Pride Goes Before the Fall: Chapter 1
It was not really a district, but one massive marble and granite compund. the temple of the sea goddess, a tall, masive marble building stood in the center.
S2 Ep9 Justin Opal
The person who marble was referring to was justin dating dakota as he developed a crush on him throughout the day but marbel being marble he did not say that.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 44
He can't be that bad, he had to have some good influence" \* "forget it marble.
Pride Rock
Grabbing the marble wrist with one hand and the marble elbow with the other, he went down in a slow spin back while pulling on the wrist and pushing down on the elbow until the statue was face-down on the ground next to him.
Welcome to the City
Aries was eager to depart from the large marble structure that housed virgo and her sour attitude.
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 2, "What Are The Chances?" - Part 2
~omar, 26, marbled polecat, arabic interpreter the marbled polecat walks out of the front door, gym bag and suitcase in tow, closing the door behind himself.
Dawn of Chaos Pt 3
I was chained with bonds of light in the grand marble temple of the light unable to do so much as warn my followers.
A Place to Belong - Chapter 22
Cody grabbed one of his marbles and readied the slingshot, pausing as he aimed. he let it go and the marble bounced off the wall, just inches to the left of the fruit. i looked to cody who huffed and grabbed another marble.
Forgotten Gods Part 1: Dragon, falcon, mouse
The temple complex was the size of a town, soaring archways and resplendent pillars of purest white marble everywhere to be seen.
How I Found It All: Part VIII
marbles escaped with the emperor's amulet, an important artifact for the royal imperial lineage. i found marbles at one of their fortresses, helping the emperor's son. i aided them as much as i could, running errands for my sister.
Lost Souls Chapter 3
The castle its self was made of the same white marble as the outside wall is.
Ch. 1. Beginings
As the fox examined the marble he noted that the center is glowing a very lucid green. he places it in the pocket of his ripped and tattered cloak. it was then that he noticed the village.