Kingdoms: Return to Avolon
When Avogadro was informed that Volcan had awoken, he was all too eager to run back to the castle with Emrys. The young phoenix guided him to the healer's quarters of the castle, and the prince of Avolon, brimming with relief, crossed the room and...
Indigo Nights- Chapter 17:Time
Energy like that can cause much more than just a ripple in the timeline. it has the potential to destroy this timeline all together." "how do you know all of this, are you just guessing?" "of course, i'm guessing.
Tales of Zootopia: Me, Farrah and Aslan (alt timeline)
This story takes place in some sort of alternate timeline. i experienced it through a series of dreams. the first thing to note about this timeline is that i was born in zootopia instead of on alistaria or in alabama.
The Day when Placoderms flew
Some became secondarily flightless and lizard-like, others kept refining their wings and became powerful terrestrial stalkers, still retaining powered flight much as terrestrial bats and pterosaurs did in other timelines.
A Silly, Merrie, Looney Story (Commission for DragonfireNY)
Basically, the laws of physics that apply to 99.9% of every other of the billions of alternate timelines out there do not apply here.
"Man In The High Castle" Is Wrong and Unfounded
In our timeline, the germans had gotten italy to quickly surrender after king vittorio switched over to the allies. the germans moved into italy and fortified it.
Vetraheil, time theories, and other information.
Later stories will focus on other points in her timeline, but this will be the main focus of this first series. dragons are exceptionally rare.
World descriptions
Notable pcs: richard, melody this is a modern earth, with a timeline roughly in the new tens, depending on my storytelling needs. it's a low magic, masquerade setting.
Tales From Switch City: Zach's Tale
There are an infinite number of universes and timelines, and an infinite number of versions of yourself. under normal conditions you would remain oblivious to these other timelines, unable to ever enter or witness them.
Indigo Nights- Chapter 16: London After The End Of Everything
If the experiences are shared across timelines, we'll know and start from there. if not, it's due to a ripple in the timeline. but the only way we can figure this out is if we sit here right now and talk about it, and it starts with this.
Picchu's Peak - Thursday Prompt Story [#23, 7/27/23]
Surely you have seen that no matter what you try, every timeline of events leads to this exact result?" hakan growled as he held up the suntur paukar to his chest.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 44: The Way Of The Wicked
"but what about the damage to the timeline?" i asked. "i mean when did you remove her? that could have repercussions- i mean what if it was before she invented the prototypes?" "i removed myself from the timeline boy."