Matteus Chapter 3 "River's House"

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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#3 of Mattheus

Martin looked out of the car window as he and Bryan pulled up to a large tan house. Bryan parked right behind a dark vermillion car. "Welcome to the River's House. I'll go ahead and tell you that my mom will most likely want you to stay for dinner. I'm sure you'll want to leave and head home afterwards though." Martin jumped out of the car and followed the large wolf up to the entrance of the house. Bryan pulled his house key out of his back pocket and slipped it into the door. After Bryan opened the front door, Martin felt a pleasant warm and calming breeze tickled his face. Inside, the young otter was greeted by a well decorated interior. The walls were a bright tan, like the outside of the house, and the carpet was a dark, almost black, navy shade.

"Mom, I'm home and I've brought a friend home also." The male wolf called after tossing his bag on to the large brown sofa. After a few moments, Martin saw a slightly shorter female wolf wearing a pale blue apron step around the corner of a doorless doorway. Bryan's mom was just slightly shorter than her son, but also quite a bit slimmer.

The she wolf extended a friendly hand to Martin. "Name is Nina, pleasure to meet you Martin. Bryan has been telling us quite a bit about you." The otter looked up at his friend's mom as he shook hands with her. Mrs. Rivers' eyes were a brilliant shade green, which were identical to her son's.

"It's wonderful to meet you to Mrs. Rivers. I've heard nothing but positive things from Bryan and Jen." Martin replied as he withdrew his paw; which he noted was, like with Bryan, smaller than the she wolf's paw.

Bryan's mom gave her son's petit friend a bright smile. "If you wish to, you can stay for supper."

"Don't worry mom, Martin told me on the way here he'd like to stay for dinner," The younger wolf piped in while pointing to a door at the end of the hall. "That's my room down there, last door on the left. I will be back there in a few moments, just need to tell my mom something real fast."

Martin did as his friend had asked him to do. Once he had grabbed his things, the little otter left the two wolves and headed towards the lupine's bedroom. Martin placed his things at the foot of the king-sized bed and slipped off his shoes. He stretched out after lying down on the massive bed. The wolf's bed was the best Martin had ever felt in his life.

The room was fairly large, the walls and carpet were the same as they were in the front room and halls that he had just left. Next to the bed was a large dresser that had cloths sticking out of the drawers. Across the room, the otter could see Bryan's compute desk and cd rack. Being a huge fan of music and also curious of what all is friend listened to; Martin rolled off the bed and strolled over to the rack. Gazing at the cds, Martin saw many artists that he either loved or at least heard of. One cd caught Martin's eye and the otter pulled it out of the rack. The cd, Center Stage Apology by The Everpresent Melancholy, had a simple, yet calming cover, a close-up of a guitar.

"Don't be surprised that you haven't heard of him. He is currently an unsigned artist. Jen discovered him on-line a while back. We both liked the album so much that each of us ordered a copy. I can let you borrow it if you would like to hear it. Also on the back is a picture of the singer." Bryan's deep voice called out from behind the otter.

"Sure that would be nice," Martin thanked his friend, unstartled by the fact that Bryan had entered the room without making a noise, before flipping the album over to look at the artist. "Ah, a fellow otter and an exceptionally attractive on at that." Martin felt his ear twitch as something light clipped it.

The large wolf had some papers in his massive paws. "You can be infatuated later; right now we are going to do some homework." Bryan tossed the papers on his bed and dumped two books out of his bad. Martin quickly joined him on the bed and the two of them started on their homework.

A little less than three hours later, the two boys had finished their school work. The two of them had taken a short break after Jen had gotten home. Jen's boyfriend, Corey Bareilles, dropped her off, came inside and said hello to Bryan, Martin, and Mrs. Rivers, before he headed home.

The two young wolves and the otter were goofing around in the front room when, Mrs. Rivers called out for them to come into the kitchen. "Bryan, Jennifer could you please set the table for me please. Your dad will be home in just a little bit. Oh and Martin, Bryan told me that you don't eat meat. Don't worry, we have tofu if you like it or if you don't we've got fruits and vegetables" The mother wolf addressed all of the teens when they arrived in the kitchen.

"Thank you Mrs. Rivers. Haven't tried tofu before, but I'd love to try it though." The young otter responded to his friend's kind mother.

A few moments after the twin wolves had finished setting the table, an extremely large wolf entered the front room dressed in a business suit. The large canine walked over to Mrs. Rivers and gave her a loving hug and kiss. "Hello, sweetheart, who is the otter?"

"That is Bryan's friend Martin. He is staying for dinner and then leaving afterwards."

The young otter measured up Bryan's dad while the two adults were speaking. The giant male was bigger than Bryan in both weight and height. His broad face had a giant scar running down the right side of his face. His paws were easily about a third of the otter's own face. Martin chuckled as his presumptions about the father wolf were right when Bryan got up to hug his dad. Even Martin was shocked by the size of the older wolf, which was roughly four or five inches taller than his son.

After a few moments, everyone sat down and began to eat dinner.

Martin stared out the window of Bryan's car as the wolf drove him home. The dinner had gone fairly well; as Martin had expected, someone made a comment about him being a vegetarian. Mr. Rivers, being the one who had said the comment, apologized quickly once he had been informed of Martin's health problems. By the time dinner was over and Bryan had started up the car, it was twenty minutes till the otter's parents would be home.

Unworried about arriving late, the otter laid back and relaxed as soft and calming music flowed from the car's radio.

Quick note.

  • The Everpresent Melancholy belongs to Colson over on FA.

  • Real life I tried to be a vegetarian and I felt like giving Martin health problems would add something interesting to the story.

  • Next chapter is writen in a journal like form. So it's first person, just warning head of time.