Fuzzy Feelings Chapter 2 : Knowing From the Heart
And scattered around it was makeup containers, they were specially made for anthro women who had fur, a soften blend of powder and special non toxic material that blended nicely with their fur, and with the special material made it so it could stick well,
The Shadow Scythe.
According to this one, a special city must be created for digimons and their human partners. the result: vazine city, a place specially designed for (^killing ã²\_ã³^) digimons. by the 2051 the vazine was ready.
These hardened men are conditioned through specialized training involving various forms of torture, even their prime participating in these exercises.
Vor-tual Reality
Before he could marvel over the gift, a large text box appeared, with several options at his disposal: "fight" / "special" / "item" / "flee".
Night Sky
A smirk slowly creeps across my face as i realize that this night, reminds me of a special night. one that had the same exsact kind of stars, with the same gleam and twinkle.
A Vulpesaur's Nap - medium poem
Thumbnail art by: rikki-kip (fa) written by: fane star a special time in a special place a vulpesaur sleeps. a crested dinosaur mixed with fox, is rested beneath his food. a large patch of green in the backyard garden.
StarFox Universe [R]aid: 01 Nothing is Routine Anymore
Who was receiving special attention? of course it was fox. who sucks up to all the teachers? fox. who was it that used a special fighter jet for practice? fox, just to look good.
S2 Ep1 The Future
The last thing to be mentioned is this, there are special beast fighting areas that have been established across the 9 kingdoms across the planet.
DoC-Ep5-The Awakening-
He uses a special ice sword and the ice element to fight with. the three had then fought some before heading back to the real world confused on what just happened but not noticing that they all have new necklaces around their necks.
Say i got it all for free everything i do, turns into a leafy golden tree the waters part for me, even in a turbulent sea i have it all you see, luck just seems to follow me my kids are healthy, happy and totally free my wife - caring, special
Pony Poets (first of series)
Pony poets two special ponies will soon be three, the newest entry on the family tree, with gangly legs, and pointed ears, we will watch attentively, as you grow in years.
From the Desk of Ms. Bellington 4: Premiere Night
Not because it was made from a world-famous designer but it was the added on costs making a special suit that is made for someone with wings and a tail.