Chapter 3 - The Girlfriend...and Boyfriend?!
#3 of Lost Love
DISCLAIMER: All characters cannot be used without my permission since this is a reflection of a certain life. Some events are fiction but the thoughts are true.
Chapter 3 " The Girlfriend...and Boyfriend!?
"What a load of BS," said Leo quietly throwing the paper into a nearby trash can as he walked to the other side of campus where the new gym stood compared to the smaller one behind it.
The path is fairly straight with a few turns distorted the path slightly. The air felt warmer as Leo slowed down when he made it to the gym. The boys locker room, which wasn't very far from the gym, is closed as the students were scattered about the basketball courts that spanned about two-thirds of the field used for soccer and baseball, spanned the entirely length of the school so it's a pretty stubby size of grass. Everyone talked happily and didn't seem to notice Leo standing alone 12 from the entrance to the red, white, and blue gym.
"I should have stayed home today," mumbled Leo as he resumed his walk and entered the basketball courts.
The courts are arranged such that there are two full size courts next to each other before another set of two followed it directly to the left. That happened for four sets before a ninety degree turn for three more. His class is situated on the last set courts before the turn. Leo walked down the courts towards his class moving parallel to a dirt mound that divided the concrete from the grass. A few large trees are scattered about the dirt. A large group of people stood at the edge of the last set of court, between set three and four, and Leo walked and joined the group.
"Hey! Thanks for reminding me about my shoes!" said jack rabbit from earlier.
"No problem," responded Leo making an attempt to smile but failed to do so as he joined the group.
The group contained about 8 people, including Leo and the jack rabbit, but about half of them talk to Leo at any given time. Just as he came he left to stand on his dot and be alone. The dots are located about 2 feet away from the dirt on the cement with the dimensions of 6x8 if you're standing on the cement with the dirt to your right. He stood there staring at the dot before him ,before looking at just cement followed by the dirt, as the people around him talked. His face emotionless.
"Time to take roll!" shouted an adult female voice.
The talking continued as people started to move to their dots in alphabetical order. The adult held a small binder that contained all the students in the class and moved down between each aisle while flipping the pages to make sure the proper student is present for class. She is a human who wore black sports jacket, pants, and shoes from Puma and black sunglasses from somewhere. Her skin is fair colored and her hair a good shade of orange and red combined. She's about in her late 40s to the mid 50s. It took her a while to get to Leo.
"Why aren't you dressed, Leo?" asked the teacher.
"Mr. Elisor kept me after class too long today," responded Leo without looking up.
"I see. You're off the hook today but next time, have a note ready," said the instructor moving on with roll call.
Class moved by quickly since all they did that day was walk around the field. Everyone walked in groups of two or more. Leo walked by himself since the class is odd numbered. His bag moved with his boy and continued that way until a warning bell rang signaling that the period was almost over. The class is on the far side of the field so they walked across quickly just to get into their clothes on in time for break. The cold wet grass shifted under everyone's steps as they struggled to bend back up into their straight and proud positions.
"You seem way out of it," said a voice behind him concerned.
Leo slowed down for a moment for the voice to walk beside him and take his hand. Turning his head slightly, Leo looked into the beautiful black eyes that are scanning his face for any sign of the cause and life.
"It's nothing big, just a phase Audrey," responded Leo looking straight ahead at the gym.
"I hope so cause it makes me sad to see you sad," said Audrey.
Audrey is a panda, Leo's girlfriend if you didn't get the hint. Standing at 5'6" and wearing glasses with powerful magnifications, she didn't look right wearing P.E. Clothes that make her look bigger than she really is. She loved Leo quite a lot and nothing could change that no matter what happened.
"I know that," said Leo.
"Then why aren't you happy like you usually are?" asked Audrey.
"I don't know. I'll get better by 6th so don't worry too much, it's unhealthy for you," said Leo.
"I know but I can't help it. I just have to worry about you...that's what it seems like anyways," said Audrey.
"I wish I could make you stop but that doesn't seem likely. You're like my mom, sort of, just without the age and stress," said Leo.
"I do tend to get motherly but it's for a good cause. Why don't you just tell me what's bothering you so I can relax a bit? That's one way to help make that wish come true," recommended Audrey.
Leo remained silent as they crossed half of the field. He knew better than to vent on her only to have her worry more but if he didn't, she would still worry more. The decision seemed impossible but Leo made up his mind.
"I'd rather not say. It would help us both greatly. Maybe not now but in the long run," answered Leo.
"I want to know what you're thinking so I can understand," said Audrey looking at the ground for a moment.
"You won't understand the reasoning that well," responded Leo.
"Oh yea? Well try me," prompted Audrey looking at Leo again.
"It's very private," said Leo.
"I still want to know either way," said Audrey.
"No, you'll know when I want you to know," said Leo.
"Fine, then I'll just have to worry about you. By the way, what did you do in English today?" asked Audrey changing the subject.
"Talked about our new unit which is about love, both kinds in case you were wondering," answered Leo crossing the three-fourths line.
"Leave it to Elisor to do that. I swear he comes up with the weirdest things ever. I bet you all the guys in my class will mention something about porn and intercourse," said Audrey looking ahead now.
"One guy in my class already did that," said Leo.
"That's your class, 5th is different cause we're his favorite class," said Audrey proudly.
"He says that to all of his classes," stated Leo.
"Really!? I'm going to have a serious talk with him during 5th," said Audrey quietly but loud enough for Leo to hear.
"Good luck with that," said Leo.
"I don't need luck. Wait until Jane hears this," said Audrey happily.
"I'm sure she'll help out. You guys can convince him some how," said Leo.
They made it to the dirt divide and made their goodbyes with hugs. Audrey walked away from Leo at an angle as Leo continued his straight path across the basketball courts. People stood outside the boy's locker room banging on the door and shouting to be let in to change. Leo didn't have to wait with these guys and continued walking only to stop to hear the break bell ring. The large group of people moaned and increased their efforts as Leo walked back into the school.
The school came to life once again as students streamed out of their classrooms to enjoy their 15 minutes of break. Leo joined a small stream passing thorough a gate nest to his next class before breaking off and passing through another gate that fat people can barely get through. The smell of fresh paint continued to linger around the gates but that didn't bother anyone even the threat of lead poisoning or some sort of poisoning exists.
"Leo, wait up!" shouted a voice.
Leo stopped and turned around to see a white bangle tiger squeezing his way through the same gate. He wore a dark green t-shirt that has the words "Live Free or Live Dead" written in bomb slang. He also wore dark blue jeans and dark green shoes that match his dark green t-shirt. A black bag bounced off of his leg as a tried to maneuver his way through. The feral features stood out but the ocean blue eyes gave him the calm presence so people can be at ease around him. His physique is muscular but the clothes make him look skinny.
"Jeez, you move so fast," said the tiger gliding his way towards Leo after getting free of the gate.
"Well I can move fast if I want to," answered Leo.
"That's true," said the tiger standing next to Leo.
Leo began walking again as the tiger followed next to him. In the dull light of the December morning, the tiger's fur shined as the light beamed down from the sky.
"Before I forger, morning kid," said the tiger kissing Leo on the lips.
"Morning Beat," replied Leo.
"Where's your cell? It's not in your pocket," questioned Beat pulling away.
"My phone?" murmured Leo vaguely remembering he threw it at a wall that morning.
"Yes, your phone," answered Beat.
"Somewhere at home," replied Leo.
"This isn't like you Leo," said Beat concerned. "you are way out of it and usually I don't question but you aren't making it unobvious."
"Is it that obvious?" questioned Leo.
"Very but I don't think I'll go in until you're ready to tell me so it's completely up to you," said Beat trying to change the subject.
"At least you understand me," murmured Leo under his breath.
"I don't understand you actually. I'm giving you some down time since I care about you and all. Besides, I'm sure Audrey already covered that. I'm the more lenient one in this relationship right now," said Beat looking at the pods of people.
"You know, ever since we got together, you never treated me like your bf. Why's that?" asked leo.
"That's cause I'm not sure if you want me to act like one, duh," answered Beat playfully.
"Really!?" exclaimed Leo in complete shock.
"There's one of the emotions I was looking for and yes, really," smiled Beat.
"Well...uh...," said Leo slipping out of his shocked state.
"Do you want me to act like one?" asked Beat seriously.
"Yemph!!!" exclaimed Leo as Beat pressed himself onto Leo.
Beat ran his right hand through Leo's hair as his left hand brushed Leo's fur. Their lips met and silenced Leo quickly as the heat in the combined bodies melted together. Out in the open where everyone could see, Beat forced his tongue into Leo's mouth since Leo is still in shock and didn't know what was going on. The moment is just shocking to comprehend as the two tongues met and danced with one another. It was something Leo didn't expect from Beat as his thoughts turned to mush. Time slowed down and it seemed like the world and its people no longer mattered. But theoretically that isn't possible but hey, it's only a story. Anyways, the bell rang and it ruined the mood, if there even was any, around Leo and Beat. Beat pulled away from the confused Leo and laughed as he looked at Leo's silly expression.
"See you later, Leo!" shouted Beat as he dashed off towards his next class.
"What just happened?" thought Leo walking towards the two gates with the lingering paint smell. "Wait...he also frisked me...or did he?."