Not Gay Ch.1
Jars of who-knows-what just sitting on tables. charts and diagrams of all sorts stuck to the walls behind the skeletons. what kind of weirdo fills his room with all this stuff? "come on in, come on in! sit wherever you'd like!"
The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 15: a Cauldron of Fire
With the help of eros i get into a sitting position which is painful with my sore back. with my right hand i take the wooden bowl from charmaine and bring it to my lips.
Tales of Lacra: Chapter 1 Coming of Age
She asked as she turned a nob, the fire below the pot shrinking, decreasing the heat so she could walk over to sit with her son.
Sonadow: Part 3
"please, sit down" sonic says. shadow sits on the couch and sonic walks to the kitchen to check on the food. shadow looks around his living room. there were pictures of sonic and tails on his walls. shadow smells the food.
My God Is A Fox
I sit at a table by the window and watch the passersby as i sip my drink. you'd love it here. i love you, fox.
The Kitty (NOT by Edgar Allan Poe)
First you make me clean the floor then rip my chair so neatly sewn, and sit there still as marble stone and speak to me with words your own and make me sit upon this floor! we should be putting on a show; a talking cat, who'd ever know?
The Lead Crown: Ch 9.2b, Shock and Awe
It took a few moments before the raccoon dog recognized the simian monk seated across from him. "friar juun?" the monkey nodded. "it is good to see you again, friar arlowe.
The Big Encounter (Chapter 3)
_\*i follow you closely, observing the house as i go\*_ "alright, you two sit at the table while i get the pancakes!" he says. i sit in a chair at the dining table, "what do you think of the place?" "it's a nice place."
The Wedding of Hikari and Zach
I hate when one person's family sits on one side and the other family sits on the other. even our friends are getting along, not all that surprising really. i look at my watch and see it's almost time for the main event.
A Fine Start
Darrek just pets his tail and whines a little, the wolf sits quietly looking out the window with drops of blood running down his muzzle. joel sighs and they drive off.
I sit and watch and wonder. humans then are an interesting breed, i watch and hope and bleed. there is goodness and light and love. even if one such as me has never known.
untitled story series
Their father told them as he came into the room and sitting next to their mother. "um sure dad i'm sure we have something funny in here."