Ninth Life NL contest entry
Again, i ignored it and jumped the fence into my neighbors garden. i could have easily just gone around the fence but i liked to jump it for it was a much more amusing way to enter my friends garden.
Taco Supreme
With a smirk sugar says, "i saw some fatty leaning on the fence of the limited touching section. i think he bent the fence." philthy looks at sugar and knows there is more to the story so he asks, "why was he leaning on the fence?"
Visiting the Volskayas
How about you show me some fencing after that? i think it sounds so cool." esther looked at me for a second before raising an eyebrow and smirking. she agreed. she says that we can go down to the basement, which is where she keeps her fencing equipment.
Shades of Grey
The black stallion over the electric fence tape snickered and curled his upper lip back from his teeth.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-nine
At the same time, fatty lost interest in the skinny dogs behind the fence and began ambling up and down the fence which was lined with litter.
Surprisingly Interested
A chain-link fence separated the street and the grass, and it was up against this fence that he saw the source of the shout. a female -- wolf? no, a coyote; she was too small to be a wolf -- had a rabbit pinned against the chain link fence.
This is the Part... With the Wrong Rabbit Hole
_ so i just stayed there, leaning against the fence. as the pain subsided i busied my mind by studying the weaving of the metal that made up the fence.
Silver And Gold (rough draft chapter 1)
A section of the fence is loose again. just then a voice comes over the radio. "seth you ready to call it a night?" eyes still studying the fence he grabs the radio and thumbs the mic "your early tonight bernard."
I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Seven)
It's good that she didn't charge, the fence would probably have hurt her. i wonder why she would be so aggressive; the animals should be used to furs with the whole neighbourhood running alongside the fence." "she didn't expect us."
Second Fiddle
They'd be able to scale the fence without too much trouble if they got to it - heck, considering that the fence edging the front of the gardens was lower and more ornate than those at the sides, they could probably leap right over it.
Cold City Cuddles
The banging of me climbing the fence alerted them to me and as i reached the top of the fence they saw me. cat: hey! stop! i quickly jumped down from the 6 foot fence and landed poorly, causing me to sprain my ankle.
Meeting Him
I stopped just before the second fence, staring over at the horizon. it was stunning.