An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.5 (Rewrite)
Days fly by quicker then you expected and you found yourself in front of the barrier. Your family is there to see you off. Giving them all one last hug, Asgore hands you a pouch with the delta rune symbol on it and you open it to find the gold you...
An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.4 (Rewrite)
In the morning you yawn and stretch out as you rub sleep from your eyes. You sit up and look over at the desk where you'd laid the book Toriel gave you. You get changed and grab the book putting it inside your pocket. Heading out to the living room you...
An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH. 3(Rewrite)
In the morning you awaken to find yourself staring at Asriel, he's still sleeping peacefully, mouth slightly agape with a bit of drool pooling onto the pillow. You can't help yourself as you give a quiet chuckle so not to disturb him. You do your best...
An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.2 (Rewrite)
As you sleep you dream of the trials and test you went through in the laboratory. You stand at a distance watching a large creature with fangs, horns, and wings enter the domed room you are in. The wings on its back to small to serve any real purpose...
An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.1 (Rewrite)
You didn't have the most pleasant time growing up and had it worst then most children have it at his age. Your parents didn't really care about you and just found you a nuisance, they would have gotten rid of you sooner, but they thought they could...
Chapter 3 - The Girlfriend...and Boyfriend?!
"wait...he also frisked me...or did he?."
OutFoxxed!! - Part 1
Without waiting for the corpse to grow cold, the pursuer started the frisk the fox's pockets. "sir?" enquired the female officer, as she observed the figure, as he retrieved the wallet from inside the fox's jacket and checked the contents. "ahhh!"
Old Friends
This complete, he quickly and thoroughly frisked me for weapons or explosives. not thoroughly enough for a highly trained insertion operative though. he failed to locate both my 9mm and my combat knife.
Got Moshpits?
Sirius hadn't thought of that when he glared at the furs giving him looks, and as he turned to the guard who had to frisk him, he quickly changed over to a sheepish smile as his ears flattened back against his head. "don't suppose you'll go easy on me?"
The Stone- Chapter 4
But what i didn't see was a black slithery form observing me and jade from a tree, watching us play and frisk around in the grass. it flicked its forked tongue out and snarled once, hissing unconsciously.
Uks Silvercast
Of escape the toy would only work for a moment if it worked at all with it being still light outside though it was getting dark. running up a flight of stairs he triped over a body on the floor hearing the very distinct sound of keys jingling. he quickly frisked
[Blog] Califur 2017 In Review
Well, it turns out his roommate - who was dressed up as frisk from the _undertale _video game - had bid in the auction too, winning _two pairs_. ah, i remember seeing them whip out their $20's with excitement back in the pickup area.