The Darkfang Curse

Story by Joshua Darkfang on SoFurry

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#2 of Vilrin Darkfang

This is the lore of the curse that afflicts Vilrin Darkfang, the last Darkfang.

Many generations ago, time itself was on the verge of being torn apart. The cause was from a small, unique, and evil species of dragons known as Temporal Dragons. These dragons had the ability to warp and distort the normal flow of time for brief periods. During their manipulation, they could alter the past, present, and future simultaneously. The temporal dragons' only desire was to further their own greed and desire for power. So much so that they discovered that by consuming the flesh of their kin, they could strengthen their own abilities, allowing them greater magic. For the most part they were unchallenged as any time someone tried to attack them, they could alter time and set traps before they could arrive, retreat from the danger, dodge the actual physical blows, or simply use their inherent dragon prowess to squash the would be dragon slayers.

That all changed when a wolf clan known as the Darkfangs became involved. They were a small warrior clan that lived isolated from most of the world. That was until a temporal dragon decided to try to claim their village for his own personal hot tub, the Darkfangs' village being built next to a huge natural hot spring. The dragon was strong and well versed in his time manipulation skills, but the Darkfangs' were unique from anyone the temporal dragons had encountered before. Through vigorous training and meditation, they had managed to merge their fighting discipline and tactics with their wild feral mind. This allowed them to act and react without having to process what was happening. Wild feral wolves that fought with precision tactics in a flash. The dragon could not counter what could not be foreseen as their fighting styles and reactions would change just as fast as they were seen. The dragon was quickly overwhelmed, like a worm being dropped into a nest of birds.

News of the Darkfangs victory spread rapidly. Furs from all over began pleading for their help in reclaiming what had been lost and protecting what they were sure would fall. It took some time, but eventually the clan agreed and dispersed across the land. The Darkfangs quickly spread out and slowly began hunting and destroying the temporal dragons.

As word spread of this menace to the temporal dragons, an elder temporal known as Kravex, grew infuriated and terrified of this new threat. Unwilling to risk being slain himself, he set out to devour as many of his kin as he could find. This caused wide spread panic to disperse to the remaining temporal dragons. On one front they had the seemingly unstoppable Darkfangs, on the other was Kravex that was killing and growing stronger every day. The dragons in their fear fled and hid, leaving behind all their lands, treasures, and slaves they had acquired. The Darkfangs and Kravex continued their hunts, but were greatly slowed by the hiding of the remaining temporals.

Years passed and slowly the world began to return back to normal. The Darkfangs' prestige dwindled as furs began to believe all the temporals dead. As the need for their help faded, so did the assistance they received in their hunts. After a few decades the Darkfangs' had returned to their secluded village.

Kravex had descended into shadow and memory of him faded with the rest, whether from the natural passage of time or from his manipulation was never known. However, his existence was made all too real on one bloodletting day in the far out village of the previous glorified dragon slayers.

Kravex spent more than forty years studying one day in the future of the Darkfang village. Day after day he would analyze every member of the clan, every action they may take, every reaction they could have, until he had memorized their every possible movement like a choreographed dance, then he would begin to study another. The dragon's every moment was spent plotting his revenge on the Darkfangs that had ruined his chance at an unopposed empire. Then the day finally came. Kravex descended on the village at the height of the day where the sun would mask his approach as he dropped on them. He slammed into the middle of the small village and began executing his perfectly planned dance of death with the now helpless Darkfangs.

The assault was brutal, precise, and fast as a lightning strike. Within forty-five minutes of Kravex's touchdown, the last remaining Darkfang in the village let out a whine of death as he was torn in two by the dragon's razor sharp talons. Even with all his careful planning, Kravex had still received several substantial wounds during the conflict. As he let out a roar of defiance and victory at his fallen foes, he was nearly knocked off his feet when an arrow plunged deep into his left eye. He yowled out in pain and rage as he stumbled back, gripping his eye. Another three hard impacts to his neck and chest caused him to roll onto his back as more arrows slammed into him. Kravex quickly regained his footing and looked back with his only eye to see the forms of three wolves standing atop the rubble of what used to be the village center.

"How could this be?!" Kravex yelled at the three. In all his studying he had never seen them there. Once the final Darkfang was torn in two, the victory was won. How had he not seen this outcome? He quickly began to try to revert time but was pressed by the three and his focus failed. He tried to flee but was snared by a trap that locked his right back foot that had been set decades before.

"Every outcome cannot be seen!" The voice of a female wolf yelled at Kravex as she launched another arrow at one of his open wounds. He barely managed to deflect it with his tail, only to have his back foot claw staked into the ground by another wolf to his left. He roared out his panic and fear as his tail swung wildly and sent the wolf flying that had impaled his foot.

Kravex yanked his foot free of the spear that had planted his foot into the earth, ripping his claw open from the middle to tip. Blood sprayed as the dragon spun and snapped his powerful jaws at the third approaching wolf, who barely managed to dodge the razor sharp teeth. "This cannot be!!!" Kravex roared louder, causing the very earth to tremble from the force of his voice.

"But it can..." The male figure that had nearly been bitten replied coldly as he aimed his katana level at the dragon.

"And it is..." Added the female wolf with the bow as she approached from the right of the dragon.

"And you'll die here..." The third wolf added as he clambered up onto a nearby pile of rubble, limping slightly but readying himself for another attack as he gripped another long spear.

Kravex was now surrounded by the last three Darkfangs alive. He was so close to his victory, so close to annihilating them all! This could not be how it ended. He had planned to long, worked too hard, sacrificed so much!

Kravex's mind boiled with a white hot fury that shot into the rest of his body causing his tail to shoot out at the spear wielding wolf. He evaded the attack by leaping into the air, but the maneuverability of a dragon's tail is a frightening thing. Like serpent with a mind of its own, the dragon's tail curled and shot straight up and into the chest of the evading wolf. Blood shot from his muzzle as he was impaled on the massive tail.

In the same span of time that the dragon had launched the attack with his tail, he lunged and swiped his claw at the female wolf. She managed to see the slash coming and jump back in time to avoid it, but then found herself standing where she had been only a moment before. "Impossible..." She muttered before the claw came down on her and razed her flesh as she was smashed to the ground in a grotesque crunch.

The only remaining Darkfang gritted his teeth as he watched his only to clansmen be slain in a flash before his eyes. He gripped his katana hard enough to hear the wood in the handle crack. Somehow the dragon had pulled the female backwards in time to keep her from dodging. It had to be. She would have never stood there and not reacted in time to an attack that slow and predictable. "This dragon..." the wolf thought, "he must be the grand elder we've heard about..."

Kravex glared at the lone wolf and snatched his foot free of the clamp on his right foot, ripping hide from bone, but too angry and full of wrath to care. "You Darkfangs..." Kravex snarled as he lumbered at the wolf, leaving a crimson trail as red as the dragon's scales as he approached. "You have killed so many of my kind. We all but extinct. Because of YOU! A bunch of mangy, flee infested, mongrels! We are dragons! We are TEMPORAL dragons! Owners and rulers of this world and time itself, and you, small hairy vermin, dare stand in our way?!" Kravex then began to laugh, seemingly going mad from either the rage or pain. "Hahahah! Now it is YOU who will go extinct! I have slain every one of your clansmen, but you know I haven't tasted a one. I'd hate to let the last one disappear without having ever tasted a Darkfang!" Kravex lunged at the wolf, snapping his powerful jaws at him.

The wolf having been given to long to think had devised a plan. As Kravex came at him the wolf did the one thing that he knew the dragon would never expect, he dove into the dragon's open maw. The wolf landed kneeling on the dragon's tongue and thrust his sword into the roof of the massive mouth he was now inside of. Kravex roared in pain as he felt the blade penetrate his mouth. "You sdab me, my mouth clotheths and you die."

"I will gladly give my life... to avenge those fallen today." The wolf growled back at the dragon loudly.

For what felt like an eternity neither moved or made a sound. Finally, Kravex began to chuckle in his throat, the hot air making the wolf nauseous. "No... death ith to kind..." The wolf's ears tilted in his confusion as he heard the dragon begin to chant. "Go... rah... teh... no bo kel..."

The wolf knowing that the dragon was trying to use his temporal magic resolved himself to death and plunged the blade into the skull of the dragon. Blood sprayed all over the wolf as he held the dragon's maw open, the weight slowly beginning to crush down on him. He was ready for death, what he wasn't ready for was to hear the chanting continuing.

"Phle... soh... kles... doo... ken... glenith!"

Blue-white light blinded the wolf as he felt his body grow heavy and warm. The feeling continued to intensify until he was in agony. The pain then subsided and the wolf felt himself laying on his back. When he opened his eyes he saw a translucent form of Kravex hovering above him, like a spirit.

"Hah hah hah." Kravex laughed in a hollow roll, sounding far off and at the end of a tunnel. "You hated me and my kind so... now... we are forever a part of you."

"What... what does that mean?!" The wolf growled and tried to sit up but was immediately flooded with vertigo and fell back flat.

"It means... Darkfang... that I have placed on you my essence. My soul mark. My curse." The ghostly visage looked down at the wolf, even the ghost's left eye was a hollow space from where it was taken by the female earlier. "My eye... it shall be the sign of my curse on your damned bloodline." The wolf felt his left eye begin to ache, feeling like it was suddenly rotting from the inside out. The pain spread from the core of his eye to the outer lens before finally beginning to fade and then went back too normal. "That blade..." Kravex continued. "That blade you used to kill me. It shall be your only salvation from being consumed by me." After that the image of the dragon began to fade into the air.

"Wait! What the hell did you do to me?!" The wolf snarled and yelled, but the air was now clear and he was laying alone in his destroyed village. His head slowly looked to his right and he saw his katana lying beside him, however the once pristine steel blade, had now become a deep crimson, a crimson, the wolf immediately put together, the same color as the dragon he had slain. A dizziness washed over the physically and emotionally drained wolf and he blacked out.

This is the story of how the Darkfangs became cursed by a powerful dragon. Over the course of several lifetimes, many things have come to be further understood about the curse and how it affects the bloodline tied to it.

Every direct descendent of a Darkfang is born with a black left eye. The crimson katana is held by the oldest member of the family. Whoever is currently the wielder of the katana must not lose, or in any way discard it from their person. Once the blade leaves the wielder's possession, the dragonic curse begins to grow. Signs of the curse include elongated tail, sharper and harder claws and fangs, reddening skin and toughening skin, fur growing coarse and flame resistant, scales appearing around the body, and a few other physiological changes that have not been recorded. These are the current ailments plaguing the bloodline. There has been no further development in the curse in the past three generations. The sword can only be passed to the next generation upon death of the previous possessor. At the time of death the blade disappears and will reform with the next to carry it on. Every generation is effected by the curse's physical changes upon reaching puberty and will grow in the curse more if the current wielder is without the blade.

It is postulated that if the blade were to be lost or discarded completely that the Darkfangs would slowly change fully into the form of the temporal dragon that cursed them so many generations ago, turning them into what they hated most. Along with the physical side effects of the curse, the curse also has given the Darkfangs longer life, approximately aging only one third the normal rate. Greater endurance, allowing them to function for long periods of time with little to no food or sleep. As well as higher pain tolerance and greater than normal strength. It is thought the reason for these is to ensure the longevity and fuller torment of the curse to each generation, making it harder for them to die to escape.

There have also been some other unusual side effects from the curse, but these details have been withheld by the Darkfangs and will only be shared by those deemed trustworthy and in a position to ask.