An Experiment Gone Wrong? CH.5 (Rewrite)

Story by Wisk_Sith_Kulux on SoFurry

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#5 of An Experiment Gone Wrong? (Rewrite)

Days fly by quicker then you expected and you found yourself in front of the barrier. Your family is there to see you off. Giving them all one last hug, Asgore hands you a pouch with the delta rune symbol on it and you open it to find the gold you asked for. You're still shocked they're giving you such a gift, the only items you every gotten were from nearby dumpsters. You smile at them, pocketing the pouch and slinging the bag which contains the library books over your shoulder.

Second thoughts about doing this ran through your mind. You shake them aside, "I'll be home as soon as I can." You look over at Asriel, "Azzy, while I'm gone stay away from anything dangerous." Asriel looks a bit annoyed and walks over gently punching you in the arm, "Don't act like you can't get into any trouble yourself. We'll be fine til you get back, now get going before you make this harder then it needs to be." You both grin at each other and with a final nod you turn and walk through the barrier.

You take your time walking through the city, thoughts entering your head, "I never thought after ten years of pain with my ex-parents and a year in a lab that I would end up below a mountain. Now I have such a caring family that has given me more then I could every ask for. I going to repay that kindness and if finding information about the barrier is the first step, then I'm more then happy to do whatever it takes." Arriving at the library you walk in and head to the counter.

You remove the books from the bag and hand them to the lady. Once the books are checked back in you make your way around the library seeing what information you can gather about MT. Ebott. What you find isn't much, mostly what seemed like fairy tale, but nothing that helped you. Sighing you decide to take care of exchanging some of the gold in your pocket. The place you went to was nice, but the man behind the counter was suspicious about a boy your age having the amount of gold on you.

You explained that you traveled a lot and panned for gold with family. This is what you collected over the last couple of years. He still seemed wary, but let you trade in half of the amount from the pouch. You got around five hundred dollars and the man tell you as your leaving, "Be careful out there, you don't want to paint yourself as a target carrying that kind of cash on you." You nod to him and continue on your way.

So having no luck in the current city you're in, you purchase a map at a corner store and move onto the next city. Not knowing this city at all you look in a phone book for Libraries and take down the address. You wave down a taxi and tell them where you like to go. Though after spending time looking through what this library has, you still came out empty handed. Using a computer at the library you ran a search for any information on magic, monsters, or legends. A couple of items came up for the city you are in Dapplemourne.

Acquiring the time on the computer and you stomach rumbling, you jot down the information for those two locations. You look across the street and notice a fast food place. Heading inside you order up around twenty dollars worth of food and take a sit. Toriel would be angry with you if she knew the garbage you're currently scarfing down. You give a shudder at the image you mind gave you, but continue on with your meal. You think about what you could get everyone back home for a gift.

You know Asgore really liked tea and his watering can is in bad shape. Toriel frying pan has seen better days for sure. It never was pristine to begin with, but now not even magic could keep it from its inevitable fate. As for Azzy he didn't have a lot of entertainment in the underground. They only had an older television, but an old retro console with a few games would be a definite improvement. Though something else you all could use is a major upgrade on your cell phones.

Sure they did the job of keeping you all in touch, but they're bulky and inconvenient. With gifts in mind you decide to check on these other address you have. Throwing away your trash and heading out you grab another cab, but the first location turns out to be a dud. Just a tourist trap, but the other location definitely had your fur on end. You walk down the ally and through a beaded curtain down some stairs. A creepy looking women staring at you the whole time. The décor looked as though something may spring out from the shelve at any minute.

In a raspy voice, the women speaks to you, "May I help you with something?" You gulp, you're not sure why this person has you on edge, you knew you could easily fend yourself from any threat she could be. You slowly give a nod, "I was looking for anything pertaining to old magic, legends of monsters, or anything about Mt. Ebott." Her one good looking eye grows wide, "And why would one so young be so interested in such old forgotten myths?" A shudder rolls down your neck, your mind trying to come up with a response.

She move around the counter to move closer to you. You're instincts kick in and you jump back a little. She give a eerie chuckle, "Hehe, what's wrong child? You afraid of little old me? You should be more scared of what your asking me about. Though, that's if you were a normal child." An strong gust of wind blows through the room and towards you. You raise your hands up, but the gust of wind blows your hood off exposing your cat ears.

You attempt to replace your hood as quickly as possible, but it was much to late to hide what she saw. "Hehe, as I expected. I could feel something was off about you, but seeing those ears prove my suspicions correct. So again I'll ask you, what do you need with such taboo arts and myths?"

You planned to leave, but as you glance towards the stairs they're no longer there. Taking up a defensive stance, you prepare for whatever else she might do. Moments go by, but nether of you make any advances towards the other.

She gives a sigh, "Listen child, I'm not going to hurt you, but that which your seeking could. I want to make sure I'm not sending someone to an early grave. I promise you whatever you tell me will not leave my lips, as much as you may not believe me. If you want to silence me once you tell me, I will allow you to take my life and you may leave here unharmed." You're stunned at her words and you try to find your voice. After taking a few deep breathes to calm yourself you begin to speak.

"I'm not sure what you did, but now I feel that you hold a clue to what I am looking for. What I'm looking for is a way to protect the ones I love and care about. The problem is the magic that is used to keep them trap has been lost for a very long time. So this is the reason I'm looking for such information." She nods and heads to a backroom, beckoning you to follow. You do so, but you're still being cautious as you proceed forward. In the back is a circular room with shelves filled with books and a table with two chairs in the center.

She motions toward the chair closest to you and turns to a shelf removing a book from it. She comes over to take a seat and notices you still standing. "This may take a bit, I would suggest you have a seat. I promise I'm not going to do anything to you. Also remove that hood of yours, you do not need it here." You feel so unsure of what to do, against your better judgment you do as she asks. Taking a seat across from her, she opens the book she has and turns it to a certain page.

"So first I would like to ask, what do you know about magic?"

"I know it is real, but I rather not say how I know." She nod, "Fair enough and you're correct. Though what remains of such knowledge has either been lost or scattered over time, but here is a child asking me of such topics. From what you said earlier though, you gave away your intentions. You spoke about your family being trapped by magic. I assume you speak of those beneath Mt. Ebott, am I right?" You bite your lip and give a reluctant nod. She smiles at you, "I would have been disappointed if you weren't forth coming, but now that I know what you seek, sadly I must inform you that I do not have access to such."

You mumble and curse under your breath. You let her know more then you wanted, but after all that she didn't have what you're looking for. She notices your expression and give you another smile. You weren't sure what that was about, but before you could ask her, she continued, "However, that doesn't mean I can not help you and possibly point you in the proper direction that which you seek. I can tell from your aura that you have the ability to cast magic and I like to help you with that. Would you be willing to show me a bit of the magic you know?"

You once again want to refuse, but again something nudges you to trust her. It's beginning to annoy you, but you bring a hand up in front of you and bring forth a small flame. Her eyes go wide, but she regains her composure quickly, "I must say in all my years I never seen anyone able to do what you have. I sensed the magic being cast, but you did not speak any words. For human mages this is a requirement, but you're not bound by such requirements. Interesting."

"I have a requirement, but your right that I don't need to do so. Though the magic is still based on the magic mages from long ago used." Pulling forth the book Toriel gave you, you lay it on the table in front of you with your hand resting on top of it. The women eyes seer with anger, "Where did you get that book?" Taken aback by her anger for a moment, you calm yourself and continue.

"This was given to me by my family, which was given to them by a mage." Her anger disappears and her shoulders slump, "I should have know seeing it in someone else possession, but I had a small bit of hope that the owner of that book was still alive." Now you're confused, "I don't see how, considering how old-" She interrupts you, "Let's just forget what I said and continue the topic at hand. I must ask, how much have you been able to gather from the book you hold?"

"Truthfully, less then I like. Sure I manage the first few pages, but I still have a lot I can't translate." She chuckles, "Well I'm not surprised, but you manage quite well for one someone so young. I've known generations of people that spent their lives trying to decipher what's in books like that and not gather even a single-" You interrupt her on what she currently said, "Generations? Sure your old, but there's no way you could know a generation-" She cuts you back off, "Hehe, I meant heard, not known. When you get older the mind is the first thing to go."

She clears her throat, "Back on the subject of the book, I'm curious in how you have manage to decipher so many pages?" You shrug, "Went to the library and look through different books on languages." She burst out laughing, it echoing through the room. She wipes a tear away from her eye.

"Boy, were you not listening to me earlier, there's no way you could have done something so trivial to decipher the pages you have. Do you honestly think a mage would make it so simple to access their life work. No, I feel other forces are at work and that's what is allowing you to translate the pages."

Dumbfounded, you look back down at the book, but then it dawns on you that makes so much more sense. Thinking back to that time at the library, you felt your hand was being guided at times, but you always shrugged it off. You look up at her, "Its possible, what you said about an outside source, but I always shrugged it off. I've also been having a nagging feeling going against my better judgment if I should trust you or not."

"Well I'm glad this feeling has lead you to trust me in the end and I pray it continues to guide you. I'd like you to take this book I've had in front of me." She pushes the book that's on the table towards you. You reach out turning so the words are facing you, but what really threw you for a loop is the text looked almost exactly what's in your book. You look back up, shock on your face, "This looks nearly identical to what's in my book? Who are you?" She doesn't answer, she just gets up and walks back to the front of the shop.

You grab both of the books in hand and follow after her wanting answers, but as you move through the curtain you find yourself back in the ally. You blink in confusion, you turn around to face the shop, but only come across what is now a solid wall. You move closer to the wall and place a hand on it and it was indeed very solid. You slam you fist against it in anger, your one damn lead and now it's gone. She didn't even bother to give you the directions she promised you, all she did was leave you with more questions then answers. Story of your life.

You then remember your hood wasn't covering your head and quickly pull it back up. You lean against the wall, taking a moment to pocket your book. As you do, you notice something that wasn't in your pocket before. You remove the object out of you pocket and find an old yellowish piece of paper. You don't remember having anything like that, you unfold it and find what appears to be a map? It was hard to say, it was faded and you notice text on it you couldn't make heads or tails of.

You look at the other book in your hand and notice the old leather bound book had more characters you didn't know on its cover. If you didn't already have enough mystery to work with, you added a book and map to you collection. It was getting late and you still wanted to grab gifts for you family on the way back home. Since you didn't know Dapplemourne well enough, you headed back to Bloomdon to do your shopping. You acquire all the gifts along with some new cell phones. You have a feeling they wouldn't work in the underground, but Gaster and Sans could probably work something out.

It was getting dark once you got back to the entrance to the underground, you head back through the barrier and found a couple of the guard-dogs there. You greet them and give them a pat on their heads, which they're happy about, but remember they are on duty and resume their post. You head up the stairs and take the usual route home. As you enter, you get tackled to the floor by Asriel, but you do your best to give him a hug which was hard with everything in you hands.

He gets up off of you and gives you a hand up, "Sorry Bro, I'm just happy your back, it was getting pretty late." Toriel hearing the commotion comes out of the kitchen to investigate the noise. Seeing you have return she walks over to give you a hug, "My child, we were getting worried. Are you okay? Did you have any problems while you were out?" You shake your head, "Nothing to concerning, but I hit more dead ends then I felt I got any answers."

"It's okay my child, we are just glad to have you back home. We'll leave matters concerning the barrier for a later time. For now you must be hungry and tired from your day." You nod, "I'm more mentally tired then physically, but I could definitely go for a hot meal and a bath." Asriel looks down at the bags that lay at your feet, "Bro what did you bring back with you?" You look down forgetting about the gifts you brought back during the moment.

You reach down handing Toriel a bag and then handing a large bag to Azzy. They both pull the items out of the bag and Toriel looks happy as she lean down to give you a hug, "My child this is lovely, now I can retire out my old frying pan. I was worried how much more use I could get out of it." You smile and look over at Azzy. You notice him turn the large box around in his hands trying to figure out what it is. You giggle at his confusion, "I guessing from the look on your face you haven't seen anything like that."

He looks over at you and shakes his head, "What is it?" You spend the next few minutes explaining to him what the console is and how it works. Sure you really didn't know much about them yourself, but you asked the sales person questions on how to hook it up and he was more then happy to go over it with you. He has a look of excitement on his face and wants to play it right away. He drags it over to the TV and starts unpacking everything. Toriel chuckles at Asriel's excitement and then looks down at the remaining bags.

"My child if I may ask, what are in the other two bags?" You point at one of the bags, "That's a gift for dad. I know how much he enjoys tea and his poor watering can seen better days. As for the other bag, I got us some new cell phones, but they most likely won't work down here. I figure Gaster and Sans could modify them so they can. Is dad around? I'd like to give him his gift?" Toriel shakes her head, "He still out attending to some matters, but he should be home soon."

"Okay, well I'll just take the bags into the bedroom for the meantime." Picking up the bags you head down the hall, Azzy asking for your help to hook up the game console as you pass. "I'll give you a hand in a sec Azzy, let me just drop this stuff off in our room." He give you a nod as he goes back looking over the console. Once in your room you place the bags next to the toy chest and reach into the one with the cell phones.

Pulling out the book that old women gave you, you go over to the dresser opening one of the drawers that has your clothes in it. You bury it beneath all you clothes for now. You'll find a better place to keep it later, but with Azzy wanting your help hooking up the game system and your stomach demanding food the book is going to have to wait. You get the console hooked up for Azzy and let him play first, but he wanted you to play the game with him. "I will Azzy, just let me eat dinner first. Mom said you all already ate earlier, but put my portion in the fridge."

He looks disappointed, but his disappointment is forgotten as he gets drawn back into the game. You smile knowing that will keep him busy while you get food. As you head towards the kitchen you notice Toriel bringing out a plate of food for you. You take a seat at the table and she sets it down in front of you. You dig in and watch Toriel head over to her favorite chair. She picks up a book from the nearby table and opens it up. You have a feeling that book is going to play a part in your and Azzy day tomorrow.

As your finishing up your meal, the front door opens and you see Asgore come into view. He goes over to Asriel noticing him playing the 'new' game console you got him. Azzy is so engrossed in the game he doesn't even take notice of him. He looks over at Toriel who wave him over, he leans down to nozzle their noses together. You chuckle, Asgore looks up to notice you at the table and makes his way over.

He takes a seat and joins you at the table, "So my son, how did things go up on the surface?" You give him a brief recap of you ventures, but leave out the part with the old lady and the disappearing shop.

He runs a hand through his beard, "You did your best, but looking for long forgotten knowledge was bound to be a difficult task to begin with. I feel it will take more then a single trip to really start uncovering anything."

In a low voice so Toriel can't hear, "Sounds like you have intentions to have me make more trips to the surface in the future." He glances over at Toriel and leans closer to you, "I must do all I can to protect the other monsters in the underground, but sending one of my children out into possible dangers conflicts with my emotions verses my responsibilities. I know you mother feels the same way, but having you make more trips will definitely be need in the future. I'm just not sure she'll agree with me, but I'll figure that at another time."

You both feel stares on you and look over. Toriel is looking at both of you with a chilling glare. Feeling it was probably a good idea to move away from the table, you make your way to join Azzy and Asgore heads to the kitchen. You watch Toriel put her book down and head towards the kitchen, "Whelp looks like they may discuss that matter sooner then expected." You both spend the next couple of hours playing the different games you bought and you're both enjoying yourselves. Toriel eventually tells you both to take a bath and get ready for bed.

Once your both cleaned up and dressed in your pj's, you sit next to Azzy on his bed, "So enjoy the gift I got you?"

"Yeah, it felt nice to sit back and have fun. After how rough things have gotten within the last couple of years. With the recent robots in the ruins, you able to go through the barrier, and now with the possibility the barrier might not work like we thought. It just nice to forget it all, we shouldn't have to worry about all these responsibilities, that should be left up to mom and dad."

"Yeah, but it's possible I may need to make future trips to the surface Azzy. I don't think this is something mom and dad can do on their own." Asriel is giving you a worried look, "Come on Azzy, don't give me that look. It's not like I'm going tomorrow, but both mom and dad know they'll have to send me back up there eventually." Asriel lean against you and you put and arm around him. "Bro, do you think I'll get to see the surface someday? Be able to see the sky, the sun, the stars, the moon and all the other things the surface had to offer."

You gaze down at your feet, "I like to believe that it will be possible for you and all monster to be free one day, but I don't think humans would be ready for monsters yet. They can't even treat each other properly and adding monster to the mix would just be trouble waiting to happen." Asriel was going to say something, but the door opened and Toriel entered the room. "My children it is time for bed, you have a great deal that awaits you tomorrow." You both nod and you crawl into your.

She tucks both of you in and give you both kisses on your foreheads before turning off the light. "Goodnight my children." you both say goodnight and she close the door behind her. Keeping you voice down you turn to face Asriel's bed, "Azzy, can you hear me?" He shifts his body so he facing you bed and replies, "Yeah, what is it Bro?"

"I promise I'll find a way so that you'll have a chance to see the surface for yourself, but I don't have any idea when that will happen. I know seven human Souls can break the barrier, but I don't think I could kill humans for that purpose. There's got to be another way to bring the barrier down that no one knows about." Asriel is silent for a while, but you hear him speak, "I don't want to hurt people, that doesn't seem the right way we should gain our freedom."

The room is quite for a good ten minutes and decided it was time to stop talking about the barrier for the rest of the night. "We should get some sleep Azzy, there will be time to talk about this later." You both let sleep take you and wait to see what tomorrow holds.