Ch.3 Severed Pact

She still felt uncomfortable, the small skin tingling sensation she had from the soft touch against her bare skin slowly faded away.

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Ferocity chapter two

The skin between the fourth and his elbow was a bit looser and thinner then the rest. upon closer look it actually ran as a very slight skin that went even farther down to his underarm, but was not as long as the skin on his wings.

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Flamefeathers - The Scepter

How they kept such silk-smooth skin and kept the dust off was beyond her. the probably thought of the pale skinned angel as an exotic treat to be savored every chance they could.

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The Coyote's Ring

She held up her arm, showing her tanned skin. the ring -still in her palm- caught the light. a ray struck the ruby set into the front exactly, casting small beams of red light across her skin. the man sighed, shaking his head. "whatever.

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Isolation-Excerpt 26-Treetop Labs

Her fangs were sticking out of her mouth and her skin was the same sick yellow as the male skin i had killed with the high-power about a week ago.

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Club of Wolves (working title) ch. 3-4

I really wasn't thinking clearly, but all i knew was that if removing my skin was what would stop it, i was all for being skinned alive.

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Tell Me the Taste

His grip was gentle but firm, and darrien let himself be taken, turning his wrist to press his fingers down into the fuzzy, ripe skin of the peach.

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The End and The Beginning - Chapter 1

The light skinned dwarf finally came to a stop outside the local school.

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The Augment

The symbiont thunked against the helicopter's metallic skin, attaching itself and exuding a molecular acid which swiftly burned through the hull.

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TBW:IQ - Chapter One: The Start

A slim-built brunette with warm greyish-green eyes and fair skin, laughed, in a sneering tone of voice. this was jeremy.

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6 : BlindSighted

Scilius scratched at the scales on his arm, where the skin was finally starting to peal of cleanly. he was almost ready to shed his old skin completely. he would no longer have to deal with the constant assault of teasing classmates.

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Tania's Unbound

She was growing as well, growing so fast that she could hear her skin creaking as it stretched.

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