TBW:IQ - Chapter One: The Start

Story by nemesisquill on SoFurry

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#2 of The Blackwood War

Chapter One

Chapter One: The Start

The piercingly freezing day near the end of October 2017 was going well for Crystal 'Ice-dancer' Blackwood until she spotted some-one she feared as well as despised and some of his friends who supposedly detested her, for reasons practically unknown, as much if not more than she did them.

Crystal was a twenty one year old woman of medium height and slim build. She had knee length blue-black hair, bronzed skin, and effervescent emerald coloured eyes. Up until four years before she had lived with her maternal grandparents in Scotland. She currently lived on the outskirts of Vancouver, Canada and was well travelled, having been all over the world at one point or another.

"Great." Crystal muttered, running one hand across her face. "It looks like I am going to get walloped again. I just wish that this would all just stop, and that they would grow up and leave me be."

They spotted each other at the same time and one of them, Hector, shouted.

"There's Ice. Let's get her!"

Sighing tiredly, Crystal turned around and set off at a slow and limping run, wishing she didn't have to do so.

~Well at least Matthew and his gang of friends aren't around here too.~ she thought, ironically.~It really would be the icing on the cake if they were.~

She ran around a corner on to a quiet side street, hoping to get to her Jeep in time when she saw a group of people ahead of her. She swallowed hard, a strangled cry of fear escaping her before she glanced quickly behind her to see that the other people were bearing down on her, swiftly. There was, quite literally, nowhere for her to run to, and she knew that they had trapped her so well that she couldn't escape them, at least not straight away.

That simple fact terrified her, and she stopped running, backing up slightly, as she evaluated the situation.

"Shit! They are in cahoots..." Crystal cursed, quietly. "They have to be to have been able to pull this off as well as this. They just had to be...!"

"How-ever did you guess that we were so?" a slim-built brunette with warm greyish-green eyes and fair skin, laughed, in a sneering tone of voice. This was Jeremy.

"It's very simple to deduce when you think about it Jeremy, unless I am as stupid as you lot seem to be." she smirked a bit, nastily, as she tried to hide her anxiety.

"Hey guys, she finally has half a brain in her pretty little head. Unexpected huh?" mocked an exceedingly statuesque, svelte, suntanned, black haired, copper eyed man, Chad.

Crystal cringed, shivering and silent.

"Yes Chad, definitely awe-inspiring, though she hasn't quite got the sense not to offend us, yet. Maybe she will have it soon." agreed Hector, a man of average height and build with dark skin, black hair and blue eyes. "I wonder when she will get that common sense and stop insulting us. If she did stop offending us, we would stop. Most likely... Maybe... I mean... Really... Who knows if we would stop or not? We may... We may not."

Smirking coldly, they backed Crystal against the side of a shop as she shifted apprehensively, unable to move very far and glancing up at the wall she was backed against, thinking.

"Ice, you really are cornered, now." scorned a tall, well-built, blond haired, fair skinned and grey eyed man, Sebastian. "Yet again, we have succeeded in acquiring you. It's getting too easy to do that, lately. We must be getting faster and cleverer or you must be slowing down and getting stupider... One of the two."

"Why did you not run away any faster, Crystal?" muttered a tall, slim, blue-black haired and brilliant green eyed man, Seth, his voice low and soft enough that only the young woman heard him. "How could you let us capture you once more? I mean... Really... You're slowing down..."

"I couldn't run away any faster as I have a sore foot and a sore knee, I dropped a heavy box on it, then I fell over it and banged my knee." she blushed then, covering for Seth, in case anyone else had heard him. "That is the only real reason that you caught me this time."

"What was your alibi and excuse last time we caught you, Ice?" said a tall, medium-built, brown haired, tanned, and amber eyed man, Aaron, cruelly.

"If I remember right, when we caught her last week... She said that she had a sore ankle." Sebastian declared. "I can't remember how she said she'd hurt it..."

"And the time before that she had said she had injured her right knee, rock-climbing." stated a man of medium height and build with fair skin, dark green eyes and chestnut brown hair, Bradley. "I think she said, last time, that she'd fallen off her mounting block... Or some such..."

"I don't believe her defence this time, how she could be so clumsy as to drop a package on her foot?" inquired a small and slim, red haired, fair skinned and light grey eyed man, Garret.

"I really wasn't looking where I was going." Crystal whispered, as she swallowed hard. "I just wasn't... I had other things on my mind... As you can do from time to time..." she offered weakly, her voice shaking. "Bills and things... Like everyone else has... And... Yes... You know..."

They chortled then, venomously, looking her up and down lecherously, eyeing the young woman's curvaceous and very alluring shape.

"Is your ankle still sensitive Ice?" taunted Jeremy, kicking at her left ankle. "I mean, it was several days ago now, it should be better by now... Right?"

"Of course, it is. You retard." she growled, trying, and failing to suppress a whimper of pain. "It was only last week, hell not even that, I hurt it four days ago... Do I really look like I am about to climb this wall, escaping you which I would be doing if I were in perfect health?"

Hearing her pain and loving it, Chad sneered but remained silent.

"But Ice, this is a shop wall, with no hand holds or anything like that!" sighed a man of medium height and build with fair skin, brown hair, and eyes, Christian, tiredly. "You can't climb a shop! You just... Can't. I mean... It's a shop...!"

"Yes, I know that it is a shop wall, Christian, I'm not thick-skulled." she glared, disdainfully and almost hatefully. "So, in this occurrence, I would be scrambling to the roof-tops where I would high-tail it and go home. Advantageous is the fact that any wall is ascend-able, you just have to know how to do so. Lucky me, eh? I know how to climb pretty much any wall." announced Crystal distinctly as she stepped towards them, coming away from the wall. "And don't call me Ice, or any of the derivatives of it. Ever. None of you have ever attained the right to do so and never will do so. Not in the predictable time to come since you are all perpetually harassing me."

Chad looked up then, his golden eyes gleaming as he sneered cruelly and stepping close to her, from behind, before he rested his slender chin on her shoulder, looking sideways into her face, arms wrapping around her.

"... I don't have the right?"he burst out laughing, a vile, vicious sound, and malicious sparkle in his eyes. The brief bout petered into a low rumble, and he shook his head in subtle gesture, fingertips stroking across her shape intrusively, but with the knowledge of one who had done it before, who came with a very personal flavour of experience. "You wound me." It was a breathy hiss. "You would think that you had forgotten all the times we had been together, the years we spent." he purred darkly into her ear. "After the times I rescued you, emotionally, and physically. Mentally?" Another chuckle, briefer, a simple note of amusement. "You amuse me. You know that I can call you what I wish, both by ability and by right. And you crave it, do you not? The fear of me, the adoration. Fortunately, your denial is of no consequence, but I thought you might want to know." the words were wielded much like a whip, syllables lashing across her shape with malice.

Crystal wept in fright, tears pouring down her face, trembling a bit before she helplessly moaned as she was caressed. Almost all fight went out of her then and she sagged, her eyes closing, leaning slightly into his touch, pleasure flicking across her face in a half-plea for more. Chad smirked a bit, shaking his head in reply and stepped back, the young woman almost falling before catching her balance.

"I say that we all have the right to call you whatever we wish, Ice." he sneered, knowing full well that he aroused her. "We will call you whatever we wish, when-ever we wish it and you will like it."

Crystal recoiled then, dragging a hand across her face and so drying her dark eyes before she opened them and backed away. She remained close-lipped but shook hard with cold and fear, as well as slight arousal while her cheeks flamed with shame.

"I am sure you would climb this wall Ice." sneered an unbelievably long-legged, extremely slender, black haired, very deep brown eyed man that had such a fair skin that it was almost off-white in colour, Matthew. "Really," he was sardonic then. "So sure, that you wouldn't climb up this wall that I could place a wager on it." the man paused, almost thoughtfully. "Plus, you wouldn't be fast enough to do so before one of us caught you. Most likely myself... Since you, of all people, know how fast I am."

She sobbed weakly, looking away from Matthew, too scared to even look at him then, her fear lying heavily about her, making her scent have a sharp spiciness to it. They tightened the semi-circle about her then, most of them within a foot of the agitated young woman and she sobbed softly, cringing away from them before remembering what she usually did.

"Come on Seth. Don't let them hurt me again..." she whimpered raggedly, looking up into his face. "Please...?"

"Don't beat her up her again guys." Seth said, tiredly. "Let's just leave her and find something more interesting to do. She is so very wearisome. Bullying her is like watching paint dry."

Crystal blinked then mewled softly, dragging a hand over her nose, as she lowered her gaze, knowing that Seth did not mean it.

"No way Seth." sneered Hector, as he axe-kicked her shoulder. "This is fun. She is not going to escape us this time. We will do with her as we wish, for as long as we wish."

She sobbed then as she was kicked, but remained on her feet, shivering.

"Seth, please..." she begged, her voice shaking and her eyes filling with tears. "I am so scared and already in pain. Don't let them hurt me more, I implore you."

"I... Crystal darling, I will not ever hurt you. I can't." Seth muttered, moving aside, and showing Crystal the way to freedom. "You know that."

"Seth!" gasped Matthew. "Don't let Ice escape. Keep her trapped here with us." the slim man scowled, angrily "Do as you're told..."

Ignoring him, Seth smiled fondly at her as he said a familiar saying between them both, his eyes sparkling warmly.

"Go on, Crystal sweetness. You are free to run the plains."

"Thank-you Seth." she hissed sibilantly, gratefully as she ran past at a limping run. "I owe you one... Again..."

A little while later Chad was raging at Seth.

"You did it again! What is it with you?!"

"I don't know." Seth whispered, lying through his teeth. "I just can't resist her sad eyes, especially when she is whimpering too. She seems so frail, it would be like throttling a kitty to hurt her."

"She lied to us, anyhow." a tall, big built, tanned, blond haired and grey eyed man, Michael, said. "Ice couldn't have got away that fast if she had been telling the truth."

Seth sighed inwardly, they clearly did not understand Crystal like he did and never would be able to do so, even if they wanted to.

"I wonder why she does make canine noises like she does." pondered Sebastian, thoughtfully. "I mean. She is a human, same as us and not canine."

"Me too." agreed Garret. "I mean. As you said she is human. She may be a right bitch of a woman, but she is a human bitch and not a dog bitch. So... I don't get it."

"That is not all Crystal is." snarled a small but big built, fair skinned, fair haired, ice-blue eyed man, Byron, viciously. "There are so many words we can use to insult her."

"Not that they would actually phase her." said a tall, mahogany brown haired, slim built, dark skinned and dark blue eyed man, Simon. "She is so cold and inconsiderate about things like that."

"Not meaning to sound unoriginal or anything." stated Jeremy. "But she is an ice-queen."

"Come on..." suggested Garret, sighing tiredly. "Let's head home, we will never find her. Not now, when it's pitch dark... And getting colder by the minute."

Seth chuckled inwardly, as he leaned against a wall not too far away, looking outwardly bored, his eyes sparkling.

"Not in the dark we can't." muttered Simon. "We can't see in the dark like she can."

"That is annoying that she can see in the dark better than us. Hmm?" queried Sebastian.

Jeremy nodded.

"Yes it is."

"I would rather say it was extremely bothersome." added Bradley.

"It is also very irritating how she does rock-climbing, hill walking, swimming, competition running, competition dancing and archery as well as riding her horse too. Oh, and that she does mountain biking as well." sighed Simon. "She is extremely fit, far fitter than most, if not all of us."

"I accept that, Simon, but you don't have to keep saying so as often as you do." Matthew growled in boredom. "All of her senses are extremely good. She is so fast, at running at least and she can last so long at high speeds, much longer than you would think."

The slim man that was Matthew gloated inwardly thinking.

~Almost as good as mine and as fast as me. Almost.~

"Have any of you seen her at Archery?" queried Michael. "She nearly always hits the bulls-eye, no matter where she is or any other conditions with her very first arrow."

A little while later Aaron asked.

"Have any of you seen her rock-climbing? She can climb a tall and sheer rock face in about thirty minutes."

They all blinked, awed.

"Whoa! That is good." gasped Jeremy.

"I have seen Crystal horse-ride, in competitions and what not. I think she is one of the best riders that I have ever seen." declared Seth, smirking a bit. "She is excellent."

"You are kidding us on Seth." said Michael. "She can't be that good at riding. She is younger than most of us."

Chad was silent, standing nearby. His face was devoid of any emotion and he shook his head slightly, turning away a bit.

"She is as good as Karen Dixon or the Whittaker brothers." Seth stated clearly, shrugging one shoulder.

"How high can she jump then if she is so good at riding?" taunted Hector, fiercely.

"Well... In Show jumping, she can jump eight feet and ten feet in Cross Country." began Seth, honestly, smirking a little. "She is very good at Dressage and Endurance Riding too."

"How good is she at them?" queried Sebastian.

"Well." finished Seth. "She has got countless shields, rosettes and other trophies for them, Show jumping and Cross Country. Most of them are firsts, seconds, champion of shows, overall champions, and reserve champions too. Not one of them is for any place lower than second apart from the ones she got when she was just starting out."

"... Wait a second Seth." asked Matthew, mistrustfully. "How do you know this?"

"Crystal has told me and shown me pictures." lied Seth. "As far as I can gather her study walls are covered with rosettes, and other awards. As well as her trophy display cases being full."

They all eyed Seth thoughtfully and he stared straight back, unblinkingly.

"Anyway." sighed Sebastian. "I am going home. It is dark, and I am cold."

"We are all heading home too I think." Chad spoke then, his voice firm. "At least I am."

"So are the rest of us." agreed Matthew.

They all left then and headed towards their various cars and so home.

Time passed, and Crystal scrambled out of a nearby tree and ran to her own car and so home too.