the war begins part 4: BRING IT ON !

Xehanort: i know nothing of any kairi as for riku you should ask your king tsume: huh ?


meeting back up with friends

Sora you just keep on fighting those heartless so pretty much a lot of talking blah blah blah until he mention riku and then vanished sora: what did he mean by end up like riku?

goodbye friends and Ansem computer room

Jake: oh you know the usual sora: a new route has open and kairi and riku are waiting somewhere along it tsume: wait we're leaving already?! olette: you better hurry then hayner: your coming back...right?

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On Colonizing Part 3

riku: "how goddamn long?" noctis: (slowly i forced my writhing upper lip to relax as i hissed out a long and slow exhale.) "let me tell you a story..." _"so you're sure that this is how you want to confirm the effects of your last work?"

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Riku: Chapter 3

"we will call you riku. its a modern name that also happens to be universal between boys and girls." riku?

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Hearts United as One

But to the best of my knowledge, the keyblade meant for riku didn't see him as worthy anymore due to influence of darkness. instead, it underwent a phenomenom known as passing, attaching itself to sora's heart in the process.

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Last of My Kind

Hey guys and girls, this is just a little story idea i had after reading riku by whitepawrolls. i may turn this into a long story, but no promises. thanks to everyone who has been reading and commenting on my stories as you give meaning to my work.

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Riku: Chapter 4

#4 of riku chapter 4: as the wheels turn. the buggy ride turned out to be no where near as bumpy as i had thought it would be.

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Riku: Chapter 2

#2 of riku ok as before i am not a professional writer so there will most likely be grammar errors, and my spellchecker may have failed in spots so be nice with comments please. i don't need lots of those "you screwed this and that up" comment..

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Riku: Chapter 1

#1 of riku first and foremost i should say i am not a professional writer, so keep that in mind. i know my grammar is going to be way less than perfect and my spellchecker may fail. so be nice.

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Hello Agrabah !

Jake: funny you would know them sora: hey maybe riku is with them goofy: yeah and the king donald: keep dreaming you two sora: c'mon donald you were thing the same thing jake: confess ! donald: no i wasn't !

Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade

Why jake: your guess is as good as mine n1: tsume got up and walked back into her brother room and picked up the case of the game soon got flash backs of her and sliver's fight then a flash of riku and sora then a flash of sora saving her from the

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