Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 5

Now quite agitated, the magmar threw the only thing in hand at art, which happened to be the cyndaquil that they needed to rescue. ruby let out a sharp gasp as she realized what the magmar had just did.

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Chapter 1

We raised her the past four years from a little cyndaquil to a healthy and strong quilava. my parents didn't let me start my pokémon journey when i was 10, like lots of my childhood friends.

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All The Above

Bulbasaur was strong against froaky, but cyndaquill was strong against it in turn. no matter what element he went with the up sides equaled the down sides.

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The Tales of Unova, Autumn Anxieties

Froslass's cool demeanour, cyndaquil's squinty eyes, and even shrifty's impish nature.

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The Art of Battle

I approached the front counter, "excuse me, i'd like to give my cyndaquil a checkup to make sure he's healthy". i released mira and sat pyro's ball on the counter.

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Can't Escape, Part IV: Good Perseverance

That was enough to get them to check up on trainers visiting centers with cyndaquils registered and that weekend we got a call that a girl admitted to dumping one in my home town and didn't want it back.

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The Life of Blackfire 2 Traingng

The life of Blackfire; TrainingThe life of Blackfire; Friends So many of you liked this one and I am proud. The last one I did of this sucked but with time off I knew I could improve it. Now that I have, this is the best Pokémon story series I have...

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The Infinite Sorrow CH.1

He tried on clothes made just for cyndaquil's (so they don't burn) he loved it. shadow on the other hand felt it was humiliating. "hey we went to the toy store, so were gonna go to the place i want" anthony stated. shadow looked around for crystal.

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A New Adventure

I choose charmander, then i shall ask where cyndaquil can be found." "ask all you want, only the masters and we pokã¨mon professors know their whereabouts."

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The Lost Riolu Part 3

I knew from this that he was a cyndaquil. 'you, uh, dropped your hat.' 'oh, oops. thanks, it's my favorite hat.


Another way/Changing paths Chapter 5: One night...

At the time he was a cyndaquil, and he was very timid. i later find the tree was his home and i just completely it stomped in. after then he wouldn't stop following me even after i went back home, so i decided to keep him.

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Naive Curiosity

There'd been a few ivysaurs; a few geodude hanging around the ruins, one psyduck, and a band of cyndaquil. nothing had really caught his attention-he'd already caught those pokémon, and had no interest in them.

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