Raven Wolf - Book 06 - Chapter 01
**Chapter One** _'The day the sky fell' was a cataclysmic event that shattered the reality everyone knew and changed the world._ _ _ _Very few know what happened, all that most people know is that everything that was once within the sky fell to...
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 21
**Chapter Twenty One** Mort watches Alistair as he searches the streets near the Cadrey museum, the Captain has not been able to talk him out of pursuing his target and leaving the city. He turns away from him for a moment to look over the rain...
Raven Wolf - Origins - Shiya - Chapter 07
**Chapter Seven** **Trials** _"Early the next morning Rowtag gave me his decision, allowing me to enter Kanti's trials so that I may have my chance to earn my right to be by her side. Even though I was still far from such a goal my heart raced...
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 19
**Chapter Nineteen** A horrified look fills Ember's face, she raises her voice at her father as she questions what he has just told him. "Lockdown!? What do you mean lockdown!? Why would they do that!?" Ember's father is now in the middle of putting...
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 18
**Chapter Eighteen** Dolly keeps to the little shadows that are available to her, it's now early in the day as she makes her way through the city, it has been hours since she and her companions had to leave the safety of the museum. She scouts the...
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 03
**Chapter Three** Eve and her father stand within a large room among many other foxes much like them that have been gathered from around the city, the mood among everyone there is a mixture of bewilderment, nervousness and anger. It is quite clear...
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 02
**Chapter Two** A singing voice echoes off the steal walls of an underground fortress, the long halls that lead to rooms holding military test subjects. One of the glass rooms within the long hallway holds a grey wolf with dark yellow eyes and...
Raven Wolf - Origins - Shiya - Chapter 06
**Chapter Six** **Lessons** _"Aither agreed to help me to learn what I would need to take part in and hopefully win Kanti's trials. I was both excited to learn how, yet at the same time frightened, I was doing my best to live a normal and happy...
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 01
**Chapter One** _When humans took the forms of animals to survive within the newly changed world, they changed into creatures of all kinds and divided themselves as such. Those with forms of mammals and reptiles filled land, while those who took...
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 12
**Chapter Twelve** General Bourne steps in front of the room filled with foxes. "Alright everyone get up, this is the breakfast bell, you sleep through this and you'll go hungry till lunch." The foxes let out tired groans as they get to their...
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 11
**Chapter Eleven** Alistair is looking through a room inside the Domestic Military's base, they look to be very simple living quarters, Jovina had not been lying when she said that Dmitri lived at the base. The coyote searches through the...
Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 20
**Chapter Twenty** A heavy rain falls from the sky, drenching the broken and crumbling city of Cordella, most of its military are now working hard to help and rescue people that have been hurt by the sudden and uncalculated event that has just taken...