Prologue: Battle for Lasri

Story by Sn1ck on SoFurry

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Testing the waters for this world let me know what you think! Taking cheap writing commissions on my FA to build more of a profile so send me a note!

Freyea awoke to the sound of commotion around her, through the haze of sleepy eyes in her makeshift shelter in the back alleys of Lasri, she looked up from the cobblestone and her tattered bag still next to her and a short sword on her hip "At least they're still here" she muttered to herself before looking to the end of the alley she called her home for the night. She could see the shapes of people running past through the nighttime streets. She stood up slowly and cracked her back before taking in a deep breath. Smoke she thought to herself. Her eyes darted around hearing the clanking of armor and seeing Lasri guards run past against the tide of civilians. She wasn't about to stick around and find out which idiotic arsonist was going to get a sword through the chest. Freyea picked up her bag and headed out of the alley into the main street. She froze where she stood before darting her eyes around before gazing to the inferno that was building a few blocks down. Her eyes followed the licking flames that ate at the buildings side turning the wood into charcoal. Her pointy wolf ears picking up the sounds of metal clashing against metal. Her eyes darted before resting her eyes on the melee developing not 20 feet in front of her. Her eyes leaping to the black robed figures with blue and white embroideries along their tattered robes. Their metal clashing against the Lasri guards. That's the colors of Clous what in the blazes are they doing here? Freyea was knocked aside by another robed figure landing on her paws being too focused on the battle in front of her "Clear the streets!" he growled out at her "Get somewhere far away from here!" his red eyes locking with hers for brief moment, but he didn't break stride drawing a pair of daggers from under his robe which gleamed in the light of the inferno. "Saria-Lok-Ra" he shouted. His dagger's edges began to dance with flame starting at the hilt and working into a coating like the blade had been dipped in fire. He continued running tossing his robe aside the color of his fur now fully visible. His fur was a bright white the color of a full moon with red markings down his side. His fur seemed to glow in the light of the inferno. A servant of the three Freyea thought to herself. She pulled herself onto her feet her eyes not leaving the newcomers form. He continued his desperate sprint, His red eyes and the white fur common tells of servants. He let out a shout "Pemeth-Ra!" The fire around his daggers jumped to his fist before an eruption of fire left it. A gout of flame travelled across the air fire swirling around each other like a living sun. The Clous troops that were unfortunate enough to have been standing in the way couldn't help but let out a yelp at the sight of their new attacker before their cries were cut short. The flame incinerating them to nothing in a blink of an eye. There was nothing left where they stood no remnants of the life so quickly ended. Freyea watched him jump into the melee disappearing behind the smoke before she collected herself and ran the other direction. Her heart was thumping in her ears as she ran as fast as she could passing merchants still carrying their supplies her sword bouncing at her hip as she ran. Freyea was a capable fighter learning when she was left orphaned on the streets of Lasri. Her parents dying for land that the high king no longer held. Her parents forgotten martyrs, but not to her she still remembered the day they left her in the care of their close family friend Jath. She had stayed with her awhile before then she was also dragged into the front line. Alone and scared as a cub at, she had to pick up skills. Stealing stale bread from back alley bakeries and picking up sword skills after she had grabbed a sword from a fallen guard when some robbers had slain him after robbing a near by alchemist. Finder's keepers she thought to herself. She came to a street she recognized before dipping into an alley and climbing a broken-down wall she had used to get access to the rooftops usually being chased by guards. She planted her paw in the first footrest and began climbing slowly and methodically two stories up foothold by foothold paw hold by paw hold until she got to the top and swung herself up onto the rooftops with a final grunt. She laid on her back for a second collecting her breath from her long run and quick climb before she sat up and began scaling the roof to its precipice. The sight that awaited her was nothing short of anarchy. The inferno she had noticed was only a fraction of the blaze that engulfed half the slums. She could see the buildings clear as day, but it was only half past eleven at night the flames illuminating the skyline and sending streams of ash into the sky. She saw guards rushing below her towards the ever-increasing blaze. She could hear swords clashing faintly in the distance. She sat down on the roof and watched the inferno lick the stars in the sky the sounds of battle faint but constant. She closed her eyes I guess the wars finally here she thought to herself. She opened her eyes and looked down at her paws covered in calluses and scars from her rough life so far and she was only 24. She sighed stood up and began her decent back into the streets for whatever the rest of the night might bring.