Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace

.** **_sheer turmoil utter peace:_** **by: shade fox** ** ** **chapter 1: prologue** ** ** ** for those who do not know, the worst possible time to lower


Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 9

Hope you enjoy this chapter, this one is going to be short but hopefully not too short. I'm using this chapter to help explore different characters and plot tangents and see where they go from there. Almost forgot, I do not own zoroark, copyright...

Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 6

Here is chapter six, still got some ideas floating around in my head, but I think that if I can get them down on paper and edit from there I think I can get a better handle on where this story goes from. But input from others is always welcome, anyway,...

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Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 5

Feeling somewhat depressed at the moment, school isn't so great anymore and my grades are reflecting it. Thought that maybe if I try to start another chapter it'll help me get out of this funk. Kenshi Sherro and all of the others are mine but in no...


Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 4

Sorry about the wait, I had a uber case of writers block, but thanks to some imput from a couple of friends, Lilsprout thanks for the suggestions again by the way, I've come up with another chapter. In addition their may be some sparks of passion...

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Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 3

But like kenshi, benaji was laid back and just liked to lounge with friends in the shade while resting and talking about whatever came to mind.


Crow Hunter, The Lich King

As I collapse to the ground and my blood rushes to surround my broken body I start to think, this is the end, I've lost. Now my insanity is gone, my mind cleared and my regret is free to punish me. My father won't let me die, even after all that I've...

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Allies

Over the time that the Knights fought across the Omniverse, helping other races and realms escape their doom, they made some allies, five to be precise. From the realm of Elders, where Elder-Gods reign over all and the existence of any greater power...

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 3: New Blood

"will shade be here for the day?" "i expect he will. i have a special gift for you and your brother, now go and practice your blood magic." "yes, father."

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Angels

The Angels are a race made of pure Light, made by the Knight of Light, much like the Shadow Khan; they were made to help guard the realms. Angels have populated many realms of the Knights, and the Knight of Darkness's wife is an Angel, who is one of...

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 2: Reign of Chaos

Over a century later, in the mortal year of 1944, the Nazi party of Germany has been experimenting with inter-dimensional travel, and an expedition has found their way into the Dark Realm. The Knight of Darkness was not pleased, and so proceeded to...

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 1: Shadow

Shadow's daughter, luna, is the daughter and a child of moonlight, who can wield the power of light, and shade, shadow's son, can wield darkness and shape shift. the black citadel, a city of pure darkness.

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