Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 05

Story by Kurapika on SoFurry

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#20 of Raven Wolf - Novel

Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Five

Raven Wolf - The Oracle - Chapter Five

Zack sits at a table within a small restaurant in the town, Dolly sitting across from him and listening as Zack explained their situation to her. "Once I finished explaining the situation to General Mort he was less than impressed, though after a couple minutes of his howling he did explain to me what to do next."

Dolly nods her head. "And that is?"

Zack leans back in his chair. "General Mort is concerned that the group is by now aware that they are being followed. One of two things will happen at this point. They'll find a way to get rid of the trackers, or Raven Wolf's leader is going to split and not allow them to enter the village. Both situations are bad, but the latter would be much worse, as there are still plenty of ways to track down a group like that without the help of satellites."

The waitress stops by their table placing the food they had ordered in front of them, Dolly frowning as she thought the situation over. "Well then, I guess what you're meaning to tell me is that we won't be waiting on the rest of our group to resupply, and that we're to continue hunting them down even while we are being resupplied."

Zack nods his head yes that indeed the situation. "We'll have to go back to where it was we lost them, and see if there are any clues for us to pick up on."

Dolly shakes her head at the thought, picking up her utensils and beginning to eat the meal that had been brought to her. "All this running around in circles just for Raven Wolf's leader? It's hard to see the point to it." She looks back to Zack. "Perhaps you can enlighten me on this? You seem to know a lot more about the purpose of this mission than I do."

Zack frowns not really the gossiping type. "The military wants him, that's all you really need to know."

Dolly frowns at the answer. "What about Kit Milford? What does he have to do with everything?" Zack falls silent at the mention of that name, Dolly's voice becoming sharp as she continued to question him about the boy. "Did you really think that I wouldn't have recognized him from the satellite images?"

Zack speaks to her with his voice barely above a whisper. "Don't bring his name up again, I've been given orders to get rid of anyone that may question that kid's involvement in this! Do you know what kind of situation you're putting yourself in?"

Dolly doesn't look the least bit happy to hear this. "Magellan, I'm your partner on this mission, you may not think the world of me but you need to trust me."

Zack frowns at the comment. "Conner, take it from someone who knows more about this situation than he would care to know. The less you know the better."

One of the villagers comes to a stop, taking a double take as he looks at Dolly, he turning to his friend and elbowing him in the shoulder. "I could have sworn that was girl was a guy the last time I saw them."

His companion laughs at the comment. "Probably because of the gorgeous fox that she was with, the white wolf didn't help matter either, they are both much better looking than her."

Dolly growls at the comment, she quiet annoyed with it. "Why do I always come up last in conversations like that? I swear any woman I stand next to is considered better looking than me! I'm only good looking if there's not another woman in sight-" She gasps abruptly ending her babbling and quickly realizing something. "Wait!" She turns back to the two villagers.

Zack quickly gets up from his seat waving over to the villagers to get their attention. "Excuse me, but where did you see this guy that happened to look like her? The one with the pretty fox and wolf?"

The villager begins to explain. "They were in the village only this morning."

Zack smiles at the information. "Well that's just wonderful." He looks back to Dolly. "Perhaps we won't be running in as many circles as you had first thought. If they're not still in town then they're not far from it. We'll have them tracked down in no time."


Shiya leads the group, he once again wearing the large headdress of black feathers and the giant bird skull. Iuana traveling right next to his side with Kit not that far behind talking loudly all the while about the TV shows that he had watched earlier, Teddy and Eve trailing a little farther behind as they kept their pace with Yula

It had been several hours since the group had left the small town, Yula struggling along as always as he tries his best to keep up with Shiya and Iuana, but doesn't seem to have any luck with doing so, he still aching from his tumble down the stairs. "So how much longer will it be until we reach the village?"

Shiya begins to explain. "Eleven's hunting grounds are close by, so not much farther."

Teddy looks over to Shiya. "Who's Eleven?"

Iuana speaks up to answer Teddy's question. "She's a member of our pack. One if it's warriors."

Teddy frowns crossing his arms. "I thought you said that no one in your pack could hunt because of the spirits curse."

Shiya looks back to Teddy. "It is not food that is slain in her hunting grounds."

Eve doesn't look very assured of her desire to continue going in this direction. "Oh... well that's just peachy. Your pack doesn't like visitors I take it?"

Shiya shrugs his shoulder. "Ehhh... I don't know, it's not that we dislike visitors. We just don't want any unwelcome guests that come from the military. My pack is not made up only of warriors that can hold their own against the military. There are children, the elderly, the wounded and the weak. There is much to protect."

Eve continues to question Shiya in concerns to this. "This Eleven person you're talking about, she's not going to attack us as soon as she sees us will she?"

Shiya shakes her head no. "Of course not, I sent word of our arrival. She and several other warriors will be sent out to meet us outside of the village and escort us back home."

Yula speaks up a pleasant tone in his voice. "So we're almost there then! And we'll be done all the walking?"

Shiya nods his head. "Yes just a few more hours and then all the traveling will be done with, or as you put it... the... walking..."

Teddy lets out a shiver as he begin to look around him, the air starting to get cold, a very light almost unnoticeable mist hanging in the air. "Is it just me, or is the air getting thicker?"

Kit looks back to Teddy happy to explain. "Lots of cold mist hide's Shiya's village. It gets so thick further up you can't hardly see ahead of you. Pretty mysterious and awesome right?"

Teddy looks back to Kit forcing a chuckle, he not particularly a fan of freezing cold, foggy places. "Yes... pretty awesome..."


Zack lets out a sigh as he looks ahead of him, a thick fog hanging in the air. Dolly right now kneeled on the ground looking over the tracks they were right now following. "This doesn't look good. It'll be harder to catch them if they get any further into this."

Dolly nods her head getting to her feet and pressing forward, though they had previously been traveling through endless fields of grass the two now found themselves in a fog filled forest that got more dense the further in they got. "The tracks aren't that old, we'll catch up to them, and even if we don't we'll be fine." She looks back to Zack. "There's really only two reasons they could have entered an area like this. They know that they're being followed and are trying to lose us, or they have no choice but to go through it, because that's where the Raven Wolf village is."

Zack looks back to her rather impressed by the assumption. "You're good at this aren't you?"

Dolly nods her head. "I paid attention when mom and dad taught me this stuff." She looks back ahead of them.

Zack walks up next to Dolly. "So is Teddy as good at this as you are?"

Dolly shakes her head no. "No, he was never really into tracking, it was much to wild for his taste, Teddy is more concerned with looking and acting like a domestic than anyone I know. Being a wild is embarrassing to him." She looks over to Zack. "Though I suppose you would enforce that idea wouldn't you?"

Zack holds his hands to himself. "Me? What you think I have a problem with wilds?"

Dolly nods her head as she continues making her way forward. "In terms of the domestics that I have met you are possibly the worst! I can hardly do anything with you without you going on about how awful they are."

Zack frowns coming to a stop and looking away from her for a moment. "I haven't actually said anything like that for a while."

Dolly is about to snap back but stops, now that she thought about it Magellan had been refraining from spouting the rude comments he was known for. She looks back to him. "Well why not? You have one right beside you twenty-four seven now. So you have ample opportunity."

Zack nods his head, that exactly the reason. "Yeah, well maybe I'm starting to think that wilds aren't as bad as I thought them to be. You did save me from certain death so obviously that means that you can't be all that bad."

Dolly gives him a slight grin before continuing on her way. "Well then, let's hope you can continue up that hill, and hopefully soon you'll be able to trust me with more than just your life."

He follows after Dolly. "If it makes you feel any better I don't think much of domestics either. I just get removed from the field if I say too many negative things about them. I pretty much dislike any living creature."

"You just sound more pleasant by the second."

Zack stops talking, he quickly holding his hand up and signalling for Dolly to do the same. He motioning for the two of them to continue on in silence, a faint sound from somewhere ahead of them catching his attention.

It was very faint from where Zack and Dolly where because of how far they are from the group, though judging from the tone it was very loud for anyone close to the source. "You know you left at one of the bet parts in the episode Shiya! Just when the fight scene was starting up!"

Dolly looks over to Zack. "That's the boy, it has to be."

Zack frowns their situation not to their liking. "Attacking them is not a good idea, the last time we fought them they were tired and worn out from running from our men, this time they're not going to be as tired."

Dolly continues to move forward, despite that they didn't really have a lot of options. "Don't get cold feet on me now Magellan."

Zack frowns at the comment. "Who said anything about cold feet? I never said that I wouldn't attack them now did I?"

Dolly listens, the boy continuing to talk loudly to the members of the group, the other ones not trying to quiet him down or stop him. "Seeing as they're letting him talk as loud as he is I don't think they know they're being followed. We have the element of surprise on our side."

The two quickly begin to advance upon the group they knew to be ahead of them.

Kit continues to talk in his loud voice. "And then she picked up the robot and spun it over her head and then threw it into a bunch of other robots that were charging at her."

Shiya nods his head, as he give a dull toned response, he tired of hearing this. "Yes... sounds really great... it's too bad that I missed it."

Teddy turns away from the group walking over to a tree and looking it over, it completely bare of all its leaves, a white frost clinging onto it, Teddy scratching some of the frost off and looking it over. "It's the middle of summer..." He pauses realizing for the first time that he could see his own breath forming before him, Teddy having of course realized that it was gradually getting colder, but had not noticed this detail because he was surrounded by so much fog.

He turns back to Shiya questioning him about this as he returned to the group. "Why is this place so cold?"

Shiya shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, might have something to do with all the ice and fog."

Teddy fixes Shiya with a glare, the chieftain obviously knowing was he was referring to but acting the idiot as to avoid actually giving him the answer.

Eve tightly holds her arms around her body as she tries to keep warm. "We're not going to be trying to walk through snow soon are we?"

Shiya shakes his head no. "There hasn't been a lot of snow as of late so you'll hardly notice it, mostly just ice. And fog, lots of fog." He stops when a flake of snow falls down in front of him. "Oh look, snow." He looks back to Eve. "Looks like I lied about the snow."

Eve cringes at the idea, she already freezing enough as it was. "Great..."

Yula lets out a scream as he slips and falls backwards hitting the ground, Shiya looking down at him and holding his hand out to him to help him back to his feet. "Be careful of the ice."

Yula grabs onto Shiya's hand pulling himself back to his feet. "Why is it always me falling?"

Kit laughs as he looks back to Yula. "Because you're a clumsy oaf."

Yula frowns at the comment, Iuana motioning for them to continue moving forward. "Let's keep moving. We still have a lot of ground to cover."

Eve slips losing her footing, falling forward and hitting the ground, Iuana sighing as she looks back to her. "Let's try to be more careful where we walk."

Yula screams again as he hits the ground a second time, Shiya staring down at him for a moment before looking over to Iuana. "You know, I didn't realize that this might be a problem."

Kit slips hitting the ground, he quickly recovering himself and looking around him hoping that no one had noticed him fall.

Iuana looks over to her father. "We haven't even reached the lake yet, getting across that is going to be a nightmare."

Eve doesn't seem surprised to hear that things would just continue to get worse. "There's a lake to cross...?"

Shiya nods his head. "A frozen one yes."

Both Yula and Eve let out tired groans.

Kit looks back to the group. "Don't worry! The village is actually very warm, just like summer!"

Teddy stops walking for a moment, he looking back and staring behind them, Kit calling out to him when he see that he has stopped walking. "Come on Teddy you're going to be left behind if you don't hurry."

Teddy continues to stare into the trees behind them, he was sure that he had seen something move in that direction.

Kit once again calls out to him. "Teddy come on!!"

Teddy doesn't take his eyes off of the area that was concerning him. "I don't think we're alone."

Shiya looks back to Teddy, he walking back to him and staring in the direction that was concerning him, Shiya raising his voice when he see it, he quickly turning back to the others and yelling out a warning. "Run!"

Iuana dashes ahead as she is told, Yula, Eve and Kit all meaning to run forward as well, but slipping and falling to the ground instead.

Teddy stares at them as they get back to their feet. "Really...?"

Shiya lets out a growl, as he rushes away from the group attacking, disappearing in the thick trees.

Kit looks over to Eve as he dusts the frost off of him. "Do you think he really saw something?"

A loud gunshot sounds answering Kit's question, Yula and Kit both hitting the ground again when they try to run from the noise. Eve quickly pulls them back to their feet, making sure that the two of them were paying attention to her. "Alright, clearly we need to calm down and pay attention to our footing because just running is not working!"

Teddy looks from the group and back in the direction that Shiya had run in, Shiya now running back towards them, grabbing onto Teddy's arm and forcing him to run with him back to the rest of the group. "It's your sister and her partner. They must have found out about our presence in the town and followed our trail here."

Shiya and Teddy come to a stop when they catch up to the rest of the group, Shiya letting go of Teddy and throwing a gun he had taken from the pursuers while attacking them, Teddy fumbling it in surprise and almost not catching it. He looking down to the weapon surprised. "How did you-" He shakes his head now not the time to question Shiya on that, Teddy arming the weapon to use it.

Shiya looks the group over lifting and pointing his spear ahead of them as he spoke to the group. "You need to get out of the forest and cross the lake. Iuana knows the way so follow her."

Iuana is concerned with this plan. "You mean to stay behind!? Father you can't do that!"

Shiya looks to Iuana. "I will not fight on my own for long, have sent word of our arrival to Achak. He should have sent a few of our warriors out here to meet with us. Keep your eyes open for them, I'm sure they'll figure out the situation and act accordingly."

Iuana argues with him not wanting to leave him behind. "What if the warriors have not been sent out yet? Perhaps they are not yet prepared, or your message has not reached them yet!"

Shiya pushes her trying to get her to leave. "Have faith in your people Iuana, and have faith in me! Everything will be fine."

Iuana narrows her eyes grabbing onto her father's arm and refusing to let go, Teddy grabbing onto her hand and prying her hand off of her father. "Iuana we need to get these three to safety! I can't do that without you I don't know the way to the village!"

Iuana bares her teeth angered over the situation, she turning away from her father and doing as she had been told grabbing onto both Yula and Eve's arms and dragging them with her, the two trying their best to keep their footing as they are pulled by her.

Teddy picks up Kit under his arm before the young boy falls and hit the ground again, taking him with him as he follows after Iuana.

Shiya turns from the group looking back behind him just as Zack leaps at him bringing him to the ground, Shiya kicking him hard in the face and throwing him off of him.

Zack tumbles across the ground, quickly getting to his feet while rubbing his jaw in pain. "First my gun than my face, I am defiantly not going to go easy on you now... ow, that smarts."

He looks over to Dolly pointing toward the rest of the group. "Don't lose them!"

Dolly runs past him chasing after the rest of the group. "Don't worry about me, I've got it."

Zack looks back to Shiya, the wild already crouched and ready to leap at him as soon as he gave him the chance. Zack rushing toward him and attacking, Shiya reacting as he leaps forward to meet his opponents attack, his body hitting Zack and bringing them both to the ground, the two rolling to a stop with Shiya on top of Zack and pinning him down. "I know what you are."

Zack frowns as he grabs onto Shiya left arm with both hands, pushing it out from under him and throwing Shiya off of him and to the ground, the white wolf quick to get back to his feet. "Know what I am? What is that supposed to mean?"

He rushes at Shiya once more grabbing onto his arm and twisting it as he faces Shiya with his back, pulling on his arm and throwing him over his back and onto the ground, Shiya grabbing onto Zack's leg and pulling it out from under him, causing him to stumble back, Zack managing to keep his balance and prevent himself from falling.

Shiya looks up at Zack from the ground. "You're a super soldier, genetic batch number thirteen forty two."

Zack frowns at the information. "I'm not sure where you learned about anything concerning that, but if you know that much you should know then how futile it is to fight me."


Dolly runs past the group, stopping ahead of Iuana and running back to her, diving down to the ground and skidding across the ice kicking Iuana's legs with her own and bringing Iuana and both those she right now was helping to guide to the ground, Iuana and Dolly both getting back to their feet and facing one another, both wolves baring their teeth and snarling at one another.

A young man's voice yells out a warning to Iuana. "Get back Iuana!"

The hateful snarl leaves Iuana's face as she quickly looks around her for the new voice that had spoken up, Dolly too turning toward the direction it had come from, a figure running from the trees and leaping at her, hitting and bringing her to the ground.

Dolly fights back and against the figure that had attacked her and manages to throw him off, she talking several steps back as she grabs onto a gun on her side and prepares to fire at the skull masked wolf whom she had thrown to the ground, Dolly letting out a gasp of shock when a small hatchet hits her gun, cutting into it and forcing it from her hands, Dolly turning in the direction the weapon had come from to see two more figures near them that wore a bird like skull upon their heads, the masks much like Shiya's though not hear as elaborate, one of them still crouched forward from having thrown the weapon at her.

The woman that had thrown her weapon gets to her feet, taking hold of two large knives she had strapped to her back and preparing to attack, she looking over to Iuana as she prepared to attack. "Are you alright Iuana?"

Iuana nods her head yes. "I'm fine."

The woman looks over to the dapple coated wolf that was right now picking himself up from the ground after having been thrown there by Dolly. "Kitchi, take Iuana and her companions back to the village."

Kitchi takes hold of Iuana's hand to take her with him, she pulling from his grip and turning toward the woman that had saved them, pointing back in the direction that her father was in. "Father is fighting another further back."

The woman glances back to the other two warriors that stood behind her. "Eleven, Hasson, make sure that our leader makes it home safely."

A second masked woman nods her head, she lifting her hand and motioning for another wild that was with them to follow her, he a huge one, almost twice the size of anyone there, the two of them running in the direction that Iuana had directed them in.

The other woman who seems in charge of all the other warriors that had shown up looks back to Iuana after her order was given. "Now go to the village."

Iuana frowns arguing back with her. "No! Give me a weapon! I will stay and fight!"

The woman yells back at her that not an option. "As the chieftains daughter you will do no such thing! Let the warriors handle the fighting while the little princesses like you stay safe and out of my way!"

Iuana bares her teeth at the woman she obviously angered by the comment, Teddy grabbing onto her shoulder and getting her attention. "Now's not the time for this, just do as she says for now or you're not going to be able to argue about it later."

Dolly reacts when the two wilds that are intending to help Shiya run pass her, she reaching out and grabbing onto the female, pushing back against her and into her companion, throwing them both to the ground, the woman managing to regain her balance and jump back to her feet while her large companion crashes onto the forest floor.

Eleven, The woman whom Dolly had knocked over begins to approach her, her black fur standing out against the white snow and frost that surrounded them, it clear that this attack upon her had upset her, the other female wild calling out to her and reminding her of her job. "Ignore her! You've been given your orders and she is not included in them."

Eleven turns away from Dolly to return to her task once again, Dolly attacking her once more as soon as Eleven's attention is taken off of her. She kicking her hard in the face, breaking the right side of the mask she wore, the pieces of bone from the skull falling from her face, the woman wincing for a moment before glaring back at Dolly.

Dolly gasps when she sees her face, it not what she was expecting. "Magellan..."

Eleven turns from her, ignoring her and continuing on her way, the other large wild that was also given the order following after her. Dolly about to chase after them but stopping when the woman that lead the warriors attacks her, bringing her attention off of them and onto her.

Kitchi, the smaller and younger of the masked warriors, turns from the two fighting women and back to Iuana and the others. "Hurry this way."

Iuana frowns as she looks from Kitchi back to the two that are right now fighting. "Do not kill her! She is not an ally that is for certain but she is also a family member to one of my companions." Iuana turns away reluctantly following after Kitchi as she and the rest of the group continue on towards the village.

The woman that right now fought against Dolly frowns at the comment. "Those demands are rather unreasonable!" She frowns looking back to her opponent, reasonable or not it was still a request from their chieftain's daughter.