From the desk of the General. Mission 6.
From the desk of: general sir anarchy warlock (idiot) senior commander of the kaos army: black planet leader of a bunch of idiots smartass military tactical idiot occasional best friend bp date mission notes re: operation planet: tdw
From the desk of the General. Mission 3.
From the desk of: general sir anarchy warlock (chief kicker of photocopiers) senior commander of the kaos army: black planet leader of 1st tank battalion drinker of coffee military tactical genius occasional donkey bp date 16/09/3012
The Book of Warlock 19. No good deed goes unpunished.
As one, anarchy warlock and lord nisarant turned slowly to see who had foolishly entered the fray.
From the desk of the General. Mission 5.
From the desk of: general sir anarchy warlock (decorated with the medal of best disco dancer at pontins holiday park, minehead 1989) senior commander of the kaos army: black planet leader of 1st tank battalion player of pool military tactical genius
Tyler's Pokemon adventure chapter 4
Also id like to say that a new character has been introduced made by anarchy wolf 78 last winner of my first completion. ) tyler and the rest left the pokemon centre and were greeted with a small town.
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 63 - A simple touch...
Only chaos and anarchy, like my mother once described it... total anarchy, she called it... still, the rla seized power and therefore the government so technically, they were revolting against them... but with good reason...
Dartmouth Part Three: Weekend Out
A record from british metal band anarchy. it was their hit _rioting and looting_ the record that got them famous in the first place. luckily i had enough to buy it, and after my purchase was complete, we went out and got subs at a local sandwich shop.
Punk'd Out
This talk of rebelling, of anarchy, was not like him. or was... it? after all, why should he give a damn about what other people thought of him? he should go his own way, his own style, his own tempo.
Prologue: Battle for Lasri
The sight that awaited her was nothing short of anarchy. the inferno she had noticed was only a fraction of the blaze that engulfed half the slums.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 1
After that we'll all probably descend into anarchy and rip each other to shreds over the last few drops of alcohol.
EHC - Chapter 2
Suddenly in all the anarchy, i heard a screech and turned just in time to see a flash of crimson red slam into one of the four men. he screamed and fired his gun wildly to no avail.
When the end comes a beginning starts (end to the end times part 1)
Near the capital city the streets ran red with blood, as the third of the four horsemen, war, crept ever closer to the capital to bring an end to the order of the land and make anarchy the new law.