2. Farewell to a Freind...

Ren'sen thought him quite sexy, what with the toned body from a militant life style and those luminous green eyes, not to mention he had a way with the ladies that made them melt in his arms.

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WIP- Red Winter Spinoff.

They were both carrying 9mm uzi submachine guns which was an interesting choice of weapon for them since his militant group was known for funding anti israeli terrorist cells. the villagers were under orders to call him "the general".

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History, from The First to Second Great War

The main portion of both the western alliance and eastern empire armies are annihilated instantly.the main portion of both the western alliance, the union and german militants fighting both sides die instantly.

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The End: Chapter 5: The Moon and Stars Above You.

Encounter with the bears, if this energy resulted from kate finally breaking free from her shell, or if it was some perfectly crafted concoction of the two; all i knew is that she had finally opened herself up to me, and shown me the real wolf beneath the cold, militant

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Ovni Biography

For the united galactic federation as a field intelligence operative, a position held first during the attempt to round up the leroys (who had scattered into groups of 2 or 3 across the galaxy) and then during a period of unrest as xenophobia and rising militant

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She wished she could have died for them, but the brutal militants who deposed them would not have been satisfied with one royal death. in the end five people out of six were killed in the ensuing massacres and skirmishes.

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Storm Bringer

Famican soldiers had better guns, and they made quick work of the militants. i watched a lion from my window try to crawl away after being shot. a trail of blood from his body stretched around a corner from where i could not see.

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OR: Varandions

The kwa has taken a militant approach to his abolitionist stance by sabotaging and stealing their starship then reverse-engineering, refitting them to rapid-assualt vessels to eliminate ga'roa interstellar assets.

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Ch. 14: Albrand, Village of Ideals

The hands of laren, a militant group, sprouted from the ashes of defeat and spread throughout the countryside.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Twenty Eight

While i'd never been as militant about it as she was, i'd spent at least five years of my life as a vegan too. she'd been the one to convince me to take up the diet when our class had gone on a field trip to a farm.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 7

Imagine what-" " i understand that this is very fascinating volteer" terrador interjected with his firm militant tone while rubbing his forehead " but don't forget that we have a guest who demands our immediate attention" the electric guardian nodded " of

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A Galaxy Divided 2

Why is it that you are in the military, i mean from looking at where you are this apartment runs at a rate of eighteen hundred a month, your clothes seem way too nice to afford on a militant salary, and you are incredibly smart, so why the uid military?"

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