Chapter 30: Battle for Survival! The Destinies Vs The Glitches!

Story by rsareal on SoFurry

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#33 of D.M.O.N.

First off I don't own any chars in Digimon series or any other nickname that involved in this chapter, however I do own the chars named Al and Soul. I apologized first hand if there are spelling and grammar errors since English is my second language. Please note that in every Digimon series that Human and Digimon interact with each other whether they are outside or inside the Digivice. Anything else, please enjoy.

Chapter 30: Battle for Survival! The Destinies Vs The Glitches!

Al was helpless because he has depleted all of his energy just to defeat one infected ShogunGeckomon, and now he has to deal two more. 'That's it, I can't fight these alone. Me and my stupid acting hero stuff.' Al thought in desperate and loose hope. 'Guys... anyone... please...' "HELP!" Al screamed through his lung hoping the help will arrive.

"Corona Blaster!" "Lightning Joust!"

Al heard a yelled from somewhere and in seconds both ShogunGeckomons fall but not dead yet. Al saw the ShogunGeckomons fall, a moment later two figures land right in front of him. The first figure is a white knight in red cape, large shield at left hand and a lance at right. The other figure is a man wearing black leather jacket like a biker and had a red scarf tied at his left arm and a huge beam cannon at his right. Al recognized the biker figure. "Beelzebmon!" he called in a happy voice.

Beelzebmon looked at Al in a smile. "Did you call for back-up?" He asked while lending his hand to pick Al up.

"What took you guys so long?" Al asked accepting the offer.

"We came as soon we got the call. But when we opened the portal to this area, the Glitches has spread which makes the portal automatically closed down." The knight replied. "MegaGargomon reacted by holding the portal open until all of us entered. And by the way, we are Gallantmon."

"We..., Us...?" Al asked in confusion.

"Gallantmon is a bio-merge evolution from Guilmon and Takato." Beelzebmon explained. "And as for us; Antylamon is repairing SnowAgumon; Angewomon is healing green eyes MetalGrowlmon, SnowAgumon and Soul."

"And the rest of us are here and ready to exterminate the Glitches." Al heard another unfamiliar voice coming from behind. He looked around and saw seven more that came for the help. They were Stingmon, X-Veemon, Garudamon, a blue cyborg wolf, a warrior with a pair of claw, a huge cyborg green rabbit with enormous missiles at his shoulder, and a large humanoid wolf with turtle shell and a hammer.

"Thank God, you guys came." Al relief to see the Destinies has arrived.

"Save your energy, Al." said the claw warrior. "We will handle the rest now." He looked at the blue cyborg wolf. "Take him to the rest, MetalGarurumon."

"Put him on me, WarGreymon." The blue cyborg wolf called MetalGarurumon asked the claw warrior called MetalGreymon.

MetalGreymon complied by lifting Al and put it at the back of the cyborg wolf. "Good now hang on tight Al, We're gonna have a rough ride to the camp." Al complied by hugging MetalGarurumon's neck.

Both of them start dashing toward the swamp. Al can feel the wind passing his face while riding MetalGarurumon. The breeze has given him some relaxation because he was tired. After dashing for a couple of minutes, Al and MetalGarurumon have arrived at a large dry land where GreenGuilmonX, Zero, Soul, Angewomon, Antylamon and three more Digimons waiting.

MetalGarurumon landed smoothly on the ground. "ShadowWolf, take him off of me. I'm going back to the battlefield." The Digimon that looked like a WereGarurumon except it was black replied and took Al off him. MetalGarurumon quickly turned around and dashed back to where he came from.

"ShadowWolf, is that you?" Al asked while being cradled by ShadowWolf. ShadowWolf nodded with a smile. "Wow, you've evolved into higher form faster than me. Guess... I'm... stumped..." his words were mumbled to ShadowWolf's ear because afterwards Al fell asleep because of fatigue.


MetalGarurumon dashed toward returning to his comrade at the battlefield. He heard explosions meaning that the battle has started. When he arrived at the scene, he saw that Beelzebmon was jumping backwards landing at MetalGarurumon's side. "What is the situation?" He asked.

"Every normal attack we give didn't put a dent on it." Beelzebmon replied.

"Was it because of high recovery?"

"Not quite, when we used the strongest attack, the wounds didn't heal fast which means that they had large defense, as large as a mountain."

"That's mean we still have the chance." MetalGarurumon leaped forward followed by Beelzebmon. MetalGarurumon prepared one of his attacks called "Metal Wolf Snout!" Four beamed was charged and unleashed from his snout. The beam hit one of ShogunGeckomons and gave a small shard of ice on its skin.

"MetalGarurumon, Give him your ice power so I could smashed it to pieces." The humanoid wolf with a turtle shell called.

"Of course, good thinking Zudomon!" said MetalGarurumon. He opened all hidden silos on his body and yelled "Ice Wolf Claw!" multiple missiles were launched from every silo and hit ShogunGeckomon. The blast turns into ice crystals and covered most of ShogunGeckomon's body. MetalGarurumon didn't stop there; he charged up the beam inside his maw and called "Metal Wolf Claw!" He unleashed an icy blue ray to it and freezed its body from inside out.

Zudomon readied his hammer and charged forward. MetalGarurumon stopped the ray once everything is frozen solid. Zudomon swung his hammer with all his might with a howled "Vulcan's Hammer!" Lightning dispersed from the hammer and the hammer itself made a direct contact at ShogunGeckomon's abdomen. The result was making a small crack which making his plan backfired.

Zudomon intend to smash it again but he was called back by WarGreymon. WarGreymon hovered to the air and raised both his arm up to the air. Zudomon get the picture and quickly backed away from it. WarGreymon starts spinning like a tornado "Great Tornado!" WarGreymon unleashed his attack and focused it on the cracked spot. WarGreymon drilled his way through ShogunGeckomon and ShogunGeckomon fall.

The team were cheered when ShogunGeckomon fallen and shattered into millions of data. The last ShogunGeckomon become beserk and lunge toward its fallen comrade. ShogunGeckomon starts sucking the fallen again which gave a surprise and confuse looks for those who see it for the first time except Gallantmon and MegaGargomon.

"I don't think so, Fatso!" Gallantmon and MegaGargomon charged forward and unleashed their powerful attacks. Gallantmon raised his shield and starts flashing and MegaGargomon readied his own stance for the skill. "Shield of the Just!" a large beam coming out from Gallantmon's shield. "Gargo Missile!" two large missiles were lauches from his shoulder. Both of these attacks made a direct contact with ShogunGeckomon and produce black smokes after the impact. Everyone waited for the smokes clear up. In a minute the smokes cleared and to their surprise, there is no wound or scratch from the last two attacks.

"What the... there is no wound from us," said MegaGargomon. "In fact, it didn't have any scratch in it."

"Beelzebmon told me that the Glitches had high defense but low on regeneration." MetalGarurumon explained what Beelzebmon told him.

"In that case, we use our strongest attack at one point." Garudamon suggested and received nods from everyone. X-Veemon crossed his arms; one of the needles on Stingmon's claw glowed and extended; Garudamon began to enrage; WarGreymon readied his spherical aura; MetalGarurumon charging his beam again in his mouth; Beelzebmon began drawing some reversed pentagram; MegaGargomon starts charging up his whole body; Gallantmon readied his shield again; and Zudomon is about to throw his hammer. All of them yelled out their attacks at the same time and unleashed it to ShogunGeckomon's back.

The explosion was massive and definitely no one can survive at those attacks. When the smokes faded, what they saw was more than a fright because the ShogunGeckomon is still standing with a small light bruise. ShogunGeckomon has finished his meal and turned around to see the attackers and began inhaling some air or maybe more air than the previous one. MetalGarurumon realized the danger and warned everyone. "Everybody scattered!" Some respond to the called while some were just woken from their trance. ShogunGeckomon starts to exhaled and unleashed a sound blast to them. The radius was quite large which makes almost all of them got a direct hit. Screaming of pain choired the area which makes ShogunGeckomon happy and grin at the same time.


Meanwhile at the camp Al, Zero, and Soul were resting up in a barrier that Angewomon created. GreenGuilmonX is pacing back and forth inside the barrier worried about the situation he was facing. ShadowWolf saw this and quite annoyed by him. "Will you stop that, it really annoys me."

GreenGuilmonX startled when he was yelled. Then he looked at the person who yelled at him. "I'm sorry, I can't help myself. I've never been in this situation before."

"I used to be like that as well, but I'm trying to get used to it." ShadowWolf said it also in worried.

"And he did well for a newcomer," said one of the new Digimon that looks like a tokusatsu. He then looked at the other new Digimon that look like a black tokusatsu with blue and red shoulder pads and a jetpack with two beam sabers on it. "How is the situation out there, HighAndromon?"

High Andromon is scanning the area where the rest of the Destinies are fighting. "The rest of the team has been defeated. Most of them were immobilized."

"It can't be... how is that possible?" Antylamon surprised by the result of the battle.

"It really is unbelievable. What really happened?" Angewomon asked also surprised in disbelief.

"Problems unknown... The scanner detects a high explosion and the target is still standing. My assumption is because of high recovery." HighAndromon replied.

"It's not because of recovery." The senior Destinies looked at the owner of the voice.

"Al, you have awake earlier than I expect." Antylamon came to check him up.

"I am, thanks to the Glitches inside of me." Al replied and slowly woke up into a sit position.

"What are you talking about?" Justicemon asked.

"The Glitches inside of me made a contact with me and helped me many times." Al answered while his claw is extended for Antylamon to check. "And if you referring to the Glitches we are fighting then my answer is it had high defenses."

"I see that is completely new to us. Would you like to add any information?" asked HighAndromon.

"Last time I battle it with ultimate form; I used 16 same attacks at its head. And it really drains me a lot."

"Is that all?" Angewomon asked.

"They somehow eat their own fallen friends for no reason." Al added.

"That can't be good," said the tokusatsu Digimon.

"What do you mean?" Al asked while his eyes were checked by Antylamon. "And who are you?"

"When Digimon absorbed data from the fallen Digimon, they usually become stronger. My name is Justicemon and that is HighAndromon." The tokusatsu Digimon named Justicemon answered.

"Nice to known you. If you said so then that means they are in trouble." Al intends to stand up but he was back down by Antylamon with concern face. "You don't understand. If the Glitches have high defense then when they absorb the same one will be doubled."

HighAndromon scanned again for any activity at the site. "It looks like they noticed it. I detect six movements and possibility Glitches. Justicemon, can you see the situation from up there?"

Justicemon jumped to the highest tree in the swamp and saw the king size toad. "I saw one huge ShogunGeckomon trying to swat something." Justicemon looked closely the one who bugged the toad. "Well if it isn't our friend Beelzebmon and Gallantmon."

"Will you guys stop gawking and help me." A familiar voice came from one of the bushes. Gomamon is swimming carrying Biyomon and Terriermon at his small back. ShadowWolf quickly help the seal Digimon and carried all of them to the camp. Angewomon starts healing three of them.

Al saw the situation and intends to help them but what could he do? His stamina is slowly recovering but not enough to continue the battle. 'I wish that I could fight again, but what can I do in this condition. I'm nothing more than a nuisance to them. I wish that I was stronger.' Al began to shed a tear feeling helpless and useless at the same time. All of sudden his skin slowly turned black, his body starts degenerating into data and swarmed with black data. The Destinies and GreenGuilmonX looks surprise to see that Al was covered with black data and backed away a bit.

ShadowWolf surprise to see Al's situation and it suddenly hit him that he saw this before. "Could it be the same like last time?"

"What happened to him?" GreenGuilmonX asked in concerned.

"He is evolving with the help of a virus."


That's it for this chapter. I do hope the story isn't so confusing and once again another cliffhanger (Cursed you Sylvester Stallone!). I do accept any critics and comments for this chapter. I thank you for those who helped me in making these stories more interesting.

Chapter 31: Old and New Friends. Learned, Data Manipulation!

First off I don't own any chars from Digimon Series or any nicknames that involved in this story, however I do own the Char named Al and Soul in this story. I apologized first hand if there are spelling and grammar errors since my English is my second...

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Chapter 29: Finding Some Potentials - Part 2

First off I don't own any chars of Digimon series or any names that involved in this story. However, I do own Albino and Soul in this story. I apologize first hand if there are spelling and grammar errors since my English is my second. The stories...

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Chapter 28: Finding Some Potentials. - Part 1

First off I don't own any chars in Digimon Series or any other names or nicknames, however I do own chars named Al, Soul, and Sarah. I apologize first hand if there are spelling and grammar errors since my English is second. I try to make it 50%...

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