S1-Ep1- Formation of the rebels
It also shows the other wolves in their own middle schools across the planet after that event but flashes back to the present). "ugh, why am i writing this?
Just Once: The Payoff
Just for a moment, we're going to flash back to when albus was 16-and-a-half. one reason why is that albus was thinking back to something now relevant that happened back then.
Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade
Why jake: your guess is as good as mine n1: tsume got up and walked back into her brother room and picked up the case of the game soon got flash backs of her and sliver's fight then a flash of riku and sora then a flash of sora saving her from the
Time of War Chpt 4
#4 of time of war here is chapter four........finally edit: grammar corrections thanks to darkenguard42 #### scene transition |\\||||////| flash back begin ~~~\~~~ flash back end ~~~|||~~~ character change |.........||.........| "so how
Time of War Chpt 5
I know i'm just as surprised as you are. well anyways here it is, ladies and gentlemen, chapter five of time of war, hope you enjoy and as always, comments rates,and faves are welcome #### scene transition |\\||||////| flash back begin ~~~\~~~ flash back
Kingdom Digimon Chapter 2 Vivid Dream Of The Past, Joker's Card
I was in a standstill watching like a mirror...all the pain flashed back and treated my heart like stone.
My College Story Ch 6
"massive flash back." i said "yeah it is."chriastian said looking at himself in the mirrior he looked really good. "okay we can talk about this later." adam said "settle down we have at leaste an hour."
team R&T VS M.A.R.C.H final battle
flash back over\*\* "i can't believe were moving on to the next round " tsume said happy jumping up and down "yeah i know right! let's celebrate with some candy apples " "yea!
Casualties by karnivorouswolf this story is written in a flash-back style, each one separated.
The End (part 1)
flashing back to a few hours earlier, alec was heading to go see saraiya. he had decided to make it a surprise since it was their eighteen month anniversary.
Over the hedge 2 / The Nut Job 2 fanfiction crossover part 2
Im a flash back, we see rj going through his bag but he hears something behind him, but when he looks back he notices his candy bar was taken.
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 8
Looking toward her, chris was silent as he began flashing back to the first time they'd heard zorua use telepathy.