Lost Souls Chapter 3
#3 of Lost Souls
Chapter 3 "The First Step" Sorry i havnt been able to post anything lately, i dont have internet at home so i write everything in a notebook but my ADD seems to distract me so i dont get much done. I know this one is a bit longer than the others but that is mainly because of the dialog in it.
After I set foot into the rather eerie castle i felt a nice feeling of relaxation. The outside of the building seemed so scary but the inside is so relaxing. "So what is with this building?" I asked in a calm and relaxed tone "Why does it feel so different from everywhere else?"
"I'm not really sure actually"
"Well that is reassuring..." I whispered to myself.
After a while in silence i decided to speak up about something
"Do you know of an angel named Helvas?"
She brushed back her tail and moved her legs a bit before looking at me with a serious face and saying
"He is a simple guard in the nearby castle. He is said to be greedy and likes to bully those weaker than him. Not a very nice person to begin with, how he got his wings i will never know."
"Where is the castle!" I shouted as i pulled the key out of my pocket gripping it tightly. The room echoed softly in the background.
"Calm down kid, Its about 10 miles to the north west of here."
"Can you point me in the direction of the castle? I don't have a compass." I asked eagerly
"I kinda don't have one on me that you can borrow. I know the lands by heart though, i can help you get there and kill Helvas"
"Woah! I'm not here to kill him."
"You aren't going to kill him?"
"No! I can't do that!"
"Why wouldn't you you want to kill him" She asked in slight shock
"I can't kill any person"
She then gets up and walks towards the door. She signals for me to follow her. I follow her outside and she points in an apparently random direction.
"That is the direction to the castle. Although the trip may take a few hours you wont really notice it."
"Oh, well thank you so much" I say as i start to walk away but she stops me
"Its L. by the way"
"What is 'L'?"
"My middle initial" She says then pushes me a bit towards the direction of the castle.
I walked around in the direction she pointed me in hoping that it is the right way. After a while i start to see a marble colored castle and get a slight bit of excitement that covers over my entire being. It seemed to be a bit small from afar but the closer i got, the smaller it seemed. The castle is surrounded by small trees making it seem bigger than i normally thought. It seemed like a fairly normal castle but it was a bit too bright to me. It was like the sun was pointing directly on this spot. I slowly made my way towards the castle. I saw some people with wings. They differed vastly from coyotes to cheetahs. I walked up to the castle gate and saw 2 guards. They were wearing some fairly light armor and didnt seem very tough at all. I waved to them to see if they were friendly and one of them saw me. He slowly grasped his sword and yelled at me.
"What do you want?"
"I am looking to enter your castle, do you think i can get in?" I said trying to be as friendly as possible
"The city is a bit full right now, we cant open the gates right now. Come back later."
"Whats happening in the city? Are there really that many people in there?"
The guards looked at each other questioning my statement
"How could you not know?" asked the second guard.
"Yeah, it's only the most important day of the year" the first guard said sarcastically
"I'm a bit new to these parts so can you explain to me what today is?" I asked a bit frustrated with the way the guards were talking to me
"It's the day of the new crowning. We are getting a new king." They said almost simultaneously and a bit exited
"So that's why the castle is packed" I whispered to myself
"Yeah, you wont be able to get in today, try again later"
I walked away trying to not get mad at them for the way they were talking to me. I eventually found a way in through what appeared to be a sewer system around the side of the castle hidden by a thick patch of trees and bushes. The sewer was blocked off by some bars but they were loosely attached. As i entered i found that a lot of it seemed incomplete, as if the sewer system was still in progress. It was a bit hard to find my way along but i eventually found a way into the city before the castle. As i entered i found that most of the town was busy. I tried to sneak into the castle but found too many guards patrolling so i decided to ask around the town. As i walked around i found the town was a bit different from the outside. Most of the city area seemed poor. Most of the houses were made of wood and straw. The castle its self was made of the same white marble as the outside wall is. I walked around town and started talking to people, asking about how things in the town were and asking about gossip to see what i could find out without being too blunt about my quest. After talking to people i came across a guard wearing slightly heavy armor but something was off about this one, this guard didnt have wings. I walked up to the guard and the guard jumped a bit.
"Gah!" The guard shouted and grabbed the nearby shield to defend against me
"Woah! Calm down, just saying hi" I said raising my hands up to show im harmless
"Oh, sorry, a bit jumpy today with the festival and everything" The guard sighed a bit.
"Its okay. You seem a bit scared, are you okay?"
"Yeah, i'm fine. Truthfully, it isn't just the festival that has me jumpy, im just like this a lot" He says as he takes off his helmet
The knight was not what i expected. The knight was a cheetah with barely any spots on his face, I couldn't see much past his face due to the armor he has on. The knight seemed to be fairly friendly and rather open. I started talking to the knight and bringing up gossip in town that i learned from the people within the city and the subject of knights of the castle came up. It took quite some time but i was finally starting to learn about Helvas.
"Yeah, a few of the nights are corrupted. Helvas is the head knight but he isn't liked too much. He does things behind the back of the king."
"What do you mean?" I asked trying to act interested so i could get good information
"Well, he likes to make people...... disappear...." he said extremely nervously
"Hey man, you okay?"
"Yeah" he said as he slowly calmed down "Just that i shouldn't be talking about this"
We talked for a bit after that and i left to find a way to make myself "disappear". I knew only one fast way to make him want to make me disappear but it would take a lot of guts. I was a bit scared he wouldn't come after me but i didn't have much choice. I went into a large crowd and started spreading a rumor about him doing things. I made sure i was loud and made sure that everyone heard me. I watched knights and people carefully to see if i caused any havoc to bring out Helvas. I walked around town spreading my little lies around the city for a few hours before a group of knights showed up. It was about 5 knights who showed up and asked me to come with them. I was walking with them and they brought me to the main castle gate and let me in. They brought me into a room, it seemed fairly nice but nothing too special. There was a brown rug covering the normal ground and a nice wooden table and some padded chairs in the room. All of the guards that took me there had wings but the wings looked strange up close, almost like they were metal. They sat me down and left me there but they asked me to place my ax on the table before they would leave. I complied and placed it on the table so they could leave. I heard footsteps and a door opening. I quickly grabbed my ax again.
I watched the doors carefully to see who was entering the room. The door slowly opened and a tall wolf entered the room. He was a very light white, nothing like i thought he would be. His wings were a bit different from the others, they weren't a solid black like all the other wings that i saw, they were edged in silver. The tips of each metallic feather was a shining silver color. He walked towards me and sat down across from me looking directly at me.
"So i have heard these rumors you are spreading about me, you have some guts and i like that"
"I'm really not sure where you are going here. How do you know i was spreading rumors and if it was me?" I said with a smug and cocky attitude
"You are a rather loud kid, how wasn't i able to know?"
"Good point" I said as a backed off a bit
"Listen, i have a deal for you. You need to stop these rumors and i have two ways to do that, i am hoping you will co-operate with me."
"What do you mean?"
"I give you something you want and you go away for a while or i finish you off myself"
"I don't know what you are trying to do" I said trying to play ignorance
"I'm saying you leave or i will kill you" He said extremely bluntly
I was shocked at him saying this directly and it took me a second to realize he was messing with something on his armor belt. He was messing with some brass knuckles that had some short blades coming out of the sides. They were a dark blue color but they seemed like they were never used before. I wasn't sure if he had used them before or if he was just using his power and trying to intimidate me but it wasn't working to well. I picked up my ax and hoped he wasn't paying attention. He didn't notice that i had the head of my one sided ax in my hand. I quickly smashed the handle of my ax across his head and knocked him to the ground. He quickly fell on the ground but he wasn't knocked out. I quickly jumped on top of him and started punching his head till he was knocked out. It was all so fast i wasn't able to think much. I tore the armor off of him and rolled him over to reveal his wings flopped onto his back. I took the brass knuckles off of his belt and used them to cut the wings off of his back. The wings were metal and seemed to be sown onto his back. I was forced to cut the area around his wings in order to rip them off.
I slowly carved the wings off of him. As the blood gushed onto my hand i tried to hold back the vomit. I had a mission and nothing was ever going to stop me from completing it. I got one wing off and the wing folded up on its own. I was a bit surprised at this. I carved the other wing off without causing too much damage to him. I got both wings and was able to fold them up to hide them. The wings were rather light and easy to fold up. I needed to find a way to sneak out and i had to be quick. I grabbed my ax and ran for the door that Helvas had entered from. It lead to another hallway. The hallways were made up of the same white marble that the entire castle seemed to be made out of. There were some solid pillars of the marble that held up the fairly big hallways. The ground seemed rather barren but with the swirls of black that the white marble has, it made it look better without a rug or carpet than it would with one. I ran down the hallway and eventually found my way out of the castle. Now all i had to do was escape the city surrounding it.