Riku: Chapter 1

Story by whitepawrolls on SoFurry

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#1 of Riku

First and foremost I should say I am NOT a professional writer, so keep that in mind. I know my grammar is going to be way less than perfect and my spellchecker may fail. so BE NICE. Next this is my first story so its a bit of an experiment for me. I plan on making this a series. If you do happen to see errors please send me a note in private so that I can get it corrected. Its much nicer than seeing tons of "you messed this and that up" in the comments section.

All characters in this story are mine and mine alone. I use no one else and will not camio anyone else without stating so in that chapters header. Any similarity to someone else stuff is just coincidence. Its not like I can check every single thing on the net to see if someone had the same thought I did.

For some this first chapter will probably be a bit boring, but it was something I felt I needed to do. The rest after this will be more...exciting.

Chapter 1

The awakening

I seem to be dreaming. Sites, sounds, and smells seem to fade in and out. One moment I seem to be in a fuzzy haze as I find myself laying on something soft. I barely try to move my arms and legs like you would just waking up from a good rest, but discover that I can't move. I seem to be seeing the world in a dream like haze as I look around. The sight should have surprised me, but my brain was still on the sleepy side. Peaking left and right standing around me there seem to be several figures, but none of them are human. Sure they have the basic human shape, but the rest of them is patterned after a different animal. Canines, felines, and a few others. They were making all kinds of noises that I couldn't understand. I guessed that they were speaking to each other. I worked my lips and mouth feeling very dry as if it was filled with cotton and tried to ask where I was. The sounds immediately stopped as they all looked down at me. A quick motion by a small female looking feline near a machine and I started to fade again into the darkness of sleep.

I have no idea how long it was before I woke again, but I woke with a similar feeling of being in a dream state. This time though there were different figures around me, and even in my dream addled state I noticed a few things different. First is my site was quite different even in the dream like state. I had bad eyes to start with, but now they seemed much sharper. My hearing also seemed much better as the sounds they made all seemed much louder. Then there was something else that caught my attention and seemed to bring me more out of my dream like state. Those new eyes of mine caught sight of something that should not have been there. Looking almost cross eyed in front of them stretched out what appeared to be a canine muzzle. I gave a bit of a surprised yelp at the site as my foggy mind cleared more and more and without thinking about it or the fact that my arms could move again I brought my hands up to try and touch it. That's when I got my next surprise. The...hands that came up were not hands at all, but fur covered hand like paws. I couldn't help it. I just stared at them. Not in fear or surprise as I had earlier at the muzzle, but out of curiosity. By then I had noticed that the figures around me had stopped making their speech sounds and were all watching me.

"What is this?" I tried asking, but from the looks on their faces they were having about as much luck understanding me as I was them.

I watched as a different feline moved up to the head of my bed, and as I watched she pushed a button. A ...paw settled on my chest, but not hard as the bed back started to rise into more of a sitting up position. I put my own hands...no paws down on the sides of myself to get myself more comfortable just out of reaction then I stopped. Something suddenly hit me. First about the paw on my chest that was now gone then the beings around me. When I had my first dreamy memory of them I seemed to be about their size. Now though I seemed much smaller. I felt a paw on the side of my arm feeling at something, and I couldn't resist reaching for it with the other one. Slowly I stroked along the larger finger and the being that it belonged to seemed to freeze while I did. I picked the paw up, and looked it over with my much smaller ones. It looked very human like except for the fine fur along most of it, and the fingernails were a lot darker. Slowly turning it over I see slight rough fur less areas along the fingers and palm that could have been called pads. I looked my own paw over next and compared it a bit. Unlike this one my own had shorter fingers even taking in account my smaller size, and looked to have very canine like claws on the ends of them. Looking up to the feline whose paw I was examining I let it loose and with what seemed to be a smile she went back to doing whatever it was she had started with my arm. My fingers and paws puzzled me though, and I thought maby that it was because mine were canine and she was a feline. I looked around the others gathered there and spotting another canine I raised my paw and stretched it out to them. This one seemed to be a smallish husky female, and with a bit of a nervous look to the others she moved over to the posit side of the bed that the feline was working on. I held out my paw and she placed hers in it. Again much more humanish as I looked it over than my own. Even down to the fingernails even though they were similar to the felines being dark, and a bit thicker. My curiosity satisfied I could do nothing else for the moment as the feline lady poked at me in various places. The others seemed to only watch as she moved the sheet covering me down further and further. I watched too as this strange new sight that was me was revealed. I had already guessed and was not surprised to see a smaller torso of fur running down as the sheet was moved. She seemed content to just look here and there. Probing with her finger as she moved. I did catch however that in looking at them I failed to see that the particular finger was metal capped and had a wire running from it off the side of my bed. It finally clicked what she was doing. That finger had some kind of medical device on it. It didn't seem to hurt, and none of the others seem intent on hurting me so I began to relax a bit despite the strange new sites. My next big shock came though when the sheet went down past my hips and I saw something that I never expected to see. I was in what speared to be a fairly thick diaper. Surprise I could handle, but THAT just was a bit embarrassing. I imagine I was probably as red as a beet in embarrassment right then, but none of them seemed to notice. Also none of them seemed to react to the thick padded diaper so I'm guessing they knew about it already. Past that though as the sheet went down further and further the next thing I noticed was a thick bushy tail laying between what appeared to be very canine like legs. I took a quick look at the husky still standing beside me and followed her form down to what appeared to be very human like shaped legs. This was all just seeing to be a bit too weird for me after that and I just kind of zoned out after that. They went back to what they use as talking and I just laid there trying to absorb it all in.

For a time after that they just seemed to come and go. At some point most of them seemed to wander off until I was only left with one or two that either kept coming and going or swapping out for someone different. At one point someone came in with a rolling tray and brought it close to me. Another tray was rolled over the bed like the ones you see in hospitals until it was over my lap. What seemed to be a male nurse adjusted the table for me before turning back to his own card. Putting a tray onto it and uncovering a few things my new nose was instantly assaulted with the smells of something good. Though for the first few minutes I had to cover my nose to try and push back some of them since I was not so used to the much stronger scents. He seemed to be patient though as I looked at everything which seemed to be all soft things. Some kind of soup that I couldn't identify, a drink I didn't know either, and something cold, and sweet smelling that I would have to guess was some kind of pudding. Needless to say that trying to eat these with a muzzle I was never used to was turning into a messy thing. The female fox nurse that was in there with us seemed to giggle, made some sounds to the male nurse, and quickly went out of the room. A few moments of waiting while I did my best impression of a dog trying to lick his own face clean she returned and slipped up beside me. I had the second feeling of embarrassment as she put what appeared to be a bib around my neck. Between that and the diaper that I could now was quite moist I was starting to feel like a fuzzy baby. Though it was a bit uncomfortable I did manage to get the rest of the meal down and towards the end got a good bit better at it.

Time after that seemed to fall into a simple schedule of visits, feeding, and me getting embarrassed as I got that diaper changed. I seemed to get stronger by the day, and they started bringing things in for me to do. Mostly some exercise things to help build my strength and books. I couldn't read the strange language they were printed in, but they had lots of pictures. What surprised me was even though they showed me things that were very different they also had a hint of familiarity behind them. Soon I guess they figured it was time that I started working more than my upper body because someone new came in. They brought in what appeared to be a walker you sometimes see older people in with wheels and hand brakes, but it also seemed to have a sling hanging from it too with what looked to be a seat. I was carefully picked up, and set into the sit letting my strange new feet touch the floor. I got the hint what they wanted even if I couldn't understand what they were telling me, and looked over the contraption a bit playing with the hand brakes on either side and just generally sat there for a moment looking at the open door to my room. Now not actually being as young in mind as this body seemed to be it didn't take me long to start moving my legs. First off I just moved them around as if I was walking under me even though I was still sitting in the seat just to get used to the new motions of the feral legs below me. Then with my paws on the brakes I stood for the first time. Ignoring the other one behind me I tested each step with each paw a little and discovered that other than feeling as if I was waling on the balls of my feet it seemed almost familiar. A bit weak in the muscles though and having to deal with a small paw vs a large foot it did take me quite a bit of work. Soon though I was waling with the walker slowly out the door not even thinking about the fact that the only thing I was wearing was that darned diaper. Looking first left, then right I took in my surroundings. One way seemed to be just a hallway with doors while another seemed to lead to a large central desk with lots of medical types wandering around it. Some as I watch in quite a bit of a hurry running up to and leaving it. Looking back I see that I have a shadow while the new nurse follows me. I shrug a bit and since he seems to be letting me decide where to go I turn and slowly make my way towards the desk. Step by step I gain a bit more control over the new legs and make a bit better progress. Muscle control is one thing though, and having the needed strength was another. Stopping to take a break now and then I slowly made my way towards the desk. It wasn't long before I was noticed though and then it seemed every eye there was watching me as they sort of went about their work. Some of the ones rushing back and forth seemed to slow down a bit too as I slowly made my way past the desk. One of them I'm guessing that was a doctor from the way that they were dressed caught my shadow as I looked around the desk when I reached the end. It seemed her was a way around it as if it was one big square so as my shadow was talking to the doctor I turned and started making my way around the back. There seemed to be a couple of hushed giggles that my now much better hearing picked up as I reached that end and rounded the desk once more. Now on the opposite side I had started from and could no longer see my shadow of a nurse or the doctor. I came up to an opening in the desks and curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to see what all the giggling was about and turned into the little opening. I scooted my way in as a few of the nurses watched and grinned. I moved up beside one of them and looked at what she was doing. She was poking away at what appeared to be a keyboard of some kind with a kind of transparent monitor. It made me thing of what an lcd screen would look like if you could see threw it. I stared at the strange device and was a bit surprised when I got a scratch between my ears. I looked up at the nurse again that I was standing beside and she just kind of smirked a bit. That though was cur short as a bit of a shocked cry and the sound of scrambling feet seemed to run around the desk and down the hall. Not able to see over the top of the desk I had no idea it was my shadow running off. I suddenly had to grin myself when several of the nurses looked down at me, then down the hall where the sounds of his steps echoed and they all seemed to be thinking the same thing I was thinking. His charge had wandered off. One of the nurses stuck her head over the desk, said something I couldn't understand again and then the doctors head poked over the desk to look at me. He seemed to give a barking kind of laugh before looking back over the desk at the sound of hurried footsteps coming back. My shadow seemed to be a bit flustered as he talked to the doctor. The doctor in turn just pointed over the desk at where I was standing getting my ears scratched. I couldn't tell if the look on his face was mad or relief but whatever it was got a good laugh out of everyone.

After that I just seemed to get stronger and stronger. After the first couple days I was just put into my walker thing then turned loose. I discovered that not only could I go around the nurses station, but the hallway beyond actually paralleled another connected by a small hall between. At the end what appeared to be elevators stood. Deciding not to push my luck by trying them I just went around in circles stopping at the station now and then. Soon they decided that I had gotten strong enough I didn't need the support seat and took it off the walker. About the only real issue I now had was I still had to be careful on the slick floor or I would slide. I was soon also getting in and out of my bed alone with the aid of a small railed ladder on the side. It still drove me nuts though that they were treating me like a small child too. Although I was gaining more and more control over this new form including most of the biological ones I still ended up wetting that darned diaper. Put on top of that when I sleep they put rails up on my bed as if it was a crib. I had made a point of watching them do it once and figured out how to take them down myself doing so the first chance I got. A rather rude awaking though soon showed me why they were actually there as I woke with a start rolling out of the bed. First the shock of feeling myself falling then the whack as I landed on the hard floor. I must have cried out, or they had some kind of monitor on me because a few moments later there was someone in there putting me back into bed, checking me over to make sure I wasn't hurt, then sliding the rails back up. They looked at the latch closely and shrugged thinking it must have just fell. That though dd show me one thing and I never touched those again when it was time to sleep. I roll all over in my sleep like a squirmy little runt. Things pretty much got dull for me after that. Unable to understand anyone all I could do is eat, sleep, and practice my movements.

Riku: Chapter 2

Ok as before I am not a professional writer so there will most likely be grammar errors, and my spellchecker may have failed in spots so BE nice with comments please. I don't need lots of those "you screwed this and that up" comment.. All parts of the...

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