A Lightning Christmas Break

Turning his head a little to see how much time they would have alone, the raven-hoopoe was surprised to see there was no time at all when avelyn and jack were watching them from afar.

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Children of the American Dream

The raven-hoopoe smiled at the cat, "he should have my contact details, if he's interested, name his price and we can see what we can do." "will do." he nodded before stepping aside. "i wish you a pleasant flight."

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Final Preparations

The raven-hoopoe blushed, just realising what he was doing, pulling his hand out from under the muscle shirt. "are you okay?" volcan asked. "you have such a beautiful chest," he blushed deeper, "it felt so nice and warm and... sorry..."

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Disruptors Part 3

With the technicians securely stowed away in the parts shop, the first team had entrenched themselves in the main control room. Rikyuu, Kyle and Kieran watched the corridor, with Obsidian standing by the control room door. Korban stood behind Avory and...

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Disruptors Part 2

The Rocky Mountains of Canada weren't the longest mountain range in the world - that title belonged to the Andes mountains of South America - but they were a close contender, stretching farther than the eye could see across the continent. Snow-capped...

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War of the Wolf: Tartan King

The door to the house flew open as the mighty lycan threw its massive form against it, breaking the lock and splintering the ornately carved wood. It hit the floor in the entryway on all fours, snarling hungrily as armoured canid forms marched inside,...

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Preparations Pt 2

"not a bad little gig you've got going here," the raven-hoopoe commented, walking over to the husky and earth phoenix. "i wasn't quite expecting this." "well look who finally showed up."

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