The Lost Riolu Part 3
#3 of The Lost Riolu
Well, here it is. Part 3. I've decided to only do 1 part per weekend unless I get really bored but I do have some other stuff to do. I should be able to write a lot more starting next week though because I only have 2 more finals days of school left then were done for good, 11Th grade done with. Just a heads up, I will be using 'this' for Pokémon speech. My friend just pointed out that I should have done the dialogue properly by going to a new paragraph each time a different person speaks, I knew I was supposed to but I completely forgot. Eventually (if I feel like it) I will go back and change it. So... on to part 3!!! Hope you guys enjoy it. I have something planned for later on but I don't really have anything planned out between then and now. I just hope that this thing doesn't take a turn for the boring. I've just got to come up with some stuff in between. The rule I have is that all of the parts I write have to be about 1,500 words long, so that's why this one looks a lot longer. They should all be the same length though.
I walked for about 5 minutes before looking back down at my map. I checked it trying to follow the route I had traced when thanks to my carelessness; I ended up walking straight into someone. 'Oh! Oh crap, I'm so sorry!'
'Ugh, it's no big deal. You alright?' The other Pokémon replied
'Yeah, I'm okay.' I responded, examining him thoroughly. He had a green upper body and the bottom portion of his body was a light tan color. He also had some light red spots on his back. I knew from this that he was a Cyndaquil.
'You, uh, dropped your hat.'
'Oh, oops. Thanks, it's my favorite hat. The nice hat shop owner gave it to me.'
'Yeah, I told him a little about me and told him that I have no place to go. He told me that I could keep the hat and stay with him at his house as long as I need to. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met.'
'I know. He is my owner.'
'Yeah, he told me about you but you when I got back, but you were asleep so I didn't want to bother you.'
'That was nice of you, but I would have loved to meet you. It's kind of lucky that you are the one that I accidentally walk into, it would be weird to walk into some random person.'
'I understand. So is what my owner said true, you don't remember anything but your name?'
'Yes. I don't know how I got here or why I am here, all I know is my name.'
'Your name is Sean right?'
'Cool, well Sean it's nice to meet you. My name is Devilin.'
'Nice to meet you, I was heading over to the mall just to check it out. You know, explore the city a little bit.'
'Oh, well I can show you around if you want.'
'That would be awesome.'
'Alright then, let's go!'
'I will follow you then.' That could not have gone more perfect. Entirely by chance I run into one of Jim's Pokémon. I don't think I could have gotten luckier. Especially because he knows the city, well, I would assume he does. But there was one thing that I wanted to know. 'So, what were you doing out here anyway?'
'Oh, I usually help Jim out in his store; I left with him this morning and was helping him out until 10 minutes ago. He said that I could go back home if I wanted to so I did. I was on my way back when I bumped into you.'
'Pretty lucky for me then huh?'
We kept walking for a while longer and eventually made it to the mall.
'Well, here we are' Said Devilin.
'Whoa! It's huge!'
'I guess. I've been to bigger ones before.'
'Wait, there are bigger ones?!'
'Yeah, some even twice as big as this one.'
'That is awesome. So what can you do here?'
'You mean you wanted to come here and you don't even know what to do?'
'Well, I've only been in this city for one day, what did you expect?'
'You make a good point.'
'I know, but seriously, what can we do here?'
'Let's see, um, well, they have an ice cream shop.'
'I think I know what ice cream is, and if I remember right, it's cold and tastes awesome.'
'You use the word awesome way too much.'
'Um, oh oops, sorry.'
'I don't mind, it's just a bit odd.'
'Oh, ok. So are we going to get ice cream or what?'
'Wait, NOW?! It's only 10 in the morning. Maybe after lunch but that's at least 2 hours away. There is a fountain in the middle of the mall.'
'Ooh, let's go see that, fountains are cool, I think.'
'You'll like it, I know you will.'
'Let's go then, come on, and hurry up.'
'Dude, calm down, you're getting way too over excited about this.'
'Ok, can we go though?'
'Sure, follow me.'
We walked straight down through the mall for a few minutes. Devilin seemed to know exactly where he was going and only occasionally looked back to see if I was still there. I however was getting distracted by almost every single thing in that building. All of the stores had colorful signs on them. I could not focus on a single thing for more than 5 seconds. Everything was just so, well, distracting. So I asked 'is it always this, what's the word, flashy?'
'What do you mean?'
'Well' I said, 'there are colorful lights and signs everywhere. It's just all very distracting.'
'That's kind of the point. They are all made to catch your attention. They want to get noticed, that's how they get business.'
'Well they are certainly working on me.'
'Mhm, I thought that they might. Why do you think I keep looking back?'
'I didn't even notice.'
'I look back to make sure you are still there. I'm pretty sure that if I didn't you would just kind of wander off in some random direction.'
'Well, I will make sure that I won't alright?'
'It will not be easy for you will it.'
'No I can do it. I think.'
'I'm still going to check on you and you know it.'
'I'm not surprised.'
'Well, the fountain is right in front of us.'
'Oh, I hadn't noticed.' So I looked over at the fountain and it was huge. It was the biggest fountain that I had ever seen, I think. It was definitely the biggest I could remember. It had 5 layers to it and 3 streams of water spraying out of each one.
'Wow, you really can't focus on anything can you?'
'Huh, what. Did you say something?'
'Never mind.'
'Um ok. So when's lunch?'
'You just want to know so that you can have ice cream after.'
'Aww, how'd you know?'
'Because you seemed to be really interested in it as soon as I mentioned it.'
'Well, lunch is at 12. Do you see a clock anywhere? I could tell you what time it is if there was one somewhere.'
'Oh, Jim gave me this watch, will that work?'
'Perfect, what does it say?'
'Um, aww man, it says 10:30.'
'Can you do math?'
'Yes, so that's one and a half hours, right?'
'Dang it.'
'We could just have lunch now.'
'No, I need to learn to wait for things.'
'Well I can accept that.'
'Ok, well what can we do until ice cream, I mean lunch.'
'You know, you're pretty funny. Well there is a computer store. I don't know what you're interested in so it's hard for me to recommend stuff to you.'
'To be honest, neither do I.'
'Wow, you really don't remember anything. I feel pretty bad for you.'
'It's not that big of a deal. The computer store sounds cool. Let's go see it.'
'Alrighty then, let's get over there.'
So we got to the computer store and we both stepped inside. Devilin was just real calm and I was running around everywhere looking at everything. 'Oh my gosh this stuff is sooooo cool.'
'You think so?'
'Yeah, I move my finger around on this flat part and the little pointy thingy moves around. It's like TV but you control it.'
'Yup. If you like that you will like these even more. You can touch the screen and it responds directly to your touch.'
'Yeah, come try it.'
'Ok.' It was a flat screen but it looked like there was a plastic cover on it that the other ones didn't have. When I touched the middle of the screen the little pointy thingy, or as Devilin called it, the pointer, appeared right where I had put my finger. 'That is one of the coolest things that I have ever seen.'
'It is just to make it easier to use.'
'Oh, cool.'
We stayed around the computer store for a long time because I was just so interested in how they worked. During that time Devilin showed me a thing called the internet. The internet was a thing that connected all of the computers of the world. He also showed me how you can look up songs and videos and such on the internet. It was all so interesting that we ended up staying there until 11:45.
'Ok Sean, it's close enough to lunchtime. If you want to we can go get food now' said Devilin.
'Ok, that sounds great. Hang on, I just thought of something. Food costs money right? Do you have any money with you?'
'Yeah. Jim gives me money for lunch every weekday because he is always working. He always gives me more than I end up needing so we should easily have enough for the both of us.'
'Ok, so what are we going to eat?'
'Well, what about hot dogs?'
'I don't know what those are.'
'You will like them, just trust me, ok?'
'I never said I didn't trust you.'
'Good point. Let's get over to the hot dog place, then we can get ice cream.'
'YES, finally!!'
'Seriously, calm down, it's just food.'
'But it's ice and cream at the same time. Ok, fine, let's just go.'
'Ok, follow me.'
And off we went, I was super glad that we were going to get hot dogs, but I couldn't wait until we got the ice cream.
Ok, it sounds kind of boring in my opinion. I've just been doing other things this week but I promised myself that I would make progress. So here is part 3. I will start thinking of something more interesting for part 4. If you have any suggestions for something interesting, anything, just let me know. I REALLY need inspiration. Thanks in advance.