The Adventures of the Brave Knight Bunnicus (PART II)

Shi said with a shrug, the both of them and their unit moving forward without another word, weapons poised and ready, sights set on the unsuspecting villagers.

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Along the way he encountered a village gripped by terror, terror of the ancient hunter that lived within the forest. seeing a perfect opportunity the creature drifted through the village, spreading the insanity of false hope.


Chapter 56: Coming Home

The ceremony was held on the sun village's great balcony, and wolves from all over the village came to watch as their chief and chieftess were united. the village enjoyed a great feast afterwards, at which keme and seleste were given seats of honor.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 11 - Yoshis Aplenty

"ahhhh welcome," said the green one, "welcome to yoshi's village. i am the village leader, how may i assist you?"

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Invane: Backing Stoneager

"wolves or the villagers?" i questioned him as he faced him in turn, "villagers." i rose to my feet, nodding as i started faintly smiling.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 3)

The feeling in the village is that our customs help our community to thrive.

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The Darkfang Curse

That was until a temporal dragon decided to try to claim their village for his own personal hot tub, the darkfangs' village being built next to a huge natural hot spring.

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Destiny Intertwined, Magic, combat and friendship

A morphic village occupied the floor of the valley before them. a great bonfire lit the village and its occupants were lined up around it.

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Chapter 8 - Shattering Future

He looked all around him and visualized the village that had once been here, the village that had housed him when he was ryan until the country of star raided the village.

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 05

"kitchi, take iuana and her companions back to the village."

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Evil Quill-Weave:Sidekick (Part 4)

The lights of the village appeared soon after. it didn't take long to find the men she was looking for. they were in a clearing outside of the village proper, goading an old khajit man.

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Candy Mouse- Living with her dad

It was more of a village packed with shops, people and pokemon. however, the village leader, who was called millis and a hariyama as a partner, got into a fight with another village leader. both the villages got into the fight, and it became a mini war.

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