Slugle Huggle

A natural slime formed on the corgi slug's body, as the slime slid around rerim's name slid out of his mind, actually all of his memories slid out except for one.

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First Battle

Balkun thrust his rapier into the head of one making the clone explode into slime only to reform itself by sliding to oomar and molding back into him. shika was punching the slime clones.

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Cotton Remnants

Glass yelps out loud; some kind of green slime is holding onto him! "get off!"

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Our Home

"the bits of slime just became a bigger slime... and how did shika get some small to come in and run up the stairs like that?"

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Vor-tual Reality

He watched as his player model swung their arm up and then down onto the slime. "slash! enemy slime has taken 3 damage!" while it was only a small amount of damage, the dalmatian was still proud of the successful attack.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 71: Now We Are Ready To Be Extraordinary (Rising Part III)

The blue slime shouted. **\*sidepods engaged. hover mode engaged.\*** the badger warrior grabbed the blue slime and stuffed her into the left side-pod weapons tubule and then jumped into the cockpit. "russell!!"

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Saldin's Snail Situation

This worked better than using her arms, she was able to slowly work herself upwards, until the slime's grip finally broke and the mouse slipped free.

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Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 1 - Final

Shivering as the slime slithered down towards her, coating the ramp as it went, she tried to wriggle upwards again, hindered by the slime from the vat still clinging to her fur as well as the increasingly slippery surface underneath her.

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The Coffin: Part 6

Going deep into the fray with priscilla before flinging more darts into the splitting slime. he sustained countless burns and bruises from the slamming slime, but marcus didn't care.

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Throw off entry

Throw off entry The chicken, I rubbed mint over and lime and it became a minty lime chicken. I attached the harness so that it might be brought back out. However, soon after trying a few times, I found the harness wasn't a good idea. It was too...

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