Starlight Part 11

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#24 of Magnum's Storyline

The two mystics are locked in close combat thanks to their swords, both looking into each others eyes as they tap into their powers, Magnum opens his maw and charges his beam, but the vixen disappears in a flash of light as he fires, the wolf quickly re-balances himself as he was putting his full force into trying to topple her... she can hold him back in the Albion?

"Looking for me?"

He looks to his right to see the mystic fox swing her blade, he blocks her with his power sword, but she disappears again in a glare of light, Magnum takes to the sky and begins to open fire all around, leveling trees and vaporizing the grassland, the vixen comes at him from the left, she slices through the barrel of the buster rifle, she raises her left arm in a fist which surrounds the wolf in an orange energy field and with motion sends him fling back into the city, he smashes through the trailer of a semi and lands into the windshield of a car. The field fades away, he groans for a moment as he feels the whiplash, his eyes go to the destroyed weapon, he has the connection unhook and ditches the buster rifle, switching to the x-ray blaster as he scans the direction he came from, the truck suddenly fades to dust as Za'vara walks towards him. The binders of the Albion open as he charges his beam again while taking aim with the blaster, he glares and fires a barrage of energy, Za'vara swings her sword which opens these white portals, she swings her sword and sends the barrage back at the wolf, he quickly moves the binders so the field better protects him while he helmet wraps around his head. the combined fire power almost overwhelms the field and forces him back a bit, the vixen emerges from the kicked up dust and lands an energized punch to the side of his helm, shattering the right cheek on impact and destroying the plexie glass protecting the eyes. she raises her hand, she brings him into the air and hurls him, before he crashes into a building he stops himself with his binders and returns fire with the blaster.

Za'vara smirks as she puts up her shields again 'How pathetic! He can't beat me!'

The ground suddenly bursts behind her, a wave of water hits her and freezes over, Magnum fires his beam which hits the ice dead center but he keeps firing his blaster, the vixen suddenly appears next to him and flings an orange energy ball at him which hits the Albion's helmet, the explosion rocks him back as that part of the helmet becomes darkened by the the released energy, Magnum has his binders reconfigure to trap her in it's grasp, she gives a smirk as he swings but she disappears just before contact. Magnum quickly spins around and lands a hit with his powered fist right into the fox's chest, he opens fire with his blaster as he zooms towards her, the vixen blocks the blaster fire and the two become locked again.

The mystic vixen gives a grin "How one dimensional! You need to learn how to fight like a mystic and stop fighting like a knight!"

Magnum pushes more into her "I can't do what you can, so what difference would it make?!"

Za'vara rolls her eyes "You are right, I suppose it wouldn't but at least you can die a little more artful."

The mystic wolf gives a growl "How's this for artful?"

Ice shoots from the ground which forces Za'vara to break away, the shards going her way so she puts her shields back up, she's so focused on dealing with ice that Magnum comes around and kicks her in the back, just before she travels away he grabs her arms and throws her into a small abandoned building, he fires his beam and obliterates the structure. His eyes scan around as he readies his twin blaster, a few orange orbs come his way which he dodges and opens fire, the fox comes right behind him, she opens a few portals and fire three white beams which hits the armored wolf, forcing an emergency shutdown due to the damage as the field gets overwhelmed. The wolf manages to land but the vixen is already on top of him, he barely manages to block her attack, she flings a small ball of energy into his help, it explodes on contact which forces him back and she uses her powers to pick him up and throw him, sending him crashing into a heavy truck, his helmet exploding into pieces on impact.

Za'vara slowly approaches him as a crowd gathers "So much for your tools of trade." with a smirk as she doesn't see any movement from him.

A manhole cover flies at her, it misses her but she turns to see who threw it at her... which is no one, she turns to see Magnum yelling while using his left arm to swing the truck onto her, she raises her hand which reduces the truck to dust, by the time the truck fully comes down all that is left is the front bumper, from the dust cloud another beam comes which strikes the mystic in the chest but it's not acting like abeam attack like before, instead it's grasping him, he gets smashed into another car then into the ground and hurled into the air.

Za'vara slowly steps out of the dust, she shakes her head "Defiant until the end." and she disappears.


Up in orbit the combined fleet reaches the disabled mystic cruiser, the dreadnoughts main guns are aimed at it, a single volley from one of the batteries being way more then enough to blow it to mere fancy dust. Derra is eyeing Mo'Ceva, the two have been in talks for a few moments, but it's clear to the knight that Za'vara isn't there, but to make matters worse he is told that she and Magnum are already fighting each other.

The hyena raises a fist "Then we need to end this fight and pull them away from away from each other."

The vixen shakes her head "I am sorry knight, but those two are in a duel, we can't interfere with this. Those two need to resolve this on their own, Magnum in his innocence and Za'vara trying to pass a guilty verdict. I don't like it either, but all we can is spectate."

Marouge and Poralla make their presence known with the vixen going "There must be something we can do!"

Poralla speaks up "Magnum is our friend, we need to do figure something out.", she puts a hand to her chest "I am a diplomat, what do you want in exchange for sparing him?!"

The mystic vixen shakes her head "It is non-negotiable, Za'vara aims on finishing the pursuit regardless of what we do. But I am in open communication with Mother Aru'ksa and she says the same thing, that unless Za'vara's claim is proven wrong we cannot intervene.", she sighs "Believe me, I have a feeling that your friend is innocent... but there is nothing I can do."

The three look to each other, they know they can finish the mystic cruiser off but then they still have Za'vara to deal with and they don't know what power she really wields.

The knight eyes the mystic "What can we do?"

"There is no penalty if you go down to the planet and watch while supporting your friend through words and the like, you just can't motion into the combat between them."

The three decide to agree on the action, they hate telling their soldiers and knights that they need to stand down but it would be good for them to see their friend again. They quickly board onto assault craft and atmospheric pods, only a few squads of knights and few squads of ordinary soldiers but it's still something in case the unthinkable happens.

Marouge looks to her fiance, the poor thing is shaking in worry, the vixen hugs the weasel "Hon, Magnum is going to be fine. We seen him fight and what he has fought against. He should be more then a match for that witch." feeling like she was reassuring herself more then her partner.

The weasel looks to her, she nods "I know, I just hope we aren't too late."


Magnum and Za'vara keep exchanging blows, the wolf has managed to land a few hits on her but she has done more to him, as a few of the gems are cracked with the armor on the binders having suffered a good amount of damage along with the left legs and some of the torso. Vanessa, Sabrina, Bensen and Marie are close enough to where the fight is practically right in front of them, Elvo on her end is monitoring his vitals and while he's physically fine she's wondering how much more the suit can take, all while the five of them are concerned for him.

Za'vara delivers a slash across the torso plate which cuts into it, the wolf bashes his head against her's to force her back, he quickly aims his blaster but she zips to his left in the blink of an eye, she cuts into the blaster and renders it useless, Magnum has the air freeze around her but before it can do anything she instantly appears in front of him again, she fires a beam from a portal which blows into the torso plate, the feedback forcing the binders to release steam to displace the heat.

Za'vara growls 'Why won't you die already!', she raises her sword "This has gone one long enough!" her body glows an intense orange "Let's see how ell you deal with this!" and snaps her fingers.

White portals appear all around hims and they begin to open fire on him rapidly, blowing into every plate as they bypass the field due to the speed and close range, the crowd becomes horrified by the barrage, the mystics armor while being effective against conventional enemies is proving to be ineffective against the mystic fox. Her assault subsides and Magnum slowly gets into a combat stance as parts of the suits plate work fall off, revealing the inner structure in some places, Za'vara is amazed at his display, not many would have fared that well against such an attack.

Magnum glares at her "Enough of the magic tricks Za'vara!", he rips off what's left of his helmet off and tosses it "My Albion maybe crippled but I am far from done."

The mystic vixen gives a laugh "So it seems, but your suit can't hold out much longer! The Albion is formidable yes, but only against conventional enemies and the creatures you have fought until now. And I am far from a conventional foe! You wolves and your beam attack while powerful isn't enough to win against us foxes, we are the most powerful caste of the Mystic Alliance, even with our small numbers we still pass our judgement.", she grins at him "And while I may worry, I have no real fear, toppling you may take some time, but in the end my victory is inevitable!"

Magnum glances up and sees a sight he never thought he'd see, assault craft of both knight and navy come down which also earns looks from the crowd, one lands behind them and Derra, Marouge and Poralla exit and race to the edge of the combat zone, Vanessa, Sabrina, Bensen and Marie look to them silently, they had seen their pictures and Magnum has told them all about them, but it only adds to the shock of what is taking place.

Poralla cries out "Magnum, we are here!"

The wolf smiles at them "What took you guys so long?" in a joking way.

Za'vara growls "Don't get in my way!" and fires a beam at them.

Magnum blocks the attack with his right binder, it explodes in a thunderous boom to where he needs to regain his balance, he growls at her "This fight is between you and me Za'vara!" he aims his sword at the mystic vixen "You will leave them be!" and he charges her.

Za'vara comes at him in full force, their swords clash hard to where a shock wave erupts between them and splits the road open, Magnum's eyes are blazing blue while Za'vara's burn orange, Magnum forces her back and begins to really swing at her, the power sword buzzing as it swipes through the air while Za'vara's magical sword silently swooshes, both either hitting air or clashing which creates energy waves or sparks in the process,

For Derra, Marouge and Poralla, seeing Magnum in his damaged armor brings back the memory of the Siege of Boragous 7, that was when his power suit was the Prescience. While Derra and Poralla have only heard reports and seen some images of the battle itself, Marouge herself walked through the battle-ridden world itself, the sheer destruction was something she never thought she would see at the time and in the middle of it all she shocking came across Magnum. The image of the mystic wearing his damaged suit, holding a broken sword while his suit was sparking and breaking down is one that'll never leave her mind, nor his howling with a bloody nose a moment later. The mystic had beaten the odds before... but the siege almost killed him as she remembers him being out of action for a long time and the surviving knights even reported that to keep him going after using his beam attack so much they had to give him a lot of extra rations, water and electrolyte gel just so his body wouldn't give up. And that was against traditional military forces over a prolonged fight... seeing how much damage Za'vara has done in such a short span of time sets a dark picture in place for her in particular... she doesn't want to admit it but the situation is far from looking in Magnum's favor.

The wolf delivers a strong strike against the fox but he finds that the mystic vixen has put up an energy barrier, she forces the field against him and it knocks out the remaining binder as he gets his footing back. Magnum sends a neural command to the binders locking system as it restarts, he flings ice at the vixen from the sides, she begins to deflect the projectiles but the wolf sends the binder at her, she projects an energy field which stops it, but the wolf smirks and has a few shards hit the power system inside it, the binder explodes and sends the vixen flying back, she disappears in a flash of gold and reappears in a stumble, she looks a little seared by it but she's well overall if a little dizzy.

The vixen regains her step "Now you are sacrificing parts of your power armor?"

Magnum readies his sword "I've sacrificed parts of my suits before, it isn't a new thing!"

Za'vara smirks "Then let's see how much of it you are willing to lose."

Elvo is looking over the Albion's systems and it's not good, every system that is online is in the red and the armor is breached in several spots, she's amazed that the suit is even still sending a signal... the coyote looks to Magnum's life signs, he's still stable but the armor has weakened too much.

The two race at each other, their swords locking again as Magnum glares into her grin assisted eyes, but that smirk slowly changes to one of annoyance, the two pressing into each other as they growl, both trying to gain the edge in the struggle.

Za'vara's eyes glow gold "You are no mystic, you decided to try to turn a blind eye to it! You are no match for me and my foresight, you know what you really are? You are nothing but a scared PUP!", she sends a wave of energy into the wolf which shocks him "You adorn yourself in this armor, use the weapons that you do, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter! You failed before you even started!", she sends another shock into the wold which causes him to wince "YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO ME!!! YOU ARE JUST A KNIGHT!!!"

Magnum really glares into the mystic foxes eyes as he feels something in his brain snap, he gets his face a little closer to her "YOU ARE CORRECT ABOUT THAT!!!", she blinks in response, he quickly conjure ups a chunk of ice "I AM A.... KNIGHT!!!" smashing the ice into the side of her face with aid from the air, he forces her back "What you say doesn't matter! I am still gonna kick your tail!" as his power sword really comes to life.

The vixen charges at the wolf, he quickly tries to form a plan of attack but he's effectively out of options to where he can only function on the defensive. No matter what he does she'll just counter it, he was expecting to have a hard time given her divination capabilities but he wasn't expecting them to be this fast and precise... all he can do is endure and hope he can find an opening.

The vixen closes in, the wolf blocks her swing, instead of trying to lock her, he shifts himself to overturn the fox, she gives him a smirk which catches him off guard, a white portal forms and a beam strikes him, the shot striking the torso plate at a sharp angle, the beam blasts off the right shoulder armor while shredding much of the chest plate, the wolf becomes stun-locked as he tries to regain his senses but another shot comes and destroys the left shoulder armor along with the armor on the upper arm.

Za'vara waves her sword and snaps her fingers "Game over!"

Several portals open and they send out orange electricity and beams at the wolf, striking and ruining most of the remaining plate while the electricity seeps into the circuitry and wiring, the joints suffer shortages while the feet thrusters smoke and catch fire while the pack explodes outward in a shower of anti-matter while he screams. The mystic fox stops her attack, the wolf begins to step back, he drops his sword and he falls onto the hood of a car, sparks start to shoot from the damaged suit as Magnum's eyes are closed, he's still breathing but he's bleeding and parts of him are burned, he's alive though barely.

Za'vara begins to laugh "The Mystic Crusader dies here!"

The crowd can't believe the sight, but those who really know the wolf are weeping either mentally or physically, Vanessa wants to scream but she can't find it in herself as Sabrina holds onto her.

Magnum takes a breath and opens his eyes, he looks around and he sees that he isn't back in the city or fighting Za'vara, heck he isn't even wearing his equipment, he stands up on fresh grass as a blue sky takes the landscape. Farryn appears in front of him in the same form she did before, the wolf sighs as it all sinks in and he hugs his mom...

"I failed mom, but I gave it my best. I couldn't beat her."

His mom kisses the top of his head "You are selling yourself short my son. You can beat her."

Magnum looks to her as he pulls away a little "I've thrown what I could at her, Za'vara is far too strong, she can basically predict what I do before I do it! How do I fight a foe that can do that?!"

Farryn nods to herself "I understand that you are frustrated, but everyone and everything has a weakness. You just need to find hers."

"How?! She won't even let me have a moment to breath! All my technology, my tactics... it's all useless.", he buries his face into her "Nothing changed in the end... I guess I'm still the same person who left our world, I'm still just a runt!"

Farryn brings his face up to look at her "Perhaps the answer doesn't lay in your physical tools or your method of waging war. You have started to embrace what you have, what you always have had, your powers may be what seals this fight."

Magnum shakes his head "My powers don't do anything either... I need a way to bypass her defenses."

The angelic wolf kneels in front of him as she waves for him to sit and he does, she hugs him "Clear your mind and you may learn the answer."

Magnum closes his eyes, really focusing.... and he hears a voice in the air.... one he has never heard before...

"Silver... use... silver..." with the words repeating.

Magnum opens his eyes "Silver!", he looks to his mom "That's how I beat her!'

Farryn nods, she tightens her hug "It's not your time yet Magnum, you have people who love and care about you... we'll have our time someday, but not today." she kisses his forehead "Remember, I am always there my boy." she lays her head on top of his "You need to go home... you need to finish this and show her what you can do!"

Magnum closes his eyes as a flash of light comes, his eyes slowly open and he sees that he's back on Balleva, he glances around, he sees a jewellery store nearby, he smirks and he begins to get up, Za'vara looks at him in disbelief along with the crowd. The wolf has what's left of the powered equipment pop off along with what is left of his body suit, his eyes are a glare of bright blue as he looks to the mystic fox.

Za'vara blinks "But how? How are you still standing after that?!"

The wolf begins to walk towards her "When will you and everyone else realize? You can break my weapons, shatter my armor, you can ruin my ship, you can even break every bone in my body and I'll just keep coming. It's not some technology nor any ability a mystic has, it's my willpower, my drive, my spirit. AND THAT'S THE PART OF ME YOU CAN'T DESTROY!!! I am the Mystic Crusader, the Blue Screamer, I am Anubis... I... am... MAGNUM!!!" with that his body becomes enveloped in blue and purple energy as he howls towards the sky.

Za'vara gasps 'How is that possible? His mind and body is intact and there is evidence of the Dark Change!' becoming a little shaken.

Magnum uses his powers to rip out the stock from the nearby store, anything that isn't silver is discarded as he gathers it all into a large ball, he sends it into the atmosphere and fires his beam, the silver is reduced to dust particles as the wolf spreads them all over the city, giving the area a bit of a glitter effect.

The vixen growls at his defiance, that look in his eyes "I am going to enjoy snuffing you out now! Your arrogance ends here!", she snaps her fingers but nothing happens, she freezes as she looks at her fingers, she snaps them a few more times.

Magnum forms a sword of ice with some silver making the edge 'Now it's my turn!'

The wolf charges her, the vixen blocks his attack but she can't respond in a meaningful way as she can't see ahead or launch an energy attack of any description, Magnum cuts the side of her torso with a quick swing, it's not lethal but Za'vara feels this bad burning sensation, she blinks and looks at the wound, she pulls out a fragment of silver, she slowly looks at him in disbelief...

Magnum raises a hand which levitates Za'vara and he slams her into the trunk of a car, he creates many balls of ice that are the size of ball barrings and sends them against her, the ice pummels the vixen as she protects her eyes. Magnum charges his beam and fires, the fox manages to dodge the beam but the explosion sends her flying forward with her sword clattering away from her.

The wolf sees the fear forming in those eyes of hers... he gets an idea to really drive that fear home...

The wolf begins to advance, using his powers he rips the air from her lungs, the fox grabs her throat to try to keep the air in but it's failing, she can feel her powers slowly kick back in as she manages to get Magnum's sword to change back to water but he keeps coming at her, forming more weapons from ice which range from swords to axes, hammers, glaives, halberds and others, he sucks the air out of her lungs again, he lands a blow to her chest with a two handed hammer which sends a shock wave through her rib cage, he quickly ditches it and begins to deliver some fast punches into her chest before knocking her back again, with a flick of the wrist he creates water out of thin air that is chilled to be ice cold and sends it into her mouth. Za'vara begins to panic as the ice water invades her lungs and tummy, she's drowning from the cold water and her body is really feeling the effect the silver in the air is having, tears are leaving her eyes as she looks into the wolf's gaze, Magnum keeps the water in her lungs for a few moments, constantly having the water rapidly move around inside, after about fifteen seconds he delivers a hard punch into her chest with him releasing control of the water a moment later as she gags.

Za'vara coughs up all the water in her lungs, she slowly regains her breath as she twitches in fear, the wolf stands next to her as he forms a new sword, the vixen glances to him and he can see that those eyes of hers have nothing but fear in them as she quivers...

The vixen scoffs "Go ahead... finish me..."

Magnum sighs "I can't and I won't."

Za'vara blinks at him "What?!"

"I won the fight and I believe I passed what ever witch trial you were pursuing.", he tosses the ice sword "Under the tenants of knighthood in regards to things of this nature, I have the option to kill you under the first form of trial by combat but not the second, which this clearly falls under. I don't have to kill you, I just had to win... and I did! But now more importantly, you now know what real fear is and what it means, so from now on remember this moment and that fear... it could make you more humble and give you some foresight all it's own... maybe perhaps even some humility."

Za'vara blinks as Magnum begins to walk away from her, he takes a deep breath as he feels his body reacting to the pain from earlier. Za'vara looks at her reflection in the ice water, she begins to get really angry at what has happened, but what she finds insulting is that he is willing to walk away from it all, that by some code he will not kill her...

The vixen gives a light growl in a whisper "Don't you dare walk away from me!", her eyes snap up to him "Don't you... dare!"

She cries out as she grabs his discarded weapon and charges him, just before the blade can connect Vanessa runs up with Magnum's power sword, blocking Za'vara's swing. Everyone looks right at the mature skunk as her purple eyes glare at the mystic vixens while showing her teeth, Za'vara blinks in confusion at what is happening.

Magnum looks to her "Vanessa?"

The skunk growls "LEAVE MY MATE ALONE!!!"

Vanessa's words echo throughout the crowd, catching Derra, Marouge and Poralla and those that came with them off guard, they slowly look to Magnum with their jaws wide open.

Sabrina runs past the wolf, grabbing his revolver from him and aims it at the mystic fox "It's over! He beat you, what ever is going on here is done!"

Derra and Marouge join the two women, with the latter drawing her blaster and the knight preparing his sword and phaser, Poralla readies a first aid kit and runs over to Magnum with a few medics to begin looking him over. More knights and soldiers advance to join their commanders as it sinks into Za'vara that she has lost which only enrages her more, Mo'Ceva appears in a glow of gold and Za'vara grins at her.

"Mo'Ceva! You came here to reinforce me?!"

Mo'Ceva glares at Za'vara "I am here under orders from Mother Aru'ksa!", she looks to the crowd "May I approach the one you call Magnum?"

Derra thinks for a moment and nods "Relax everyone, she's friendly."

The crowd clears as Mo'Ceva walks towards Magnum, she looks over the wolf facing her, he is beaten but he is alive and victorious, Mo'Ceva bows her head "I am Mo'Ceva, a servant under the guidance of Mother Aru'ksa.", she raises her head "I apologize for what has transpired under the guise of arrogance. You are found innocent by both the Mystic Alliance and the Mystic Council, we are willing to negotiate with you by reparation, which includes our technology and political acquisition."

Za'vara can't believe what she is hearing, that now her hunt is really at an end, she pulls the ice sword away from the skunk and gently tosses it.

Magnum eyes the new vixen "I am open to it, but I trust that this won't happen again?" while folding his arms.

Mo'Ceva shakes her head "Mother Aru'ksa herself closed the case after seeing that you overcame the Dark Change and spared Za'vara's life.", she snaps her fingers and all the damage from the battle to the surrounding area is instantly repaired "I have already set aside some weaponry and other tech for you to examine and do with as you please, consider it a gift in addition to whatever we negotiate on."

The wolf bows his head "I am honored Mo'Ceva, give Mother Aru'ksa my best regards and thanks."

Mo'Ceva nods at the wolf, she turns her attention to the other mystic fox "As for you Za'vara, you have a few things to answer for. And understand that you can't make the same accusations against Magnum and commence this goose-chase again. Do you understand?"

Za'vara hangs her head in shame "I do.", she looks at Mo'Ceva "But I was acting under the divination I had conjured and the future I had seen."

Mo'Ceva sighs "You saw A possible future! This is the reason why we try not to jump to conclusions or why we don't really use our powers in such a way to begin with anymore. The passage of time may seem straight forward, but any future is possible and open... what we predict may have a chance at coming to pass, but there is always that chance it will not. I am sure that at one point your vision may have been valid... however it is clear that something changed to where it wasn't any longer."

Vanessa and Sabrina bring Magnum his weapons, he puts the revolver away, he disables the powered edge of the sword, he holds the sword at both ends towards Mo'Ceva, she nods and gently takes the sword from him. The knights and soldiers sigh in relief as the potential disaster and war seems to have been averted, with Magnum having helped open negotiations on his own end, hopefully this'll lead to more of such occurrences but without the violence.

Derra eyes the wolf "Are you going to ask her to fix the Albion?" with a raised eyebrow.

Elvo appears, looking like she is still recovering from crying "I am not so sure about that, the Albion gathered a lot of data from the fight and with technology from the Mystic Alliance, I think we can put it to use. I am unsure if the repairs will erase the data as it does turn back time, but it is your call."

Magnum looks at the remains of the Albion, he had spent years working on the powerful suit and now it was scrap... but with the data he make a far more powerful unit, one that can counter mystics by the sound of it, besides it wasn't the first time he had lost a suit to attrition and he is a techno-knight that is constantly innovating and improving so creating a new suit is far from outlandish, he looks to his sister "The Albion is lost, let's take the data and see what we can do with it." with everyone seeing the gears in his mind already going behind those eyes.

The coyote nods with a grin "Aye aye!"

The wolf looks to Mo'Ceva "This world is nearing the end of the Dove Celebration, it is a holiday season that is about peace and unity, you would have to clear it up a little with the leaders of these worlds, but I extend an invitation to you and the other mystics in your stead."

Mo'Ceva smiles with a thankful nod "We would be honored to join."

Derra, Marouge and Poralla approach the wolf with the weasel giving him a hug, he hugs her back as those he met on the world smile at the sight.

Marouge folds her arms "It's good to see that you're alright Magnum. You and Elvo had us very worried there."

Vanessa looks to the fox "You are Marouge right?", earning a nod from the vixen "I am Vanessa Blee, it's nice to meet you,", she looks to Poralla and Derra "All of you actually, Magnum has told us a lot about you."

Marouge giggles "I bet, it's nice to meet you Vanessa." shaking the skunks hand.

Poralla looks to the wolf in joy "You overcame your fear." with tears streaming from her eyes "I'm so happy for you."

The wolf tiredly looks at her "Thank you Poralla. Yeah a lot has happened over the past few months."

Sabrina giggles "That's one way of putting it."

Marouge smirks at the mystic as he gives a lazy blush, she looks to the skunk "It's also nice to see he has a home now and more importantly to see he is happy."

The afternoon and night goes on with the mystics, knights and Marouge meeting with the leaders of the three worlds governments, while it is too soon to make any assumptions many feel it is the first step onto the path of a better tomorrow. To everyone's surprise, Magnum extends forgiveness to Za'vara despite everything that has happened, figuring that it could help the heated attitude they have towards each other before heading home with Sabrina, Vanessa, Marie and Bensen, being carried by the mature skunk as he has passed out from the sheer exhaustion from the fight with Za'vara. Watching the wolf being carried off was an emotional sight for Marouge, Poralla and even Za'vara as well, as they remember how he felt about women and how unsure he was about finding a partner.

But now it's the last night of the Dove Celebration, with the knights, new soldiers and mystics being among the crowd, the night being a haven for music as all kinds of music is being played, the night is slowly coming to a close with Marie's band coming up soon.

Magnum eyes Mo'Ceva "You were the one who told me about the silver, we're you?" with a raised eyebrow.

The mystic vixen gives an amused grin "That is correct, I think Za'vara needed to be... as you would say kicked off of her high horse. Besides I think she's caused enough problems for everyone."

The wolf nods "But doesn't that weakness apply to all of you foxes?"

"It does, but everyone in the Alliance knows of it, it's only fitting everyone else outside of it knows too."

The lights suddenly shift to warm, gentle tones as the curtains reveal Marie and her band as the sound of a piano plays, with some more instruments, the female skunk begins to sing "I know you, you're a special one.", she begins to walk around "Some see crazy where I see love.", her eyes scan the crowd "You fall so low but shoot so high, big dreamers shoot for open sky!", she snaps her fingers "So much life in those open eyes, so much depth, you look for the light.", she closes her eyes "But when your wounds open you will cry, you will cry out now and you'll question why.", her eyes shoot open as she raises her free hand "I can see a rainbow! In your tears as they fall on down, I can see your soul grow, through the pain as they hit the ground!", she grips the mic with both hands "I can see a rainbow, in your tears as the sun comes out... as the sun comes out!"

Vanessa takes Magnum's hand as the next lines come into play while Sabrina hugs him from behind, he sighs happily as he takes the atmosphere in, a message comes from Elvo about the puzzle... and it gets his full attention for a moment, he replies to ask her to begin working on prototype designs for the next suit.

The mature skunk raises an eyebrow "Another crusade?"

Magnum nods "Possibly, but for now let's just enjoy this." with a grin.

Vanessa and Sabrina give him kisses as they go back to listening to the music.

The music drains as it signals the near end of the song, Marie waves her free hand "I can see a rainbooow! In your tears as they fall on down... I can see your soul grow... through the pain as they hit the ground!", she puts her hand on her heart "I can see a rainbow, in your tears as the sun comes out, as the sun comes out!", she begins to put more movement into her steps as she repeats the lines she just sung.

Magnum's gaze goes towards the stars 'For so long I have cruised the expanse as I made myself into a weapon, to where once my usefulness had worn out I would simply be discarded into time. But now I have something to really live for, something to fight for, I may still be a knight but now there is a part of me that I have never felt any sense of love towards that now I embrace, I am a mystic wolf and I'll be one until the day I die... before I hated it with every fiber of my being and soul, but now after seeing the real possibilities and that it's something I can be happy with, for once I don't feel trapped with it.', he sees a shooting star go by 'I wish you were really here with me mom, I know you and Vanessa would get along well. But what I am happy about perhaps the most is that you have no anger towards me... even though I do deserve it.' a tear leaves his right eye 'Thank you.'

Vanessa sweeps the tear away and she pulls him into a side hug "Are you alright hon?"

He lays his head against her "Yeah... I'm just happy." closing his eyes as he gives a smile.

The End

To be continued in Trailblazer.....