Chaos Chapter 14: Break (True Epilogue this time)
Tristan dug in his feet, slowing the tyranitar, before delivering a mighty uppercut to his jaw, causing morganth to reel in pain. then, the tyranitar snarled and threw himself at tristan again, the clash ensuing once more.
A River's Journey, Chapter 1
tyranitar are the only pokémon on the mountain big enough to leave tracks like these, and they wouldn't be in the rain.." i was running before i even knew it, following the tracks as they led up the mountainside.
Thy Friend of Foe?
Inside was a monument, mongol locked in battle with his tyranitar father, lithorex the conqueror, the day he freed his home. "it was one year ago today." turning to reishi, "he hasn't been the same since." "lithorex..."
Two Hearts, One Love (Pokemon): Part 1 - A Tormented Beauty
I was looking for you guys, we need your help to back up alicia and her crew, they're having problems with a tyranitar and some other ridiculously strong pokemon." the orange mouse coughed, holding onto benjays leg.
After the Storm - Part 25 [Catching Up]
And by gang, my dad says it was consist of him, your dad, a blastoise named bernard, a tyranitar named henry, jonathan's father, a gengar named gregory, and the luxray, lucius.
Destiny for Two Pt 7
I then saw the houndoom break the tree line with doug, faris, and a rather daunting tyranitar in tow. i then walked back into the building looked down at grunt one and said. "get out of here now, and take that wench with you.
The Twilight Army; The Beginning of the End & The End... Or is it?
Titan, fighting a tyranitar below them, saw the blind attack. knocking the huge dinosaur pokemon out with a shadow ball, he turned and called a warning to moonlight. she turned around, and dodged just in time.
A Fiery Surprise
The few large species we saw were exceptionally fearsome; one glare from a tyranitar we passed, and mira shrieked, scampering to hide behind me and pyro.
Chaos Chapter 1: Separation
The tyranitar cast a dangerous look in kage's direction. "shall i squash the frog?" he asked grom, but the emboar waved it off, not giving in to kage's provocation. "relax, my friends," said shamshir in a low voice.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 11- Slaying A Shark
Before he could finish his sentence, a large chunk of rock the size of a tyranitar plummeted down from the ceiling, crushing the garchomp in a blink of an eye. lono stared at it in dumbfounded shock, it happened so fast.
Team Valiant Arc 8 Epilogue: The Coming Storm
The blaziken informed the tyranitar that luke was still asleep, and so they left together.
Can't Escape, Part II: Mischievous
My tyranitar saw to that." the hiker stepped out of the rear corner of that room, causing fiona to retreat. "i told you before. you can't escape, you little shit!"