A Silent Soul- Chapter 17
"promise not to kick me on accident?" i joked. "i solemnly swear not to kick you on accident. maybe on purpose though." he joked back getting a glare from me. "trust me i won't kick you." he added seriously.
Jamie vs Jeb [falls count anywhere match]
He jumps up to try going for a jumping high kick at the wolf. the wolf tries to block the kick with his forearms. he grunts a bit and attempts to shunt his shoulders into the goat at the same time.
Commission: Interrogation
Gabby immediately kicked behind herself, her foot connected with somebody's leg, and whoever she had kicked swore and fell over.
The Big Chance Ch.2 - The Fight
Knuckles was able to block the roundhouse kicks but the back kick got him in the stomach and he was left open for a tornado kick to the head, knocking him down.
Before A Fall
When her defensive front kick went straight up into a split kick over her head, he saw her kicking foot catch fire on its way up to his web-vine net above her.
Tyranous Chronicle "Test Footage"
She swung them straight up and down, one after another, one-two-roundhouse-kick. zippo's glyph instantly kicked into action as he dodged the blades but the kick struck him in the head.
Rexville 11: Roaring Rexes VS West Coasters
After the whistle, sol ran forward to the ball and prepared for one intense kick to the goal. the lynx predicted his kick and leaped at the left, sol's right...
Ferocity chapter two
Both his legs however had come up and kicked the rabbit right in the gut.
Vengeance Set 4 (16-20)
Eventually nathan started to chase renamon and then went to kick her. renamon: careful! your leg! he kicked the wall were renamon had been a moment later. nathan ow? renamon: what? nathan kicked the wall a few more times.
The Mouning After - Chapter 22 [Part 2] (Kinyar)
His head snapped to the left and i reared back to kick him, but he twisted away and my kick only struck a post.
Smoke: 'Killer's Cold Fury'
I try to break free but he kicks again and again until i drop the blades. then he does a backflip, kicking me up into the air. as i land he grabs the katanas.
The Mourning After - Chapter 22 [Part1] (Kinyar)
As malakye stepped forward to attack, barnus attacked with a well timed reverse spin kick. malakye narrowly avoided the kick and backed away.