With Royalty.

#1 of alternate sonic the hedgehog universe _project renegade. _ classified level _blue_, the code meant for the doctor's eyes only. not even snively knew of its existence.

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Black Petals: Chapter 4 ~ The Training Begins...

Robotnik's mechanical menace, metal sonic, came to mind. "...oh." shadow continued, "you need to work on your strength and power so you will be better equipped to defend yourself in any and all situations. understood?"

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Back To Sauria

Fang suddenly vanished in the blink of an eye and as tamati turned around he found himself blocking another attack that produced a sonic boom but luckily the window and room was strong enough to withstand the force, the kids continued to stare in amazement

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Axolotl Eternity

#1 of axolotl eternity (i couldn't find a perfect title, so here is one named after a sonic cd soundtrack, but with cosmic replaced.)

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.7 - The Atlantean

Murata slitted his eyes through the sonic haze. "you're not getting away, not this time kaneyama." "uuuugh shuuut up!"

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#12: NITRO interviews BANJO and KAZOOIE

sonic: what was your least favorite level in the games? banjo: err...that's a tough one. hmm. i'd have to go with clanker's cavern in the first game. as a bear, i was totally out of my element of the outdoors, and it was nasty.

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Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 2 ~ Tragedy

I can't stop crying as I write this, although I picked a hell of a time to do so. The military attacked us today. I'm not sure why, but I know it has something to do with me. Maria thought we should rescue the researchers that were wounded and help...

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Endless Struggle 3: Waywarde Encounters

Only sonic is supposed to be able to use the power of the ring. sonic's uncle chuck, created them to be specifically tied into his dna. so how could his sister harness the power, maybe hakuzo could do it the same.

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Out of Time, Out of Space Chapter 2

I use my sonic screwdriver, scan the dome and the filters, then look at the readings and tilt my head a bit. "now that's weird. the vents lead into the garden.

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The Journal of Krystal

Dragon ranger" "return of the dragon hero" "the three dragons" stories by spamzzkrr: "krr" "krrs" "kma" "cnr" characters used in these series: fox mcloud, falco, slippy(wherever he was), peppy, krystal, sally, wolf, leon, panther, pigma, fang, sonic

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Special Delivery

Sally and sonic were impressed to see him handling things so well before deciding to take over and give him a break.

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