Luxu's Fluffy Destruction

Her fur burst through again, her infatuation with growing swelling, laughing aloud.

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Guardian Angel (Freebie, 1K Words)

The other angels knew of his infatuation, and that it went beyond what a guardian angel would normally feel for their charge, but ignored it as long as it didn't get in the way of his job.

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Matteus Chapter 3 "River's House"

"you can be infatuated later; right now we are going to do some homework." bryan tossed the papers on his bed and dumped two books out of his bad.

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Alpha and Omega - Howl With Me

Her father had told her that with maturity would come change, and his infatuation with her would become a more companionable friendship of a future pack leader with her omega. but he was... howling again.

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Shoulder To Cry On

The two had been put together in a gym dance group during sixth grade, where they'd become friends, and over the next two years ollie's affection for the fennec had grown into complete infatuation.

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Love, Loss, and Spilled Coffee

Or was it just infatuation? after all, he was just 17 when they met.


There She Is!!

They were obviously a couple and completely infatuated with each other. they were also cats. he then showed the next slide: a rabbit couple. like with the cats, they too were holding hands.

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Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter XI

infatuation, maybe? no, stronger; infatuation would not make me want to protect this girl with life... like i had with vitani. but i couldn't think of her now... she was in the past. it was time to move onto the future.

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I Caught God 5: In which My Name is Finally Mentioned and I Stick My Foot in My Mouth

Like surviving my daughters' infatuation. they love riolu." "huh?" i whirl around at the sound of several high pitched screams and see a mob of dark brown foxes all running at me. i yelp as i am quickly dog piled by... screaming fangirls?

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The Furry Rebellion: Inprisonment

.** i was at a loss of the tone of her voice. infatuation? nah it couldn't be that.

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Show Me Your Teeth: The Truth Is Sexy

But, given the subtle hints that not even you know you're giving off, i can easily tell that you are infatuated with me. not quite love but more than like." he turned off the blow dryer and sat back up.

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Young Love

Off as the two impressed the crowd with their dance and soon everyone joined in while some of the nobles stuck to the sides not wanting to lower themselves to dancing with a savage and to make matters worse some began to hear rumors of their princess being infatuated

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