Poem #43: Something

Squanders and waits predicting our fates understand it in vain; the guilt that's in me i sadly doubt thee i know i want to cry; i need to escape this horrible rape i feel the want to die; yet joy which exists the love that persists

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Karelian Strength

Moments of sadness would still persist, never forgetting her fair lover missed; but light would banish the darkness away, and let her greet the dawning day.

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My hands ball into tightly clenched fists as you put this down and abandon me yet my love for you stubbornly persists even though i know we will never be.

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Project Pandora #2

But elpis's will somehow manage to persist as he rushed out of the research quarter, to anywhere but here. as elpis wanders around the hallways, his mind still returns to subject 1001.

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Oueti Tale Of The Forged Part 1

"you were in a very persistent vegetative state when the patrols found you.", she clarifies._ _"patrols?", i say questioning this human. "where did you find me?", i ask getting more tense.

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"but, there's a feeling, always persistent, that reminds me, somehow, it just feels...wrong..."

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File #16

"n-no..." replied captain greyfell, using the center console to prop himself up, despite the persistence of both yusa and muraco to get him to lay back down. "captain... you really should..."

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The current state of things and why

It was wrong of me to abandon projects and delete them at my will but i have a very persistent mental problem that constantly makes me doubt my previous work and seek to remake or erase it.

A Trap I Laid

Newfound fangs and whiskers are the prize for his persistance.

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Detention (Otherwise Untitled)

Remaining persistently in her line of view was the duct tape haphazardly around her beak, sealing it shut. the other matter was also heard, as the naked wolf sat a few feet away on the same bench she was chained to.

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Moving outline that took a moment to settle in place it made noise, at least i think it did a misshapen head with a strange face it was enough to scare any kid it would be outside the window, in the yard, sometimes by the entrance at the door it seemed persistently

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He was pleased with himself because he was less than tolerant of the relentless training that the elder's persisted on him. "that's enough for today," growled the elder.
