Finding Humanity Chapter 2

The device emits a wide beam that sweeps over the cyborg.

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The SSS-G Project, a short story

She said with a smile as she pulls out a black hilt as it beams out a blood red beam blade.

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The fight of a Knight

With the mutants at work, the leader turned his attention at richard and growled as he saw the beam begin to pierce his shield.

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Toni's Diary Entry #7 - The Universe vs. the Six-Inch Monster

The light beam moved across the earth, around japan, seeming to cause no damage. if you imagine turning on a flashlight and moving the beam across a beach ball, that's what this looked like.

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The UmbreGlace Experience: Chapter 3

I then tried a different, my head still reared back, but a bluish-white beam froze one of the targets. it wasn't exactly hard to guess that i had just used ice beam.

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Bio-electricity chapter 1

I wanted to redirect the beam at the laughing doctor frugal who was above the platform the beam was set up on. i fought sleep with every step until i reached the source of the light.

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Light Bane: Chapter 41

The light wyvern flew away as azureath gave chase while occasionally avoiding light beams the light wyvern threw at her.

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JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 5 - Transport Vehicles

Bolt jumped quickly from beam to beam. behind him, benji was running as fast as he could, occasionally tripping and losing speed. he could hear the chugging getting closer and closer.

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Starlight Part 11

Magnum charges his beam and fires, the fox manages to dodge the beam but the explosion sends her flying forward with her sword clattering away from her.

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Episode 2: One Lost Shadow

"well, i had to do some digging into the records to find the phoenix's sensor logs and i discovered that during the initial beam out, the confinement beam doubled as you were being beamed up to the phoenix.

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Light Bane: Chapter 46

Never in my whole existence do i ever met such rowdy and such unlikeliest bunch of people with a diverse background," said zenithia as she pulled out another beam.

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Chapter 30: Battle for Survival! The Destinies Vs The Glitches!

Four beamed was charged and unleashed from his snout. the beam hit one of shogungeckomons and gave a small shard of ice on its skin. "metalgarurumon, give him your ice power so i could smashed it to pieces."

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