent would subtly attempt to find a way out of it, but gave up after he realized these efforts were fruitless. There was a silence, just as he felt pressure around his neck again. But this didn't feel as bad as the collar did, it was almost comfortable.
"Of course... The hard part is already over with. We're just going to clean you off now. And after that? You'll get to meet me in person."