The Furry Rebellion: Inprisonment
Note: Bold Pirint means convorsation, Italic means dream sequnce or flashback.
Work Facility 12/0600/11/08/2350
Cell 13
"Get up you lazy piece of scum," called the Commander 45, "fall out and follow the yellow line if you can. I woke up to this weird robot calling out commands telling us to proceeded down the hall following the yellow line. He had a weapon but even that didn't make me afraid of this piece of technology. The next thing I saw however were a lot of humanoid looking creatures creating possibly more of this violent thing. then I saw my own hands or paws more like.
I was a little shocked to see what I saw I had no memories but I felt this was wrong. I liked this new odd feeling. It was the best sensation I felt in well I don't really know how long. then I was abrasively hit in the back of the head. I never felt a sensation like that, it hurt like hell, whatever that is it just feels like it fits. We all of the new workers I guess went into a room with a label "Orientation" whatever that meant. It seemed eerie not good, not bad. it took several hours, several boring hours. then we were ushered to our work stations. not all of us were near each other. I was placed next to a wolf like myself. she seemed fairly ... cute. I felt downright awkward being next to her. she started talking to me.
Who are you? Inquired the atracive fur.
I don't know. I replied.
Well for now, I will call you 13. She stated.
Well who are you then? I inquired fustrated.
Well I call myself Mary. She answered.
What do you mean? I inquired.
No one has memories here. She sadly stated.
How is that possible? I ask in disblief.
The alteration process we endure before arriving here. She said.
So what were we all before? I pressed further.
that I don't know even myself. in fact that's about all I know. Little advice keep your head down or they'll kill you that's what happened to the last one. She informed me.
They seem to not really care what happens to us. Though I feel you're wrong about the memories. I stated in a hopeful tone.
Oh really why? She asked interested.
I remember some of what I was. I simply stated.
That's impossible. She replied, unsatisfied.
It seemed as if she really didn't act as if she was shocked. yet what I said was really true I was some kind of scientist though I feel it best not to let the guards know for fear of my own life. The next day went by longer then I saw what she meant. I saw a fox fall behind on his work then they dragged him off to a room labeled unfit for work. followed by shouts, screaming, and then worst of all... silence. I never even knew his name yet he tried talking to me in my cell.
At this point I realized, I needed to escape from this horrible place. I had a dream about what I truly was. I think it was a hazy image of myself telling me what I was yet I couldn't under stand it. at one point it was as if though I had caused atrocities. I felt like I needed to die at that point. I woke up screaming "no, not again, never again." I don't even know what I was talking about.
Hey 13 you ok? Mary asked.
I can't believe it. I said in horror.
*Well he was on the list any way. She stated bluntly. *
How can you say that? he was one of us he had emotions like me and you! I yelled.
Well I've been around long enough it's no longer a shock. In an uncareing tone.
Is this how it always is around here? I questioned.
Pretty much. She simply stated.
I'm glad I not one of those dammed robots. I replied in an angered tone.
I hear that. She agreed.
I was at a loss of the tone of her voice. infatuation? nah it couldn't be that. Though now that I look back over the few days she has been looking at me when she thought I wasn't looking then I'd catch her and she look away very shocked, maybe even embarrassed. She does look very hot when she's like that. I pushed the feeling away I needed to focus on what was important Getting out of here, assembling a radio to contact a friendly ship, and leveling this place after saving the prisoners.
Tonight I started digging its hard work but I like it I feel it keeps me occupied from the horrible things that have happen in here. it is very tasking work. I'm my muscles are sore from four hours of restless digging. I don't know if I ever did manual labor in my life, but it sucks. I a dream tonight the voice was more audible than it was the last time I feel more scared now for I realize I did this to myself it was me who did this to myself. I was fighting these furs, I killed them I had done genetic experiments before on these helpless.. no not helpless rebel furs. I am truly a monster.
Tunnel dug now working on digging to Mary's cell. 5 cells down. she has noticed significant changes. I quit talking, I quit eating as much, and I always had my tail tucked between my legs. I never tried to confide in her about the atrocities I created. I have never once felt the way I did before even while I did those things. I now am even more terrified I fear the worst has yet to happen in this war. Only a few feet left to go... there we are.
Hey Mary. I wisper
Hmm... She moans.
Wake up. I state. (while shaking her)
What the... She said starting to yell (hand covering mouth)
Not so loud. I need to tell you some things follow me. I answered.
She gets up and follows me into the tunnel. once she gets in I seal the tunnel. we walk far into the inner workings of the place. I feel like I'm about ready to throw up.
Look I need to tell you something important. I state simply.
*What? like you are digging a tunnel out of here and didn't tell me. She assesed, sarcasticly. *
No, its far worse I know why I'm here. I need to tell you everything before questions ok? I pelaed to her.
Yeah sure. She submitted.
I tell her everything. she seemed to take it very well even though she knew how bad of a monster I am. she looked at me with curious eyes as I told her that's why I've acted so different lately. then she simply laughed at what the explanation was.
You stupid idiot. I thought you didn't like me for god's sake. She replied in an irritateded but suprised tone.
Oh no I love you more than you can ever know. I asured her.
I was so depressed . Couldn't you have told me? She asked deeply hurt.
I couldn't even think about it to myself. I was horrified. I never wanted you think less of me. I explained.
That's understandable.. but really stupid. Just make me a promise take me with you. She siad.
That I can't do they are bound to ask questions I don't want you in danger. I will promise, though to come back for you. the droids won't ask to many questions nor will they care. I told her flatly.
End Chapter One