The Nine Knights of Creation: Chapter 2: Reign of Chaos

Story by Shade Shadowmane on SoFurry

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Part of a short novel I've been working on (It's still being edited & Written)

Over a century later, in the mortal year of 1944, the Nazi party of Germany has been experimenting with inter-dimensional travel, and an expedition has found their way into the Dark Realm.

The Knight of Darkness was not pleased, and so proceeded to slaughter the entire scouting party, using the skills of two Shadow Khan (one being Shadow). Bullets would always bounced off the skin of the Shadow Khan, so they were unharmed by any offense, but they decided to leave two scientists alive, so they could ward people away from the realms, but the scientists instead wrote a book called 'Eternal Darkness'. Unfortunately, the original was destroyed in the bombing of Berlin, and no other copies existed. The bombing also left all the scientists concerned with the project deceased, so none could speak about the great power beyond the barriers of the mortal realm.

The effect of these seemingly unimportant deaths left the entire planet Earth unprepared for when Chaos decided to strike.

First, it began with the possession of mortal minds, creating fear and anger through destruction and terrorism. This alone nearly lead to destruction of Earth, if it was not for the Knights, the Earth would have perished from the human's mistreatment, however The Lesser Knights were able to repair the damage wrought upon the world for a short time only using the aspects of their powers which would assist with the healing of the Earth.

The Knight of Light, in the Black Citadel, bows to the Knight of Darkness, inside the throne room. "Brother of Shadow, Ishconor, you are required at the central hub of the Omniverse" "Very well, Ashclater, father of Light, I will be there soon. Gather the others, the Divine needs to talk with them"

Abruptly, the Knight of Light vanished in a ray of pure, blinding light. The Knight of Darkness rose from his throne and headed to the armory. "Father, what are you doing here? It's far too early for hunting!" Alixie asked. "I just have to fetch my sword, there is a meeting of the Knights, and the Divine has something that he must tell us." Ishconor replied. "Oh, ok then, here you go." Alixie threw a massive claymore embedded with darkness and engraved with dark amethyst at The Dark Knight who caught it perfectly and vanished through a cloud of black feathers, which slowly drifted down in his absence.