The Lead Crown, Ch 7.6 Malcom (Part A)
"nobility? would prince malcom of the lehsunian line have the right to qualify as a priority dignitary under your battle code?" the stork seemed uncertain at first, his ire tempered by indecision. "prince malcom, huh?
Tacked- Part One
It was a shock for the mercenary to realize that he'd been thinking of the leopard as a mercenary, despite the obviously nobility of the cat. "hour, sorry. i forgot. i'll be back in about an hour."
Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 1
She cherry picks a selection of people from different walks of life: major nobility, minor nobility, friends, traders, guild masters, ship captains and so on. basically anyone that can afford to dress up might get one.
I Dreamt of Wasps - Chapter 10
Max wondered what kind of place alva's homeland was that owning an estate and trading ships wasn't enough to be considered nobility. "of course, ten was, for all intents and purposes, off-limits.
A Patient Death 04: Civilised Folk
Though might i add, i am sometimes shocked to find i have more in common with this sort of madman than half the bloody nobility..." breeze was reminded of a song his mother had sung him as a pup.
Santa's Reindeer Profiles
Become serious in a snap • fastest along with dasher • shares vixen's attraction and is trying to figure out how to expand it dancer: age 24 • vain • prudish • elegant • dominant and submissive alike • generous towards others • somewhat nobility
Funeral on a Station (Otherwise Untitled)
He wasn't entirely certain that he'd be able to explain to one the nobility of his deceptions. on his way to the sanctuary he lifted several candies out of a bowl; the children could use a reason to wear a smile as true as his was practiced.
The Mayor of Congruence and The Baroness of the Opera House
And then there was the nobility. for the vast majority of the world it was the former who held the bulk of the power. the nobility primarily existed for entertainment purposes. the world expected them.
Battle Master, Prologue
By my count almost a third of the nobility has been killed by uprisings... among those still with the living a large majority fight against the movement to free slaves.
Introduction to Kattar
The house wasn't very big, more or less the same size as all other lower nobility children, although being a lonely son, he did not need to share it, meaning he add more than enough room for anything he would like to do there.
Bastian 1: Encounter With a Buck
Where's the nobility in that? i'm a warrior first; mage second. our swords glimmer in the moonlight. i clench my weapon tightly and charge towards the enemy as he runs toward me at an almost equal pace. our swords clash together and our eyes meet.
Regaining Lost Honor: part 2
He saw himself as a swordsman; a persom of courage, honor, valiance, nobility, chivarly, and gallantry.