Chronicles of the Tetrad Chaper 6: The Solitary Hive

She can't really light anything on fire psionically without aid, but it's just enough for medical or cooking purposes. i can't even do that, but we all have our innate capacities and talents. "you should be getting up though!

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The Feral Four File

Couatl can sense magical activity much as he does psionic, save that he needs line of sight to the source.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 10

He finally got home and used a burst of psionic energy to force the water off his body, then went to make some pre-packaged ramen. he needed some comfort food.

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 1: Guide

Being born as we have been has unwittingly allowed us to gain what is known as psionic power. this is not magic, nor is it sacred. many try to claim themselves as mages or priests, but this comes only from your own mind's energy.

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The Galactic Ferderation of Light 2

He was immortal, and had awesome psionic powers. he had thirty-six grandchildren, then realized that was a mistake because they where interfering with his experiments.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 32

I have a psionic problem i need your help with." "confidence?" indy sounded somewhat tired, "ok, i can come over but i'm not the best with psionic problems. why don't you call fara or peppy from star fox?"


Flight of the Fallen Angel

He knew his dragon well, and his psionic mind knew his lover was spilling on about the virtues of the little craft in front of him.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 21

Ooooo indy had used a psionic umbrella to keep him, take care, get well and cautious heart to take care's hospital without getting wet, other than their feet from the wet clouds.

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3: The Five - Basic Overview

They are known to have the most powerful psionics of the five, such as telepathy and telekinetics.

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After the Storm - Part 17 [The Aura]

The aura, in contrast with a psychic type's psionic ability, is born of the fighting spirit, a warrior's determination. for centuries it has only been used for the purpose of combat, the usual solid energy used to injure the opponent.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 3: Chapter 9

Looks similar to an old weapon design from when psionics were more widely studied." fara nodded, "it is, but i modified the design with modern technology."

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