Another hole in the heart [poem]

I can't do that, well it's going to have to bleed then, hope it doesn't bleed long or i might die........



For even loved ones scatter into the wind like the ashes please, come with me, you, and you too let's bleed out the reason to live, because even if it was engraved on the palm of my hand, i wouldn't even try to seek this so called "life", so that i can't

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The Cost Of Conquest

So, as friends and as enemies, we bleed together. on different sides of the battlefield, on opposing fronts, we bleed. in another way, we are all to blame. i carry the weight of this burden, along with all the others still alive.

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Ballad of the Otter War

** , for **gott** en **score** we **sett** le **calls** of **weak** ness **through** the **fight** a **year** went **past** since **the** first **strike** back **then** and **hope** for **vic** tor **y** will **al** ways **soar** the **ott** ers **bleed

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 6

"if it bleeds, let it bleed! show your wound like a proud wolf!" "yes, father," hezzi said, his voice slightly garbled, and lowered his paws. "that's better," kadai said and turned his attention to the cause of all the ruckus: the fox in the cage.

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Enough without Home

Blood runs down me, single shot bred me, but then you forsake me, left me to bleed and wither but only made me stronger inside. home!!! home!!!

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 6

"if it bleeds, let it bleed! show your wound like a proud wolf!" "yes, father," hezzi said, his voice slightly garbled, and lowered his paws. "that's better." kadai said and turned his attention to the cause of all the ruckus: the fox in the cage.

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Defining Moment

But the bleed through from my defining moment still showed, fresh, tainting the steps i took forward and always leaving a path to the past.


Speech 4. The Fear Of Dying

When you bleed, you could make others bleed. that is a chain that we're all connected to, that is a chain that puts meaning in "living" yet its so very different from "dying" which is still something that has no definition.

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The Pillow Book of Sethira: Entry One

It's only a problem if i bleed; mortals bleed red, but i bleed black. it makes the stakes higher for me not to get hit, since they'll know on sight that they're fighting a demon.

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2540 Chapter 1

He knew he had to stop the bleed of both of their wounds or it could be fatal and not having much time before anyone notice the scene back there he had to pull over and quick before they both bleed out..... while pulled over he turn the car off and push the

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The Search: chapter 3

«the worthless piece of shit made you bleed, and he will do it again, and again! until there's no more blood in your body!» «you made me bleed once, but i promise the next one to bleed won't be me!»

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