Destiny for Two Pt 7
#1 of Destiny
I do not own, nor do I claim to own, pokemon or and of the trademark characters from the gamefreak and nintendo franchise. I only claim to own the original characters I wrote into my story. :-)
Destiny for Two Pt 7
So that's how I ended up with a Lopunny in my arms bleeding. I honestly had no idea if I was going in the right direction, but I was using my aura sight and I could see a large mass of aura's in the direction we were going so I kept running. Luna would occasionally cough which sent more blood from her mouth, at this point my cream coat was a crimson coat instead matching the color of my rage transformation, or at least the description that Luna had given me. I could see that she was doing even worse from the pale look of her eyes. They had gone from a lustrous ruby red, to a pale Chansey pink. I then decided it was time to use Extreme Speed to make better time. The only reason I had been holding it back was because I didn't want to risk a broken rib piercing one of her lungs while I ran.
"Mom why do humans capture Pokamon?" The energetic youth said.
The mother looked down at her son with a smile and said. "Some trainers, as they are called, like to travel with Pokamon and experience things in the wild. Some like to battle their Pokamon against others. Then there are some that form loving relationships with their Pokamon, relationships that most humans look down on because they don't understand." Her face took on a grim look after that last statement. "Then there are some humans that make Pokamon do unspeakable things. They make their Pokamon kill other humans and Pokamon. These humans are not here to play, travel, or simply battle for the fun of it. They are here to try to dominate other humans, and make Pokamon their slaves."
"Is that a wild Lucario?" some of the trainers whispered to each other.
"I saw him carry in a wild Lopunny also, maybe they are mates. He could also be her father, after all Lucario and Lopunny are human types and a compatible egg group." A few other trainers said.
"Mr. Jude, can we talk for a minute please?" Nurse Joy asked with concern written all over her face.
"Yes nurse Joy, what do you need?" I asked shaking the thought of my mother from my head and returning her concern.
We walked from the lobby into the hallway leading to the exam rooms. "It appears you were right about her broken ribs. Also, she did have some internal bleeding. It seems one of her ribs pierced her stomach and caused a massive amount of blood to flow in. We had to pump her stomach because of this, once we patched her up it stopped but there may still be more in her digestive tract. We need to keep her here for the next three days under close observation." She explained.
"Thank you nurse, I really appreciate all of your help." I said with a weak smile.
She looked at me with a big smile and said, "You don't need to worry about her while she's here. She is under the best care. Now let's find something for you to do while you wait. After all if you sit here moping your mate probably wont be too happy when she gets to feeling better."
"Oh, she's not my mate nurse." I quickly said.
"She isn't? Then what is she to you?" Nurse Joy asked puzzled.
"I was brought to her village in the Ilex forest in the Johto region by her father. Her parents nursed me back to health after I had fainted inside the tree line. The Enclave, searching for me, attacked and decimated the village a few weeks after I was brought there. I don't know how they were beaten but after the Enclave grunts were all taken out she and I were the only survivors other than her mother. Her mother made me promise to take care of her from that point on so I have been." I explained. Nurse Joy nodded in an understanding way.
"Okay, so lets find you something to take you mind off of her for the time being." She then said grabbing my paw and pulling me to the back of the facility. She pulled me to a storage room full of boxes and said. "I hate to put such a heavy task on you, but we haven't had any strong Pokamon at this center in a while. We need all of these boxes moved out to the storage building out back. We are converting it to a new emergency room. I'll tell your friends where you are when they get here if you decide to."
I have nothing else to do but wait on Luna... "Okay nurse Joy I'll do it for you. After all, this will give me a chance to work out." GROWL.... "Um... can I have some food before I do this please?" I asked sheepishly.
"Ha ha ha, of course Jude." Nurse Joy said with a hearty laugh. "I'll have one of the Audino's cook something up for you. They come from the Unova region and are very good cooks. From what I understand my cousins from that region use them like we use Chansey." She said with a smile.
"I don't know if this will show my full gratitude but it is a start. I also need to know where you want these boxes stacked though." I said.
"Oh, just stack them in the back right corner of the storage building and when you're done. It should be about diner time then so you can join us. I'll go get Audino to make you a lunch." Smiling, she walked off down a hallway to our right.
I was about halfway done with the boxes, when I heard shattering glass in the foyer and heard shouting.
"WHERE IS HE!" One voice said.
"We know he's here so don't try playing games with us." Said a second voice.
"Tell us where he is NOW and we may decide to just take him and leave!" The first voice said.
"Stop that screaming now! We have injured Pokamon here and this loud noise will interfere with their rest." Nurse Joy shouted. "Besides we don't even know who you are talking about."
"You know damn well who we are talking about. How often do you get a Lucario passing through here!" Voice two said with a hint of anger.
"Ninetails go!" I heard the all too familiar popping sound of a Pokaball opening at that point. "Sniff out that Lucario while we take care of these others."
I... have no idea what to do. I could never leave Luna here; she was still in bad shape. Even if I ran off they would stay behind and kill everyone like they did on the ship... I have no choice but to fight. "This will not end well for anyone..." I silently said to myself.
"NINETAILS!" (I found both the Lucario and the Lopunny) I heard the Ninetails say. Of course unless...."
"Let's find the Lopunny, she seems to be his weakness. Besides the boss wants a new toy and she'll do just fine." The second grunt said in a cool tone. "Track her now."
This Grunt could speak with Pokamon. That is not good.
"Hold on a minute, you will not go gallivanting around this facility freely. This is a place for sick Pokamon and you could interrupt their healing processes." Nurse Joy said in a stern tone.
"You have no choice in the matter. NOW GET QUIET!" I then heard a click from a gun being cocked from the first grunt.
All chaos ensued next. I heard about 20 Pokaballs being opened by various trainers and people shouting. "Put down the gun and leave." I then heard the grunts gun fall to the floor with a loud clatter.
"Do you honestly believe we need guns to beat all of you?" the first grunt asked in a grim voice.
At that moment all of the hairs on my body stood on end as I felt a static charge go throughout the building. Before anyone could react a Discharge was fired off. I don't know how it happened but the grunt had used a Pokamon attack. I then walked into the lobby.
"We have to hurry you three. They may already be under attack. The humans in the Enclave have unnatural abilities for humans and are very..." Nealz started but was interrupted.
"We already know about the Enclave Houndoom. I have been in fights with them before..." Doug said. Not wanting to recall the memories he then asked. "What is your name?"
Nealz responded, "My name is Nealz. I have been tracking Jude for a while. He really needs help and I plan to do so."
"You better not be planning anything else..." Faris growled.
"Trust me, it was sent to me in a dream by Celebi herself." He said as they started running faster.
I was hit hard by a Dark Pulse, which was followed up by a Thunderbolt, one to the chest and the other to my lower body. I was in a losing battle, everyone had been taken out by the Discharge and couldn't release their other Pokamon that were still in fighting condition. In this facility I could not let myself go into a rage, it could damage the equipment killing the Pokamon being healed or even hurt the innocent, unconscious people and Pokamon lying on the floor. After sliding backward on my stomach I jumped back up and charged two aura spheres, then used extreme speed to get behind the electric grunt. He was too fast for me though, as he had used thunder wave when I reappeared paralyzing me immediately. The other grunt had focussed dark energy into her hands and charged at me using Faint Attack punching me solidly in the muzzle, breaking my nose. Paralyzed, I could do nothing but take the punishment. Each attack driving me deeper into my rage. I couldn't control my mind anymore, I was going into the rage regardless of what I wanted. Then I remembered Luna, and I couldn't hold back any longer. I thought of what might happen if I lost this fight. She was going to be captured and used for things that I couldn't allow. My aura started charging, and pulsed around me turning red.
"He's Finally going into the rage! Now the fight will get exciting!" The first grunt said with excitement.
"Watch yourself. You heard the reports of what happens when he does this." The second grunt hissed angrily.
My fur started changing colors from blue and cream, to red and brown. I could feel my mind starting to slip away as I got stronger, but one something touched my shoulder just then. I turned my head and my eyes went wide in shock. It was Luna; she had gotten out of bed and somehow made her way out to the foyer. My body continued to change though. I could not stop this transformation as I had when we met Lucy. As I continued to change though I realized something. My mind was clear; I had complete control of my body and all of the power the rage was giving me. Looking into Luna's eyes I was keeping my sanity and it was all because of her. She was my boat in this storm of chaos and she would not buckle under the pressure, I knew this now.
I looked over to the grunts and said, "I think its time for you both to leave. When you do though, you need to leave your Pokaballs." In a calm collected voice. "If you don't leave, you will be hurt." I charged energy through both of my paws and created a staff of the red aura energy. "This is the time to decide."
"HA! You think we are just going to run away because you changed colors in front of us? Get a grip little Lucario." The first grunt said laughing.
He then sent a charge of electric energy through his body and charged at me with a Volt Tackle. Thinking fast I used extreme speed to quickly grab Luna and lay her down on an empty bench by the front double doors. Then I looked down at her and said, "I love you Luna. Please stay here and keep safe." She smiled up at me stroking the side of my face and nodded. I turned back around as grunt one charged at me with another Volt Tackle. I just stood there and took the hit. If I had dodged it, He would have hit Luna. His attack had almost no effect on me. So I sent him flying with a strike from my staff. I then turned my attention to grunt two. She had readied a shadow ball from out of nowhere and sent it at me. I discharged the aura staff and used an aura sphere to cancel it out creating an explosion and a cloud of smoke around Luna and myself. I used aura sight to grab Luna again and take her back to her room, laid her down in the bed, went to the door locking it and closed it behind myself as I went back to the foyer. I saw that the smoke had almost cleared out of the building and charged at grunt two while charging my paws with a double force palm and my legs with fire for blaze kick. My force palm met its mark in the middle of grunt two's chest knocking the wind out of her. Grunt one was recovering from the smoke and used a thunderbolt headed straight at me it hit my left arm and burnt off some of the fur and sent a shock through my arm strong enough to prevent its use, rendering the other force palm useless.
I charged at him, arm flailing useless to the side, attacking him with a roundhouse kick charged with fire. He dodged it using a type of force palm himself charged with electricity aiming for my chest striking with enough force to take my breath away. I keeled over thinking to myself, 'This cant be happening. It's like he's getting stronger as the fight goes on.' Then I decided it was time to step up my game. I used force palm with my one good arm and charged him again, I charged the staff again as I started regaining the use of my left arm again. I sent the Force Palm energy into the staff and hit grunt two with a series of strikes to the arms, legs, and head. His left arm snapped as I hit it, as did his right leg. Looking at him on the ground a memory flashed into my head.
My father was lying on the ground, gunshot wounds in his left leg and right arm and he was screaming. "I'll kill you if you touch her!"
Then I was back in the Pokacenter, grunt two had recovered and ran at me with another faint attack. She landed a hit in my ribs, sending dark energy into my body. Being a fighting, steel type this attack would normally have been ineffective. Somehow the energy she had sent into me had cause it to hurt more than usual. Ignoring the pain I turned my full attention to her and started a bone rush attack with my staff, striking her in the middle of the stomach making her double over. I then grabbed her by the collar and threw her into the glass double doors shattering them and making her slide across the ground outside. I ran through the broken glass and created an aura sphere roughly five feet in diameter and sent it straight at her near lifeless body. When the attack hit, there was a loud explosion and I could see through aura sight that she was still alive, even if she was only hanging on by a thread. I then saw the Houndoom break the tree line with Doug, Faris, and a rather daunting Tyranitar in tow.
I then walked back into the building looked down at Grunt one and said. "Get out of here now, and take that wench with you. I don't know how you gained your abilities but tell your boss, he can send all of the Pokacharged humans after me but they will never succeed. I am coming for the Enclave and none of you will live if you keep going down this path of evil. With that he limped out of the building cringing in pain as he went due to the broken leg and arm. Grunt two had regained consciousness when he got to her and she helped him get into a nearby vehicle and they drove off.
"We need to help these people, they have all been shocked by a discharge attack and need medical attention." With the last part of my statement I heard sirens outside of the building and Officer Jenny's and paramedics came rushing through the front door. "Never mind guys." I said with a chuckle.