Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 11

Story by Kurapika on SoFurry

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#74 of Raven Wolf - Novel

Raven Wolf - The Abandoned - Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

Alistair is looking through a room inside the Domestic Military's base, they look to be very simple living quarters, Jovina had not been lying when she said that Dmitri lived at the base.

The coyote searches through the drawers, closet and even the bed sheets, finding nothing of interest, there in fact is hardly anything to find at all, Dmitri does not look to own any personal belongings of his own.

He opens a door that is adjoined to the room to find a bathroom complete with a bath and shower. Alistair looks impressed with it as he walks over to the shower looks it over. "Me and the other Super Soldier's never got one of these, we always had to use the ones in the locker room."

Alistair stops what he's doing when he hears something, he quickly leaves the bathroom and makes his way to the near empty closest in the room shutting it quietly behind him. The door to the room opens as Dmitri walks inside taking off the jacket of his uniform and throws it onto the bed in his room.

Alistair watches him from his spot in the closet through a small gap between the doors, it nears the end of the day so Alistair has sought out and come here hoping to find the opening he would need to catch of the crystal he suspected Dmitri to be wearing around his neck, and hopefully find the opportunity he needs to take it from him.

Dmitri unbuttons his shirt, Alistair spots exactly what it was he is looking for, a braded leather necklace that had a crystal matching the colour of Dmitri's eyes on it. He watches as Dmitri slips out of his shirt throwing that to the bed as well before walking over to the bathroom.

Alistair frowns as he watches him leave, whispering lowly to himself. "Don't tell me he showers with that thing on."

A phone in the jacket pocket of the uniform that Dmitri has just taken off begins to ring, Dmitri returns to the bed, digging through his pockets and pulling it out to answer it. "General Ebon Dmitri here."

He listens to the voice on the other end, letting out a grumble as he picks up the clothes he has just taken off and begins to put them back on. "Thanks for informing me."

He hangs up the phone, using it now to dial another number, a frown fills his face when he gets no answer. "Of all the- He knows he's not supposed to cut communication when he's still on duty! What the hell is he doing!?"

He grabs onto his jacket storming out of the room, Alistair waits a moment before opening the closet door and heading out of it, making his way to the door of Dmitri's room, looking down the hallway to make sure that it is clear before making his way out.

Once he is out of the hallway Alistair takes a phone from his pocket and turns it back on, finding that he had missed a call from Dmitri while it had been off, clearly turning off his phone before venturing forth into Dmitri's abode was the right thing to do.

He dials the number back, speaking up when he hears Dmitri answer his phone. "What do you want with me my most un-favourite General? Which, so you know, is a pretty incredible feet to accomplish, cause I really don't like General Jovina but you still manage to top her on my most disliked people list." He pauses for a moment. "Actually I think I hate you the most out of everyone in the military, now that I think about it I probably like Magellan and Conner more than you, and boy do I ever hate Magellan."

Dmitri gives a frustrated groan. "Shut up and get to my office immediately."

"I thought you didn't like me in your office." Dmitri hangs up the phone not giving Alistair the satisfaction of replying to him, Alistair holds the phone away from him and staring at it. "Well he's no fun."

He continues to make his way through the halls until he reaches Dmitri's office, the large wolverine looks to him with a frown when he notices him entering. "Why was your phone off?"

"Not gonna lie to you. If your call would have gone through you would have interrupted me in a very awkward situation."

Dmitri approaches him shoving a folder he has been holding into his hands. "You're being re-assigned."

Alistair seems confused. "Why? You not impressed with the work I'm doing on capturing Raven Wolf's leader?"

"If you can call that work."

"Do I get to protect some star of a children's television show like Captain Mort does?"

"No. You need to find my son and get him back from whomever it was that took him."

Alistair stares at him a little confused. "I... what...?" He opens the folder looking inside of it, there a photo and information on a young boy of wolverine decent, Alistair reads it over for a moment before looking back to Dmitri. "This kid isn't your son."

"Of course not. After you confronted me about it I took it upon myself to make sure that such information was not so easily obtained again, if you of all people could have stumbled upon that knowledge than chances are that the more threatening enemies I have may find it as well."

Alistair looks back down to the photo. "So you made some poor parentless kid into a decoy?"

Dmitri sits down behind his desk. "Find the kid and kill the people that took him before they find out that the boy they have is not my son and go after the real one."

Alistair lets out a groan. "Everyone just wants me to do everything for them lately."

"This assignment prioritizes all others."

"It's the end of the day, how about you let me sleep first?"

"I'm not going to sleep anytime soon so neither are you. So go get it done."

Alistair turns away, there's no way he can take the crystal from around Dmitri's neck if he isn't going to go to sleep anytime soon. "Sure, just let me drop everything I've been doing just so I can- AH!!" Alistair jumps back from the doorway with a started yelp, dropping the folder he had been holding to the ground.

Dmitri frowns as he stares at him. "Are you trying to be funny? Because I'm not amused."

Alistair stares down at the child in the doorway, the young coyote that shares his features, that Alistair had been catching glimpses of throughout the day. He looks back to Dmitri for a moment and then back to the doorway, the child gone. "No... just thought that I saw something..." He kneels down picking up the folder and papers he had dropped before heading out of the room, Alistair stops and looks down either end of the hall before continuing on his way.


Tahki stares at several female wilds that all carry the mark of Raven Wolf on their chests, all gossiping among themselves as they prepare meals for the warriors of the tribes that would soon return. "Tahki has been married for a little over three years now and she and Achak still don't have any children, it's strange don't you think?"

_ _

"They've both spoken of wanting to have children before, so it's not as if neither don't want them."

_ _

"Maybe she can't have children."

_ _

"Wouldn't that be a shame."

Shiya's voice interrupts the conversation that Tahki is envisioning. "Tahki, are you alright."

Tahki stares at the spot the woman had once been, they're gone now, having been nothing more than an uncomfortable illusion conjured by the True Blood's hateful device. "I'll be fine once Lumia gets rid of these visions."

"What are they about? Maybe I can help you with them?"

Tahki shakes her head no, it's not something she really wants to discuss. "Not really... to be honest it's a topic I would only be comfortable speaking to Achak about."

Shiya tilts his head to the side. "Who is Achak?"

Tahki hangs her head, the reminder that Shiya has been starting to forget the names and faces of his friends and family not an easy reminder. "You're not helping Shiya..."

Shiya is upset to hear this. "That should be a name that I should remember... isn't it...?"

Tahki turns from Shiya as she looks towards Dolly who now sits on the edge of the bed that Eighteen is sleeping in. "How is Eighteen?"

Eighteen speaks up before Dolly is able to, still sitting up in bed and staring at the deceased Super Soldiers that keeps appearing before him."Don't answer that question."

The young solider from Eighteen's batch number laughs at him. "She's only concerned about you. You're so pathetic that you don't even know how to accept a kind gesture when you get it."

Eighteen yells loudly as he leaps forward to attack, Dolly grabs onto him to keep him from lunging himself off of the bed and possibly running out of the room where he could cause who knows what kind of trouble.

Dolly looks back to Tahki while holding Eighteen back. "Apparently he's still not doing well."

Eighteen grows less tense as the image disappears, the uneasy and terrified feeling that he had been overcome with is now starting to subside. He pulls back from Dolly as she looks back to Tahki, she too looks to have a sense of relief.

Lumia's voice sounds in the headset that Dolly is still wearing. "There, it looks like I've finally got it."

Dolly seems impressed. "You got rid of the signal?"

"Unfortunately I only blocked it from entering this area, as long as those two stay within the museum though they'll be fine."

Tahki frowns that's not a good thing. "We have to leave this place eventually! We can't stay here forever."

"You only need to stay here while you're in the city. As soon as you get far enough from the city you shouldn't be affected by it anymore, the device responsible for this is limited in range."

Dolly seems concerned to hear this. "So it will still be affecting the other Super Soldiers that are in the city?"

Eighteen looks over to Dolly. "Why would you care? They're our enemies now aren't they? It makes things better for us."

Shiya speaks up, this is indeed a problem. "Aren't you trying to get what's his face to get Dmitri's crystal for us?"

Dolly sighs as she turns back to Shiya. "Can't you remember anyone's name?"

Shiya shakes his head that not being it. "No! It's not that I forgot his name it's that it's a number of some sort, I can't remember the numbers!"

Eighteen speaks up to help Shiya out. "1286-02."

Shiya holds his hands out to Eighteen. "See."

"We call him Two for short."

Dolly begins to share her concerns. "Quincy isn't exactly a stable and well adjusted individual, it could be dangerous for the city depending on how he reacts from this."

Shiya sees even more confused. "Who's Quincy!?"

Dolly sighs as she looks over to Shiya. "I don't even know if I want to try and bother explaining this to you if you're just going to forget it in a matter of time."

This comment of hers upsets Shiya. "I don't mean to forget things."

Dolly sighs. "I sorry, I didn't mean it... I'm just a little frustrated right now. We just don't seem to be getting anywhere, and more and more problems keep popping up. If our luck keeps on like this then we're never going to get out of this city to find Teddy."


Alistair is looking through a house and officer that has been overlooking the scene explains the case to him. "Someone broke in through the backdoor of the house and made it to the living room where they took him, right from under the noses of the foster parents and the kids here."

Alistair looks back to the officer. "So he wasn't alone when he disappeared?"

"No, everyone in the house was here at the time. They're just saying that he disappeared, no one saw anything."

Alistair looks over the foster parents calling over to them. "How did you say Brat disappeared?"

The woman looks angry with Alistair. "His name is Bret! Not Brat!"

"Oh, so that WAS a typo in my file. I wasn't sure since he's an orphan and may have just had parents that really hated him or something."

"Who are you!? Get out of my house!"

The soldier near Alistair tries to clear things up. "He's a representative from the military sent to help find Bret and bring him back here." He looks back to Alistair. "Try to be more sensitive! This is a disappearance involving a child! Things like this make everyone uneasy, you can't throw around comments like that!"

Alistair looks back to the woman. "The sooner you answer the question lady the sooner I can get out of your house and start looking for the kid."

The woman glares at him as she bitterly answers the question. "I was in the living room with him and the other children watching them while they watched television. I looked away for a moment and when I looked back he was gone."

Alistair looks away from her, now beginning to look the area over, it is very unlikely that someone would be able to break into a house and take a child with so many people around and not be seen. Regardless of how possible the scenario is that seems to be what has happened here.

He leaves the living room making his way to the backdoor, bending down and looking the lock on it to see that there were indeed signs of forced entry.

"It's pretty similar don't you think?"

Alistair looks away from the doorway, looking back to find the young boy that he keeps catching glimpses of, the number 00 written on the electric collar around his neck. "It sounds a lot like how that soldier that worked as one of your guards would take you away without anyone knowing."

Alistair turns away from him as he gets back up now making his way out of the house, having seen enough to have some idea of what's going on, Alistair picks up a phone and dials a number he has on it, things are lot more serious than he had expected that they would be, he speaks as soon as the phone is answered, his mannerisms unusually serious. "Hey Mort, I've got some news for you that you're not going to like."

Mort lets out a sigh. "You didn't hit Jovina did you?"

Alistair gets right to the point. "There are True Bloods in the city."

"What makes you think that?"

Alistair looks around him, the neighbourhood quiet with hardly any trouble ever happening in it. "A child disappeared into thin air in front of his family. There's no one better at disappearing acts than True Bloods when they have one of their many models of cloaking devices equipped to them."

"What would the True Bloods want with a child?"

"He wasn't a random target, for whatever reason they're after Dmitri."

"How is a child connected to Dmitri? And why would the True Bloods want him?"

"Magellan was captured by them, he probably gave them all kinds of information that they're working with."

"Magellan wouldn't do that."

"He wouldn't have been able to help it, we can't lie to superior officers when we're asked a question, it's something written into our genetic code." He stops walking coming to a sudden stop when he once again spots Zero. "Anyway... I think that they might be coming after me and the other Super Soldiers as well."

"What makes you think that?"

"The fact that I'm seeing dead people makes me think that."

Mort remains silent. He thinks over what Alistair has said for a moment before questioning what it was he has just heard. "... what...?"

"I'll deal with the problem, my assignment has been changed from finding Raven Wolf's leader to finding and disposing of them."

_ _

"You said that you think that they're after you! Why would you go straight towards them!?"

"Because I have to get Brat back, or... Bart... Bert... whatever that kid's name was." He sighs shaking his head. "Just watch yourself alright? True Bloods are able to get their hands on targets stronger than them because they find and go after things that make their targets weak. If they find out I've got a thing for you and manage to catch you I'll be screwed."

"Fine, I'll be sure to keep an eye ou--- damn it Quincy! Just when I think that I might just for once have a somewhat professional conversation with you!"

"I'm not kidding, there're all kinds of rumours around the military about us."

"That you started!"

"It's practically common knowledge now."


"Love you too. Anyway, I've got to get back to work now, kiss-kiss, hug-hug."

"Stop it."

Alistair hangs up the phone, there is indeed one thing that Mort has brought up that he is without a doubt curious to know as well. "Why would the True Bloods be after Dmitri?" He comes to a stop at a stone wall where you could get a perfect view of the house the child had been taken from. "I bet that whatever it is the True Bloods know Chase found out, and that's why Dmitri tried to kill him."

He spots something, Alistair kneels down to get a better look picking up a toothpick that is lying on the ground and looking it over, one of its ends have been chewed on.

A child's laughter fills the air, Alistair glances to the side to find Zero kneeling down beside him, also staring at the toothpick that Alistair holds. "You know the soldier that belongs to don't you? I don't think he's someone that you will ever forget."

Alistair is only a young child, a fearful look on his face as he looks around him, he in an unfamiliar area, the boy is now being lead through a filthy, cold, iron city, the man that leads him through it holds him tightly by the right arm as he drags the young coyote along with him.

_ _

The two come to a stop in front of a building, the man knocks on it three times, and a small hatch on it opens as a man inside the building peers out to see who it is, the man that Alistair is with mutters something lowly under his breath, the door opens soon after and allows him to enter.

_ _

Another man that is standing near the doorways turns to it when he sees it open, he's unable to see the man that had just entered, being invisible to others. "You used the cloak to come here? Sure this place is illegal but that doesn't mean you have to go that far to keep from being seen."

_ _

The man that Alistair is with presses at a control device that is on the left side of his chest, the area around them flickers for a moment as he shuts down the cloaking device allowing himself to be visible once more. "I want to keep from being seen at all costs when I've got this thing with me."

_ _

The man that had been waiting by the entrance kneels down to Alistair, having been cloaked along with the man that is with him. "What's this?" He grabs onto Alistair's ear reading over the number that is tattooed on the inside of this. "Don't tell me this is one of those Super Soldiers you keep talking about."

_ _

"Why do you think I want to keep him from being spotted? If anyone finds out I'm sneaking him out to use in dog fights I'll lose my job." He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a toothpick and puts it in his mouth and begins to chew it. "Should be worth it though, he'll win me a lot of money by breezing through a few fights. Heals pretty quickly too, so as long as he doesn't get any appendages mauled off any wounds he might get in a fight should be gone by the time the laboratories open for work the next day."

_ _

The man he is talking to looks up to him when he notices what he is substituting for a smoke. "What's the matter Levi? Too poor to grab a pack of smokes?"

_ _

"I had to go cold turkey when I joined the army, hard for a sniper to stay hidden if they smoke a pack while waiting for their target to come. It's kind of stuck with me since then."

_ _

The man he speaks to looks back to Alistair now beginning to inspect him. "I don't know about this, he looks too young to survive a fight." He grabs onto Alistair's hands looking them over. "He doesn't have any claws." He now grabs onto his muzzle, opening his mouth to get a look at his teeth. "Look at that, his teeth aren't even sharp, the Wilds are going to rip this kid to shreds, don't forget that most of them have had their fangs sharpened."

_ _

Levi doesn't look worried, he grabs hold of Alistair's arm and beginning to move him forward further into the building. "Have more faith in me, I know what I'm doing."

_ _

Alistair is lead into a large open room with a high ceiling, the room is filled with True Bloods who surround fences and cages that held two fighting dogs within them, the men that watched yelling, screaming and laughing as they watch the dogs try to kill one another.

_ _

Alistair is moved past this area, the fighting cages get bigger, they are no longer filled with fighting dogs but Wilds that had been pit against each other, the True Bloods that watched these fights laugh and yell at the combatants just as the ones that are watching the dogs fight.

_ _

Levi walks up to one of the bookkeepers. "When is mine up?"

_ _

The bookkeeper looks over to Alistair shaking his head. "Come back when he's a bigger, he's going to get torn to pieces if I put him in."

_ _

"I registered him, that means he's fighting."

_ _

"I'm trying to save you from having to pay your fee, I know you're eager to get back in after your last Wild got ripped apart but sending him in isn't going to make things better for you."

_ _

"Just show me which ring is mine, if he gets killed it'll be a small mess for you to clean up, he's not big enough to leave a big one. Then I'll come back with another dog next week."

_ _

The bookkeeper sighs as he points to one of the cage matches that is awaiting its opponent.

_ _

Alistair shudders as he looks up toward Levi, he is scared and frightened by everything that is happening around him. "I want to go back to the others, I've never even been outside the laboratory and I've never been away from my batch before and I don't like it, I'm scared and I want to go back."

_ _

The bookkeeper laughs at the reaction Alistair had gotten towards this place. "This kid is going to wet himself pretty soon, he's not mean enough to handle something like this."

_ _

Levi looks down to Alistair grabbing onto his wrist. "He'll get mean, they always get mean." He brings the young Super Soldier to the cage that awaits its opponent, throwing the boy inside and locking the entrance close behind him.

_ _

Alistair turns back to the door grabs onto it and pulls against it to try and open it, Levi shakes his head as he crosses his arms and gives the coyote his orders. "Turn around and face your opponent."

_ _

Alistair stops trying to pull the door of the cage open, turning around and facing the Wild that is in the cage with him, a boy bigger than him, and looking to be several years older. The wild bares his sharp teeth and lets out a threatening snarl.

_ _

Levi nods his head, glad to see that the young Super Soldier has listened to him. "Good" He takes the toothpick he has been chewing on flicking it at Alistair's head. "Now kill him."

Alistair flicks the toothpick from his hand before getting to his feet and looking around him. "Levi..."


Yula finds himself surrounded by wilds on all sides, they are all watching a fight that is taking places in the center of the crowds, Yula looks past them to the two people that were fighting, to find Shiya and Hasson staring the other down as their wait for the trails to begin.

Yula stares ahead of him, he knows that Shiya is in the city right now, so this has to be a vision, the black wolf is not really sure what it is of or what the significance to it might be.

His thoughts are interrupted when he hears a familiar voice. "Are these the trials Shiya had to go through to become chieftain?"

Yula turns towards the voice with a smile, spotting Teddy among the crowds that are watching. "Teddy!" He runs over to him. "Did you accept the source like you were supposed to?" He stops short when he sees Teddy's eyes, they now a dark yellow instead of their usual brown.

Teddy looks over to Yula. "Yeah I did that..." He sighs to himself. "So now what do you want to tell me to do?" He holds his hand out to the fight that is about to take place. "And what does it have to do with all of this?"

Yula grins up at him, happy to see that Teddy is still alive. "I have no idea!"

Teddy frowns at him. "Well... it might be a good idea for us to try and find out..."

Yula nods his head. "Yeah! I should!!" He looks around him, placing his hand on his chin and humming to himself, there really does not look to be anything that should be catching their interest happening yet.

He looks back to Teddy curiously. "So, how are you doing? Since you became the lightning source things must be better for you now. You beat up the guys that caught you and escaped by now right?"

Teddy sighs at the question. "Well... no, not exactly, I've been kidnapped again. Honestly I don't know why this is becoming so common place for me, it's really getting frustrating."

Yula seems confused. "What? But... how...? You should be powerful like Shiya now!"

"Well I'm not. I may have the source trapped inside me now, but I have no idea of how to use it like Shiya can."

The battle begins as Hasson lets out a loud battle cry while rushing forward and attacking Shiya, Teddy and Yula look back to see Shiya quickly dash out of the way to avoid being hit. "I didn't know that Shiya had to fight Hasson in his trials. That must make Hasson really old!"

Teddy sighs as he looks from the two fighting wolves and back to Yula. "You're really old."

Shiya jerks to a quick stop as Hasson swings his blade down in front of him, Shiya changes direction and runs on all fours towards Hasson, quickly dashing under his legs and moving behind him, Shiya lifts his hand up as the air between them ripples and a cold blast of air blows the large wolf into the air and away from him.

Teddy watches Hasson hit the ground. "No wonder Shiya was able to win these trials."

Yula watches Hasson get to his feet as he moves to attack Shiya again, Yula turns from them and looks back to Teddy, they already knew that Shiya won and that Shiya has the ability to control cold and ice, so why would the spirits want to show them this. "I don't get it! We know all this already! What's so special about this fight?"

Several walls of ice rise from the ground as Shiya uses them to stop Hasson's next advance, Shiya has to raise wall after all to keep Hasson from moving around them to try and reach him. Hasson eventually finds himself surrounded in a room made of ice.

Shiya gives a triumphant laugh, Hasson though still does not give up, he looks the wall over for a moment and then backs away from it, turning his shoulder to the wall of ice and running forward, hitting the wall with the side of his body and cracks run through the ice from the blow, Hasson backs up and prepares to do it again, breaking through the wall of ice on his second attempt, Shiya quickly scrambles out of the way as Hasson makes a grab for him once he is on the other side.

Teddy and Yula watch Shiya as he quickly runs past them on all fours, Hasson chases after him, Yula looks towards Teddy once the two of them pass by. "Were your fights in the trials anything like this?"

Shiya yells out in panic as he makes his way around the ring.

Teddy shakes his head no. "Not even close...

A voice calls out from the crowds as someone begins yelling at Shiya, holding an accent in his voice. "What did I tell you before coming here!? Don't flaunt your skills, don't under estimate you opponent and above all don't turn you damn back to your enemy!"

Yula looks over to the swift fox that had called out to Shiya. "Who's that guy?"

Teddy stares in the direction that Yula is looking at, spotting the fox that is now giving an aggravated groan as he watches Shiya run from his opponent. "Oh the way your mind works when it's in a panic is frustrating."

Teddy shakes his head not recognizing him. "I don't know, but he sounds like a jerk."

"I heard that."

Yula and Teddy both turn around to find the fox that had just been yelling standing behind them. He dresses in casual domestic clothes instead of the clothes of wilds the other version of him is wearing.

Yula is surprised. "You can see us? That must mean that you're not part of the vision of the past."

Aither shakes his head no. "I'm afraid that you two are the only ones that are out of place here. I can't say that something like this has happened before but I do know that I don't take kindly to people just waltzing about in my memories!!" He bares his teeth raising his arms to either side of him, the air around him begins to move around him.

Yula stares at him. "Hey Teddy look at that! I think he's one of the sources!!"

Teddy grabs onto Yula pushing him out of the way and to the ground as powerful gust of wind rips through the area that Yula has been standing in, the wind cuts through the grass and digs through the ground.

Yula stares at the spot he had once been standing in, a horrified look on his face. He quickly looks over to Teddy who is already yanking him back to his feet and dragging him along with him to try and gain distance between the fox that had attacked them, they makes their way through the crowds as they try to lose him.

Yula worriedly looks around him, the crowds of wilds mask not only them from their enemy but their enemy from them. "You don't think that if we die in a dream we die in real life to do you?"

Teddy frowns having absolutely no idea. "I don't know!" He looks around him. "But we have to try and convince that guy not to attack us! The spirits sent you to me and him as a messenger for a reason didn't they?"

Yula looks frightened, not wanting to talk to that guy and just wanting to get out of here. "Yeah but I don't want to talk to him!! I want to run away from him! As far as possible!"

Teddy spots the fox approaching them, grabbing onto Yula's arm and pulling him with him as he tries to keep their distance from him, talks to Yula while he runs trying to get Yula to focus. "Think Yula, why would the spirits want both me and him here, in this specific memory of his?"

The two run out of the crowds of Wilds and into the village the trials are taking place near. "I don't know! All I saw him do was yell at Shiya!" He gasps, planting his feet into the ground and forcing both him and Teddy to stop. "He yelled at Shiya for not listening to him! For using his powers in the trials when he had taught him not to."

He turns around to face the fox that is rapidly approaching them. "Hey! I know why we're here!"

Teddy quickly grabs onto Yula pulling him back out of the way when Aither throws another attack at him, Yula continues to call over to Aither. "Teddy can't use his powers! He needs you to teach him just like you taught Shiya how to!"

Aither stops himself from attacking the two of them again, he stares at them for a moment before finally realizing what it is Teddy happens to be. "Lightning?"

He takes a step back as he looks around him, beginning to piece together what is happening, he looks back to Yula as he speaks to him. "White eyes... the oracle... you're Shiya's boy aren't you?"

Yula nods his head yes, and Aither once again looks around him. "So this place we're in isn't exactly mine... it's a vision your having."

Yula confirms this information. "A vision from your past."

Aither looks past Yula towards Teddy. "You must be trapped by the True Bloods then. They're the ones that do this sort of thing you know, go about trapping sources in mortal forms like this."

Teddy nods his head. "Yeah that's right."

Aither lets out a tired sigh. "I myself have found myself under not much better circumstances I'm afraid. I've been rounded up by the Domestics sorry to say, waiting around until they finally point me out and lock me away for good."

He looks over to Yula. "I suppose that's why the spirits felt the need to have the two of us contact one another through you, they don't see the possibility of us meeting one another in person, though I can't say I'm surprised considering the situation the two of us find ourselves in."

Teddy crosses his arms. "What if I don't want to learn how?"

Yula stands in front of Teddy as he speaks to Aither. "He's just being hypothetical. He for sure wants to know all about how to be as strong as Shiya!" He looks back to Teddy with a glare. "So that he can escape and return home, back to Iuana."

Teddy looks over to Yula. "I'm not saying I don't want to escape and get back to Iuana. I just don't know what a good idea it would be, I mean look at Shiya, he's hunted down by everyone because of what he can do."

Aither shakes his head no. "Shiya is not hunted because of what it is that he can do, he is hunted because of what he is. The sad truth of the matter is that you either control your abilities as a Source, or the Source will control you, and nothing good ever comes from an angry vengeful source that has been trapped in a feeble sack of meat."

Teddy nods his head. "Alright, I guess I don't have anything better to do with my time since I'm locked up in a room all day."

Yula turns back to Teddy. "I played games to pass the time when I was locked up in a room all day for over three hundred years."

"And I don't know how you could not have possibly gone crazy in all that time."